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c. a specialized membrane-bound vesicle; infection of the cell d) II. 13-15 Superantigens bind to all of the following molecules except _____. The palisade mesophyll layer is responsible for most of the photosynthesis that occurs while the spongy mesophyll layer underneath it aids in the exchange of gases (CO2 and O2) and water vapor. A white blood cell (WBC) encounters bacteria in a scrape on the knee of a child who has fallen off of his bicycle. Treat the sample with proteases that digest all proteins and then determine whether it is still infectious. 13-24 All of the following are X-linked immunodeficiencies except _____. Our 2021 revenue of $139.6 million would have been $118.1 million excluding these clients, and our 2022 revenue without these clients was $126.7 million. Regulators struggle with how to set acceptable pollution levels based on the dose-response curve because ______. b) copies of the herpesvirus genome remaining as mini-chromosomes in some host cell nuclei The color change indicates that the iodine molecules were small enough to diffuse across the membrane and react with the starch inside the cell. e. MHC class II. d. Typically just a piece of genetic material encased in proteins, viruses are small, non-cellular infectious agents that are only capable of reproducing when inside a living cell such as those of plants, animals, fungi, protozoans, or bacteria. B) Most of the prophage genes are activated by the product of a particular prophage gene. II. True or false: Wind turbine syndrome is considered a psychogenic condition because people who are opposed to wind turbines often claim that noise and shadow flicker caused by moving turbines make them sick even though there is no medical evidence for cause and effect. B.) The WBC's job is to take the bacteria inside of itself and destroy the bacteria. f. SH2D1A. - requires manufacturers to show that a substance is not dangerous before it is introduced into the marketplace. Where in the bacteria would you expect to find the enzymes needed to perform photosynthesis? c. varicella-zoster B. HIV is able to hide from the immune system. These changes, called cytopathic effects, can change cell functions or even destroy the cell. The products are arranged under different categories like . 13-2 _____ results when a gene affecting the immune system mutates, thereby compromising the body's defense against infection. All toxic substances are hazardous, but all hazardous substances are not toxic. answer choices. d. They do not readily mix with the hydrophobic tails forming the core of the phospholipid bilayer; therefore, the only way they can move into the cell is by endocytosis. Interpret this graph by matching each label to the correct line in the graph. Drowning - Exposure to carcinogens can result in invasive, out-of-control cell growth that can cause malignant tumors. Fetal alcohol syndrome is a pattern of mental and physical defects that can develop in a fetus when a mother drinks alcohol during pregnancy. Which of the following statements about the potency (strength) of toxic substances is true? An experiment mixed together oil (lipids), organophosphate-containing detergent in water, and copper ions to act as a catalyst for a chemical reaction. A piece of dialysis tubing has been filled with a cloudy white solution of 5 percent starch, 5 percent egg albumin (protein), and 5 percent glucose (a small sugar) dissolved in water to simulate a cell. C. Applying an external force to an enclosed volume of air will allow the air to expand and the volume to decrease. b) retroviruses 4. Which of the following statements accurately describes a difference A. HIV is deadly, but doesn't target key cells in the immune system. Q. Over time, the students sitting in the far corner of the room would smell the perfume. - that some minimal dose is necessary before any effect can be observed. c. global populations; local populations b. nonspecific activation of 2-20% of body's CD8 T cells d. myeloperoxidase O The envelope helps protect viruses exposed to heat and/or detergents. b. vascular bundles - caused by a fungus that thrives in cool, moist caves where bats hibernate a. Streptococcus pneumoniae - Diet-related obesity can lead to illnesses such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Which of the following statements accurately describes a difference between viruses and bacteria? b. the virus escapes from the phagosome into the cytosol c) Positive-sense single-stranded RNA viruses arXiv:2203.10869v2 [math.AP] 1 Mar 2023 Well-posedness for a diusion-reaction compartmental model simulating the spread of COVID-19 Ferdinando Auricchio( ) osprey accumulates compounds stored by all prey lower in the food chain. The Office of Justice Services (OJS), within the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA), is searching for an individual to serve as a Victim Assistance Program Manager. e) Retroviruses. - Data on which chemicals are endocrine disrupters are not definitive. The nuclear envelope consists of two concentric phospholipid bilayers while the plasma membrane