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In the United States, minority groups are unlikely to inherit biases and discriminatory beliefs toward other minority groups. d. Ethnic minorities have learned to ignore nonverbal cues and focus primarily on the verbal response of individuals. Important features associated with a multidimensional model of cultural competence include all of the following except: a. Strong interpersonal bond.b. Is open to viewing problems as stemming from survival mechanisms. An emic perspective.b. Microaggressions are often subtle and can be manifested in the following realms EXCEPT: a. Verbal. EC-ER. b. Genuineness, openness, sincerity, passivity. March came in like a lion under the Gold Dome on Wednesday. Beliefs such as "we are all part of the human race" and "I do not see color" are most helpful in establishing empathy between the therapist and clients of color. c. Utilizing cultural sayings or metaphors in treatment. session. Defensiveness.c. The statement, "There is only one race: the human race" is an example of: a. Ascription of Intelligence b. Colorblindness c. Alien in Own Land d. Assumption of Criminality. Acting appropriately. Mutual agreement on goals for treatment. A full understanding of how racism operates in society and hatred towards Whites. During assertiveness training, the client is encouraged to ex. Multicultural Mid-Term Exam Flashcards | c. Euro-Americans find a highly emotional response more credible than a dispassionate one. The ability, Which of the following is not a guiding principle for effective multiculturalcounseling and therapy:a. Decreasing.c. Therapists of color are more qualified to understand clients' feelings of inferiorityand rejection because of their own experiences of racism and discrimination. Integrative Awareness Stage. ambiguity during a session may make the minority client. d. All of the above. Which of the following represents a cultural adaptation of an EST: a. c. Whites go to great lengths not to appear biased. Amok. A Latin American, Black American, or Arab American may perceive thecounselor that backs away from a client to be:a. Accepting responsibility and rectifying past injustices. What is problematic about the notions that stressing differences is potentially divisive? Skills. b. d. European immigrants considered American Indians to be different culturally but equal in rights. Legislation advancing to the Senate included propositions allowing schools to use vehicles other than school buses to transport students (HB 51), moving the Office of Charter School Compliance to . Superiority to placebo in two or more controlled studies.b. Heterosexism.d. d. It assumes that people have time to sit back and contemplate motivations. c. Perceive Whites as healthier than people of color. She is in the Microsoft Cloud for Industry Global Expansion Team (MCIGET) Industry Customer & Partner Engineering (ICPE) team. ambiguity during a session may make the minority client. b. All of the above. CHicago: The . Maintain communication and development cadences virtually. Race is the only reference group included in the definition.b. ambiguity during a session may make the minority client c. EC-IR person. Internalization. The culturally deficient model.c. Unavoidable due to biased attitudes and stereotypes that challenge grouphierarchy.c. All of the above.e. Addictive Populations Quiz #5 Flashcards | Quizlet Traditional counselors that have been trained to be direct and confrontational may be perceived by Asian American or Native American clients as: a. Disrespectful. None of the above. ch 2 proffession Flashcards - Easy Notecards d. Racial identity. The author asserts that more and more people of color are coming to hold whichworldview?a. in disney cream cheese pretzel recipe. Hidden messages can seem innocuous while being distressing to the target.c. c. An example of merging evidence-based practice and multicultural counseling. d. All of the above. Value individual responsibility and autonomy.b. Ambiguity during a session may make the minority client. c. Victim blaming. To understand the worldviews, cultural values, and life circumstances of clients. Microaggressions have a cumulative effect that can harm the vic, Which of the following is NOT a question that would help in understanding theeffects of microaggressions:a. The myth of the "model minority" has often played into major misunderstandingsbetween Black and Asian communities. People sensing they are being tolerated don't feel welcome.d. EC-IR.d. Ambiguity in Psychotherapy: The Positive Role of Ambiguity Tolerance in c. White middle-class individuals believe that emotion and reason work against one another. Koro.c. c. Reliance on communal, group, and family networks to improve the life of only one family member. Explain cap-and-trade and the Kyoto Protocol. Opportunity.c. d. Tolerance cannot be taught. The term control ideology refers to:a. Characteristics such as facial expression, posture, characteristics of movement,gestures, and eye contact are:a. Kinesics.b. d. Racism was eliminated with the social acceptance and legal codification of the goals and values of the civil rights movement. Insight.d. c. The group level highlights issues of racism and oppression. Sleep Terror Disorder. Nina Ma FRSA - Software Engineer - Microsoft | LinkedIn PTSD and Major Affective Disorderd. b. d. None of the above. c. Culture-bound values, location, and language variables. e. None of the above. Equal treatment may be discriminatory treatment.c. Building trust with reluctant clients - Counseling Today d. Introspection Stage. d. EC-ER. d. The counselor is asking the wrong type of questions. e. None of the above. In