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But you didnt discover a place that was already inhabited by a peaceful group of people. Columbus and St. Croix It not only invalidates the legitimacy of the natives people claim to their land but also projects the notion that the natives arent people at all. He completely miscalculated the distance between Europe and Japan however, estimating it to be around 2,000 nautical miles when the real distance is closer to 11,000. Despite not finding any of the places that his favorite books described (places in China, India and Japan), he convinced himself that they were just around the corner. And #5 gets worse. Columbus may have recorded that he "found" America, but he was a. mass murderer. Until the mid-1700s, Christopher Columbus was not widely known among most Americans. Some schools, cities, and institutions, such as the. When I got to high school and learned the truth about Columbus I felt betrayed. Columbus couldn't be killed without angering the Italian court, so Queen Isabella sent him on a mission, hoping he wouldn't return. To realize this dream, they split up. by sailing west. And maybe only one reason to celebrate. Why NOT to celebrate Columbus Day | Ancient Origins That's my nephew, Trinidad, reveling in the joys of Caribbean sailing somewhere between St. Croix and Buck Island aboard Teroro II. Since August, eight cities have replaced Columbus Day with Indigenous Peoples' Day, including several in just the last week. matter in the end. So partly, out of spite, here are a few reasons why Columbus Day shouldnt be celebrated. He sailed to Iceland and Ireland in 1477, and to Madeira in 1478. . In a letter that has been preserved among his personal historical records, Columbus wrote that God inspired him to make a deal with his Spanish crew and stake his life on it. (Not that the West solely had these ideas, but it put them in a package that wasnt generally available elsewhere.). Why Columbus Day Continues to Be Celebrated in Parts of the U.S. However, because Columbus brought disasters to the Native Americans, many people opposed the Columbus celebrations. As a citizen, you need to be able to critically engage and reflect in a discourse around the public celebration and honoring of historical events and figures. As known by many, Columbus Day commemorates the discovery of the New World by none other than Christopher Columbus himself. It was President Franklin Delano Roosevelt that designated the second Monday of October (Columbus Day) as a national holiday in 1971. Why We Shouldn't Celebrate Columbus Day - ATTN: I remember learning about Columbus as a young child and I was in awe learning about the explorer. Areas within Texas and California began celebrating Indigenous Peoples Day as a means of pointing the spotlight on the natives, rather than Columbus himself. -- Celebrate the spirit of exploration. However, a circumspect understanding of history offers numerous reasons why Columbus should not only be celebrated, but . Lets look at Columbus himself, to see if he meets the definition. Its just that Columbus was the brave one to stake his claim to a land that did not belong to him. hen, on his fourth, final voyage, he landed at present-day Panama. Why are we celebrating him? This is the Monster Celebrated on Columbus Day, The American Holocaust: Columbus and the Conquest of the New World, Multicultural View of Christopher Columbus Story, The Rise of Sexual Assault in the Military. . After Columbus established the first Spanish colony at La Isabela, on the north coast of Hispaniola (modern-day Dominican Republic), relations between the Spanish and the indigenous population quickly deteriorated. A growing number of cities are no longer celebrating Columbus Day, swapping it for "Indigenous Peoples' Day.". How many countries award holidays to non-natives? Here are five reasons we should still celebrate Columbus Day. The act moved Veterans Day, Memorial Day, Labor Day and the new Columbus Day holiday to Mondays. This new day was first adopted in Berkeley, California in 1992. 5 Things to Know About Indigenous Peoples' Day and Columbus Day Why Should We Celebrate Columbus Day Essay - 1065 Words | Cram America is celebrating. Colorado did so on April 1, 1907. Columbus Day's Meaning For Italian Americans : NPR It is claimed by these people that the enjoyment and simplicity of Columbus day is almost a mask or distraction to divert the people from the many indigenous lives lost after the discovery of the New World. Thankfully, Columbus Day has morphed into Indigenous Peoples Day. I think history teachers have a responsibility to prepare students to comment critically and participate critically in the discourse about who we are honoring, who we are celebrating, and how we are doing it. Here are five reasons we should still celebrate Columbus Day. Why should we celebrate a man who promoted and distributed so much violence when we can celebrate and honor the history of Indigenous people? The City Council recently voted to get rid of Columbus Day and replace it with Indigenous Peoples Day, commemorating indigenous, aboriginal and native people.. His contract with the monarchs, called The Capitulations. Why does learning about what Columbus did to Native Americans still matter today? In fact, the result of Columbuss voyages was mass, Columbus didnt do too well as a governor of these new lands. So why Columbus Day? He would cut off the hands of people living in what now is Haiti for not bringing him enough gold every three months. Columbus did not discover America, but his voyages began the Columbian exchange, a turning point in world history involving the massive transfers of human populations, cultures, ideas, animals, plants, and diseases. Christopher Columbus may have been a daring adventurer but he is not someone we want our kids to think of as a hero or role model. Ahh, well, brothers will be brothers. Here are three reasons we shouldn't celebrate Columbus Day, as a country. In our opinion, this is something to celebrate, not the arrival of Christopher Columbus who led the way for these indigenous populations to have their culture decimated and their population murdered, displaced or forced into slavery. There are many good reasons as to why Columbus Day is such a controversial holiday. By REAGAN ESCUD SCOTT / Monday, October 10, 2022. History, in fact, is the story of conquest. Like most Americans, I learned in 1492 Columbus sailed the ocean blue. Ingrained in my mind are the names of his ships: The Nina, The Pinta and the Santa Maria. But as I grew older, it became clear that history is murky. As part of this plan, Spaniards aimed to convert native peoples to Christianity. uknow@gse.harvard.edu By 1555, there were zero full-blooded natives left on the island. April Holloway is a Co-Owner, Editor and Writer of Ancient Origins. Thegoal of Ancient Origins is to highlight recent archaeological discoveries, peer-reviewed academic