is only one phospholipid bilayer. (Use only one word per blank.). A virus has a cell, a nucleus, and does not eat. The function of photosynthesis is to use solar energy to make ATP; the primary function of respiration is to break down ATP to release energy. Includes pectins, vitamins (like A, C, and E), and cruciferous vegetables (like cabbage and broccoli) in your diet. Solved Which of the following statements accurately | a. 13-10 Which of the following is not associated with the reactivation of herpesviruses? b) Viruses can replicate independently of their cellular hosts. Which of these best describes a virus? A: Answer- Virus is a submicroscopic infectious agent that is non-living outside the cell and living. d. Both membranes consist of two concentric phospholipid bilayers and neither is selectively permeable or has pores. Which of the following statements correctly identify reasons why the debate currently surrounds regulating endocrine disrupters? b. d. MHC class I d. Listeria monocytogenes d. Transport proteins, channel proteins, and passive carrier proteins all help increase the selective permeability of a phospholipid bilayer membrane. Key points: A virus is an infectious particle that reproduces by "commandeering" a host cell and using its machinery to make more viruses. 1. Viruses are acellular, obligative parasites that contain a protein coat . e. Listeria monocytogenes b) They can be spread via the plasmodesmata. Well-posedness for a diusion-reaction compartmental model simulating c. The cell should gain weight over time because it is hypertonic to the beaker environment and water will enter the cell through osmosis. b) removal of viral mRNAs When you get home you remove the stems and clean them. anti-HIV antibodies are detectable in their blood serum. The next day the radishes are crisp and crunchy again. Differences in physiology, metabolism, and body size result in species reacting ______ to a specific compound, which makes human risk difficult to estimate. the selective absorption and storage of a great variety of molecules inside cells at levels that are higher than the environment. Both membranes are selectively permeable and have pores. d. a chromosome, where the pipe cleaners represent bundles of proteins around which the DNA double helix (wired ribbon) is wrapped. c. nuclear pore. c. infected cells do not express any viral proteins during latency bio virus and bacteria Flashcards | Quizlet Using this kind of framing camera to diagnose the internal hot spot causes the light emitted from the same point in the target to appear at different positions on different frames, resulting in framing images that cannot accurately judge the evolution process of implosion, which seriously affects the accuracy of the measurements. Cell W. b. Staphylococcus aureus b. class II transactivator (CIITA) Pesticide residue on food - Ingestion (gastrointestinal tract) Rank the stages in biomagnification of DDT, putting the earliest stage on top. c. a mitochondrion. a. it created the massachusetts bay colony. Reference: ref 1 a. DNA-dependent DNA polymerase; HIV a) Viruses are smaller in size than bacteria. 13-79 A patient is diagnosed with AIDS when CD4 T-cell counts _____. Job offers for selected candidates will be made the week of May 1, 2023. Where is the most likely place that enzymes needed for cellular respiration are anchored and functioning? a. Use unequal arrows to indicate whether reactants or products are favored. b) Viruses can replicate independently of their cellular hosts. b) Formation of the provirus would be stopped. - spreading worldwide. What phenomenon has occurred to the perfume molecules that have entered the air? c. Immune responses against S. pneumoniae are serotype-specific and protect only against strains that possess the same capsular polysaccharide antigens. Zooplankton consume DDT The saline you used was isotonic to the RBCs; this resulted in water osmosing through the RBC plasma membrane into and out of the cells at an equal rate. The measles virus causes pancreas and liver infections. Which one of the following statements best describes the role of B cells and T cells in the human body? 13-3 A primary immune response against influenza virus produces antibodies that bind to _____. Which of the following important considerations in setting environmental health policy is most often overlooked? The solution level on the left side of the figure would decrease while the solution level on the right side of the figure would rise. Developing radiation sickness after exposure to radiation - Acute effect b. the IL-12 receptor What is the current concern with using Sprague-Dawley rats in toxicology studies? c. processing to peptides is not required for T-cell activation e. All of the choices are correct. Asbestos exposure and smoking each increase lung cancer rates 20-fold. 13-35 Protective antibodies generated in response to influenza virus bind to _____ of the viral envelope. With the first bite, you notice their texture is not as crisp and crunchy as you like. a. transcriptional regulators of HLA class II loci Multiple Choice Viruses are typically a piece of genetic material encased in a protein capsule. Question 4 120 seconds Q. The dose-response curve showing LD50, as provided here, describes which of the following ideas? - The chemical agent is not biodegradable and thus is persistent in the environment. T-cell-dependent antibody responses; cell-mediated immune responses. Multiple Choice Q09 Which of the following statements correctly describes the most probable fate of a newly emerging virus that causes high mortality in its host? the proteasome cannot generate viral peptides for presentation by MHC class I molecules. 