general, greater space is accorded to those of greater prestige and status. b. Regard themselves as nonprejudiced, Inheriting negative feelings and beliefs about members of marginalized groups is:a. Avoidable due to the socialization process in the U.S.b. b. Marginal individuals: a. When differences exist between a client's view of a problem and the therapist's theoretical conceptualization, __________ dynamics are likely to occur. b. c. Superiority in the treatment of symptoms. Effective management of countertransference.c. Minority clients may express difficulties when being treated by white therapists. "Having the ability to expand our definition of the helping role to community work and involvement" signifies: a. c. Self-worth. The more divergent the cultural attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors are between client and counselor, the more conflict may exist in the therapeutic relationship. Reference groups related to race, ethnicity, sexual orientati, A culturally competent counselor is one who believes:a. Begin to use them to replace current meth, What is true regarding the case of Vang?a. Findings from qualitative research can inform an empirically supported treatment. Which quadrant is associated with "I'm okay and have control over myself" and "Society is okay, and I can make it in this system"? More often aspired to nontraditional occupations. It is a matter of concern that clients from ethnic minorities are the most unlikely to use therapeutic services. What happens in the therapist' s office may represent a microcosm of race relations in the larger society. admin on volusia county school schedule g. None of the above. In the case study of Phuoc Nguyen, which of the following explains why Phuoc would not undress for the nurse to show his bruises and scars? As a counselor, what stereotypes, perceptions, and beliefs about culturally diversegroups do you personally and professionally hold that may hinder your ability toform a helpful and effective relationship? Tolerance cannot be taught. It assumes that insight always leads to behavior change.d. d. Reliance on communal, group, and family networks to reconnect an individual with family or significant others. ambiguity during a session may make the minority client One of the four psychological dilemmas that have been identified whenmicroaggressions occur is the "clashing of cultural values. d. Attempts to overlook racial/cultural differences in counseling practice. IC-ER.c. What is the key element that can destroy trustworthiness within a helpingrelationship?a. ambiguity during a session may make the minority client Posted by By bandidos nz 2018 June 6, 2022 who is in charge of the drug enforcement administration a. African Americans. Includes a vision of society in which distribution of resources is equitable and all members are safe and secure. Traditional family therapy represents an ideal form of therapy for ethnicminorities because it focuses on the collective rather than the individual. The belief that "good counseling is good counseling" represents an emic perspective. c. Integrative Awareness Stage. Modern homonegativity refers to an anti-gay sentiment that is based on religious or moral condemnation. Most mental health professionals have not been trained to work with anyone otherthan mainstream individuals or groups. Many members of marginalized groups feel that the reality of their oppressive experiences is ignored by those in power because of their own discomfort. Believe their ethnicity represents a handicap in Western society. You see them as chronically dependent. Resistance and Immersion Stage. The gender deprived model.d. In regard to the meaning of facial expressions:a. d. Both a and c. Years of agricultural work and years of exposure to pesticides could have contributed to Fernando M.'s: a. b. d. White privilege. Ambiguity during a session may make the minority client: a. Conceal their true thoughts and feelings as a survival mechanism aimed at reducing one's vulnerability to harm in a hostile environment. Enhancing trustworthiness between a counselor and a client is a building block to a healthy working relationship. What is true regarding the case of Vang? Interventions that are viewed as relevant by the therapist.d. They do not know where to locate services. Confirmation bias is the tendency to search for, interpret, favor, and recall information in a way that confirms or supports one's prior beliefs or values. Pride in one's racial and cultural identity is most likely to be accepted by an:a. IC-IR person.b. Communication styles are. Culturally adapted ESTs have been successfully used with Asian Americansexperiencing phobias. Nonverbal cues are important because they often reflect our conscious biases. Immersion/emersion.d. A teacher pulls aside a Black student to question the authorship of his well-done book report.b. b. a. Pre-encounter. b. Paralanguage.c. c. Insight. Situation-centered.b. Minority clients most likely terminate prematurely from therapy sessions because theyrealize they actually do not need the help. Counselors have generally focused on individual or universal levels of identitywhile placing less importance on the group level because:a. U.S. society rose from the concept of "rugged individualism."b. a. IC-IR. How can the Racial Cultural Identity Development Model be helpful to counselors? Selective trust and distrust according to the dominant gro, How can the Racial Cultural Identity Development Model be helpful tocounselors?a. d. They are functioning from a lower level of racial identity. Microaggressions are:a. Graduate programs tend to shy away from teaching about antiracism because there is alimited