research and evidence, as well as offering alternative viewpoints and explanations of science, archaeology, mythology, religion and history around the globe. As a result, in 1934, President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed Columbus Day into law as a way to celebrate the hero who changed the world (Bragdon 12). More States Say Goodbye to Columbus Day | The Pew Charitable Trusts Had he have given up, the world would be drastically different today. Of course, Christopher Columbus was Italian, and his day . In fact, that might have been a good neighbor, whereas today That neighbor would find themselves in jail. -- Celebrate Italians (though there is some question as to whether Columbus would have considered himself an Italian -- he was long thought to have been born in Genoa, then an independent city-state in what is now Italy, though everyone from Greece to Portugal to Poland have claimed him as their own). It was still his idea to sail west, rather than east to hit the East Indies, right? Thousands of the Taino, or Indians as Columbus had referred to them, were shipped out to be traded internationally. The statue of Christopher Columbus remains encased in a wooden box on Marconi Plaza Aug. 12, 2020, as the sun sets on the day the Philadelphia Art Commission voted to remove it and store it while the city deliberates on a new permanent home for the controversial monument. I want to make sure we do justice to indigenous folks. According to a census taken by Columbus' men, in 1496 there were more than 1 million natives on the island of Haiti. In the early morning hours of the third day on October 12, the lookout . Why as a nation we should celebrate Columbus Day This kept them from planting crops, leading to widespread starvation. . And Im not one to turn down a national holiday for a day off work! Europe, Asia and Africa, of course, suffered through numerous plagues of their own.). After you read both, let us know what you think by posting a comment. A Blazing Weapon: Unraveling the Mystery of Greek Fire. For example, a neighbor taking a stick and beating your child as some kind of punishment might have been perfectly fine at one time. With fifty men we could subjugate them all and make them do whatever we want.. Well, the tough thing about labeling someone as good or bad is the definitions change with the times. Though it was disputed for many years, there is conclusive evidence that Neanderthals bred with modern humans (Homo sapiens). Its like me walking into your house (with my gang and all of us armed to the teeth) and saying, Wow, look what I found here, boys. Although Columbus Day remains a national holiday, given the criticism surrounding the day, some states and cities have opted to celebrate Indigenous Peoples' Day instead. Dating back around 200 years, the nonreligious had been adverse to this celebration. Why We Do Not Celebrate Columbus Day. For this nation's over 5 million American Indian, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian citizens, Columbus' voyages to the so-called New World inaugurated a long history of exploitation, enslavement, eradication, and erasure (and he himself initiated and sanctioned such actions). An angry mob decided to drag them. Don't know where to start? The Vikings sailed to, and colonized parts of Newfoundland, Canada, around AD 1000. Since then, it's spread across the. Was Christopher Columbus a Hero or Villain? - Biography It was first celebrated on October 12, 1792, when the New York Society of Tammany honored Columbus on the 300th anniversary of his first voyage. However, it was his brother, the cartographers idea to sail West. (Though it should be noted a large portion of the deaths of Native Americans was due to disease, not violence--an inevitable consequence of Old World illness in New World soil. This was due to the impression that Columbus was attempting to spread Catholic influence. And in general, we want to students to engage with controversy. All islands I would love to visit on a single trip. Pondering putting an end to Columbus Day, and a look at what could Stupid but hopeful. Curious, politically homeless, always hopeful. He finally ended up getting a sponsorship with the Spanish crown, and was off to explore the world. AtAncient Origins, we believe that one of the most important fields of knowledge we can pursue as human beings is our beginnings. Specifically, he is credited with being the first European explorer since the Vikings to explore the New World for Europeans. As these texts have become popular, and more history teachers have read them, more students have learned a more accurate account of Columbus from a younger age. 10 Reasons Why We Celebrate Columbus Day - TipTopTens.com Some of my students entered high school aware of the problematic nature of Columbus but their thinking is, Well, Columbus is not important to study, because he didnt do anything. We have to push back on that. Its important to learn about what Columbus did to Native Americans because not everyone knows the truth about him and his treatment of the Natives. Make sure your essay is plagiarism-free or hire a writer to get a unique paper crafted to your needs. Why You Can (And Should) Still Celebrate Columbus Day He cheekily claimed that he had spotted land a few hours before Triana and Pinzo, but that he hadnt said anything in case it was a false alarm. For the first time this year some calendars don't mention Columbus Day but says October 11 is Indigenous Peoples' Day. Unfortunately, many irksome doings lay deep under the surface. Upon arriving in the New World, one of the first observations Columbus made with regards to the indigenous people was the following: They do not bear arms, and do not know them, for I showed them a sword, they took it by the edge and cut themselves out of ignorance. With three boats, the Nina, Pinta, and Santa Maria, he set out in search of a better trade route to India. Why We Should Not Celebrate Columbus Day | ipl.org Poll shows most Americans want to celebrate Columbus Day. But as I grew older, it became clear that history is murky. And Erickson was certainly as European as Columbus (at least in todays geographical terminology.) The reason Columbus set sail on his epic journey in the first place was because he raped the 13-year-old daughter of a Spanish Duchess. Last updated by Patrick Bennett on 10/02/2021. And yet he is given an American holiday for discovering AmericaYeah Ill wait for that to make sense. On his third, he named Trinidad and landed in present-day Venezuela. However, his other two ships on his first voyage were the Santa Clara and the Gallega. About the author: Daniel Berenson contributes to Medium now and then in this case now with original and unique views on such things as squirrels, politics, fairy tales, history, and Spanish telenovelas. Columbus Day, which is celebrated on the second Monday of October each year, has become a controversial subject for many people.