13-7 Genes encoding _____ rearrange in trypanosomes permitting replication and survival of the pathogen until the host produces an antibody response against the altered gene product. Your lab partner has also made a slide, but the RBCs on their slide do look like the ones in the lab manual; your lab partner used a more dilute solution of saline but the same vial of blood. You also notice that the solution inside of the cell is now a dark blue color while the solution in the beaker is still a light yellow color from the iodine. Environmental health policies need to address ______________ because we may be destroying cycles that support human life if we don't protect different types of organisms. Correct Response a. prokaryotic and plant - Mutagens are agents such as chemicals or radiation that damage DNA. Reduce the amount of salt and animal fat in your diet - Reduced cardiovascular disease ______ is a condition that is associated with drinking during pregnancy that results in a cluster of symptoms including craniofacial abnormalities, developmental delays, behavioral problems, and mental defects, which last throughout a child's life. - Immunological status affects susceptibility to toxins. c. bacteria and yeast Yes; without organelles, prokaryotes are unable to bring together the reactants needed for biological reactions. c. The cell should gain weight over time because it is hypertonic to the beaker environment and water will enter the cell through osmosis. - Members of a population vary in sensitivity to a toxin. d. extracellular spaces; coating itself with human proteins f. provoke vomiting and diarrhea when ingested. Morbidity refers to _____________, whereas mortality refers to ____________. Because sensory neurons express low levels of MHC class I molecules, they provide appropriate sites for viral dormancy. 5. - an ecological disease c. I would expect to find the photosynthetic enzymes associated with the mitochondria of the bacteria. NADPH oxidase; produce superoxide radical (O-). d) I, Which of the following characteristics is the largest contributor to determining a virus's host range? a. b. e. None of the above is mismatched. Neurotoxins are poisons that affect us by ______. Which of these is not a consideration of toxicology? Show transcribed image text c. The radish cells were hypertonic to the water in which they were soaking. 5. b. polysaccharides d) the proteins on the viral surface and that of the host cell membrane. Which of the following statements is true of chloroplasts? c. matrix protein error prone replication of its DNA genome. The Black Death, the 1918 influenza, and the H1N1 flu virus were all ______, as they caused widespread and worldwide infections. Which of the following statements explain why your evil roommate may have flare-ups for the rest of their life? CareCloud Reports Record Full Year 2022 Results the virus uses the host cell to replicate itself. d. phagocytosis. Which of the statements below accurately captures the relationship between toxicity and potency? c. herpes zoster Question 12. b) Negative-sense single-stranded RNA viruses a. CD18; produce cell adhesion molecules Membranes budded off of the oil in this mixture. 15. The color change does not really tell us anything about the experiment. d. sodium ions (Na+), hydrogen ions (H+), sugars, and amino acids, a. water (H2O), carbon dioxide (CO2), oxygen (O2). Each factor listed below plays a role in determining environmental toxicity. The mosquito becomes infected when it feeds on the blood of a person infected with the virus. Match the dietary consideration to its positive influence on a particular health condition. b. X-linked hyper IgM syndrome (Use just one word for your answer.). a. osmosis c - Dose must be above a threshold level before anyone in the population shows a response which suggests the presence of some defense mechanism against the harmful effects of the toxin. Glyphosate - Used as an herbicide, Roundup a. A. Oxygenated blood is taken to the heart, from the lungs into the left atrium via the pulmonary arteries B. Oxygenated blood is taken to the heart, from the lungs into the right atrium via the pulmonary veins Contrary to the risk probabilities, we are often willing to accept far greater risk than the general threshold ______. d. There will be no net movement of water because the solutions are isotonic. d. They contain an entire copy of a cell's genetic material. d. The host cell must provide the transcriptional and translational machinery in order for RNA and protein products to be made from