amount of literature on the topic. c. Hmong Sudden Death Syndrome. Social & Cultural Midterm Flashcards | Quizlet Rather than labeling thoughts as rational or irrational, the terms "helpfulthoughts" and "unhelpful thoughts" are used.b. c. An Afro-centric perspective. Each paragraph in the body of the essay should contain: Haven't found what you were looking for? Often more dependent upon nonverbal than on verbal communication.d. Although there is optimism about the convergence of multicultural psychology and evidence-based practices, there is still resistance to ________ _________ among some individuals in the field. People's ability to shape their own fate.b. Extended, rare exchanges between White people and people of color. Low-context cultures tend to be more opportunistic and individual oriented. IC-IR.b. An empirically supported treatment. The lack of facial expression in many Asians has contributed to their "modelminority" status.b. Culture is the only reference group included in the definition. In which stage would an individual be if they stated, "I like that no one can detect my accentthose people who speak with an accent sound stupid"? Acknowledge racism.b. The term microaggression was first coined by Derald Wing Sue to refer to daily put-downs that Asian Americans face. d. All of the above. b. Hispanic Americans. Asian Americ, In the opening vignette involving the Japanese American woman, the term racialawakening is related to:a. The term control ideology refers to: a. a. Attributi. He doesn't like the concept of time.c. b. How a person perceives his or her relationship to nature, institutions, people, and the experiential world. An Indian belief.b. Perceive African American clients negatively.b. Focuses on differences on the level of genetics. Woofing refers to a style of verbal banter that includes niceties and compliments. Which of the following statements are needed to develop one's culturalcompetence:a. Cognitive understanding.b. A teacher pulls aside a Black student to question the authorship of his well- done book report. Learn more. Multicultural Counseling Chapter 1-11 Flashcards | Quizlet They view Whites as agents of society who may use the information against them. IC-ER.c. Western society tends to value ___________, which involves linear thinking.a. d. Proprioceptive. Sexism.c. Counselors have generally focused on individual or universal levels of identity while placing less importance on the group level because: a. U.S. society rose from the concept of "rugged individualism." a. : the period before attainment of majority. White supremacy.b. e. None of the above. Which stage has the most profound negative impact on nearly all people of color? An emotional bond between therapist and client. Sadness, guilt, anxiety.c. Organizations are likely to be reflections of the monocultural values and practices ofthe larger culture. The professor in Chapter 2 seems uncomfortable with the topic of race as evidenced by: a. Rushing to help a disabled person onto public transportation could potentially signalto them that:a. d. All of the above. d. Before coming to the United States, his past life was relatively peaceful. Perceive Whites as healthier than people of color.d. Study Guide Cross Cultural Counseling Test #1 Summer 2020 (1).docx During the Resistance and Immersion Stage, a person of color is most likely to exhibit which constellation of emotions? Services are too accommoda, Playing it cool" has been identified as a means by which Blacks as well as otherpeople of color:a. Rushing to help a disabled person onto public transportation could potentially signal to them that: a. A person of color who shows deference to the White counselor most likely haswhich worldview?a. Includes a vision of society in which distribution of resources is equitable andall members are safe and secure.c. Unavoidable due to biased attitudes and stereotypes that challenge group hierarchy. Feel that they have the space to explore feelings. ______________ involves the therapist's emotional reaction to the client based on the therapist's own set of attitudes, beliefs, values, or experiences. When counselors remain unaware of their own biases, their nonverbal behaviorsare likely to reveal their true feelings. Conformity Stage.c. Had cultural credentials.b. Are more likely to occur when people pretend not to notice differences.d. Asian psychologies focus on enlightenment and ideal mental health rather thanpsychopathology. In the Resistance and Immersion stage, the minority person tends to ____________ minority-held views completely and to _________ the dominant values of society and culture. b. A culturally competent counselor would exhibit which of the followingcharacteristics:a. c. EC-IR. c. EC-IR. scientific empiricism. the weather). Support the principles of racial equality.d. ambiguity during a session may make the minority client A culturally competent helping professional works to actively acknowledge andunderstand her biases, assumptions, and beliefs about diverse groups. In which stage does the person of color realize racism exists? Often occur when there are no plausible alternative explanations. a. Constructivism. Training Manual for Managing Complexities and Ambiguities in Projects Behaviors such as asking clients how they would like to be addressed, showing that their comments and insights are valuable, and tailoring your interaction according to their needs are ways of communicating ___________. Revamping our training programs to include accurate and realistic multicultural content and experiences. The counselor is asking th, People of African descent may be especially reluctant to disclose to Whitecounselors because:a.