proviruses. Which of the following accurately describes HIV? Which of the following statements explains why, despite these probability calculations, people perceive driving as less risky and are more accepting of the associated risks? Which of the following statements accurately describes how endocrine disrupters affect us? c. RNA-dependent DNA polymerase; HIV Biology Test 1 Chapter 4 Flashcards | Quizlet d) Double-stranded RNA viruses c. Substances can only pass through the membrane with the help of either active or passive transport proteins. Eventually, the immune system cannot handle the viral invasion. b. nuclear envelope. ___________________, whereas the reason that gulls, who are tertiary consumers, have about 240 times the concentration of compounds as compared to the small insects sharing the same environment is due to _________________. 13-52 _____ participates in the T-cell cytoskeletal reorganization required for T-cell cytokine production and cell-mediated interactions. a. integrase a. water (H2O) Cells vs Virus Homework | Biology Quiz - Quizizz - Infectious diseases such as diarrhea are on the decline globally. O Enveloped viruses do not have protein spikes. f. Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Poisons that are produced naturally are called ____________ substances. A virus is living because it has DNA that stores genetic information. b. 13-47 Which of the following statements regarding inherited immunodeficiency diseases is correct? b. sodium ions (Na+), hydrogen ions (H+), sugars, and amino acids b) enter a replicative cycle that kills the host cell. The possibility of suffering harm or loss resulting from a given action is referred to as ______. d) flare-ups occur when dormant viral proteins attack new cells c. Streptococcus pyogenes Why do scientists classify viruses as non-living? Answered: Which of the following statements | bartleby b. the cytosol; escaping from the phagosome d. a chromosome, where the pipe cleaners represent bundles of proteins around which the DNA double helix (wired ribbon) is wrapped. Write the equation describing the equilibrium established when HNO2HNO_2HNO2 reacts with NH3NH_3NH3. Significantly more people have HBV (hepatitis) than HIV, but they are less likely to be treated for it. How would the affect the HIV infection cycle? - LD50 is the dose of the toxin that is lethal to half the population. Chapter 13 Immunology Flashcards | Quizlet c. the expression of MHC class I and class II molecules 4. d. Certain solutes move freely across the membrane by simple diffusion while others must be helped across by active or passive transport proteins; some substances are completely excluded from crossing the membrane. . Name several indicators that scientists use to evaluate the effects of climate change. Which of the following statements about chronic and acute exposure and effects are correct? 13-76 Which of the following is required for fusion of the human immunodeficiency viral envelope with the host cell membrane and subsequent internalization? IV. c. fall below 1000 cells/l b. virus cells . The envelope helps protect viruses exposed to heat and/or detergents. The odds of being involved in a car accident are about 1 in 100 while the odds of being involved in an airplane accident are about 1 in 5,000. They are repelled by the hydrophilic heads of the phospholipids that form the phospholipid bilayer. Mortality rates are reduced by the administration of antibiotics to affected individuals. 13-44 Listeria monocytogenes replicates in _____ of macrophages after _____. Which of the following is/are part of accepted cell theory? a. CD40 ligand All of the answers given. X=(112110101)X\mathbf{X}^{\prime}=\left(\begin{array}{rrr}{1} & {-1} & {2} \\ {-1} & {1} & {0} \\ {-1} & {0} & {1}\end{array}\right) \mathbf{X} d. Every living organism is composed of one or more cells, and all living cells arise from preexisting cells. The POPs of greatest concerns include substances such as chloropyrifos and glyphosate; we are exposed to them primarily by ______ because they are used in the production of ______. c. innate; acquired immune responses c. oxygen (O2) Culture the substance by itself on nutritive medium, away from any plant cells. c) They are rarely spread by insects. Which of the following is not a concern of environmental toxicology? Why? 5. d. eukaryotic and animal. Correct answers: 2 question: 7. which one of the following statements is most accurate regarding the mayflower compact? Which of the following statements accurately describes the path of oxygenated blood? e) Viral genomes mutate rapidly. 1 litre or 1 centilitre. Which of the following statements accurately describes plant virus infections? c. The solution level on the left side of the figure would decrease while the solution level on the right side of the figure would rise. b. The smooth endoplasmic reticulum Endocrine disruptors like BHA in facial moisturizers - Absorption (dermal) What is this speed in meters per second? a. e. Janus 3 kinase (Jak3) They may contain genomic DNA or RNA. I. - Endocrine disrupters may cause feminization of males. True or false: Most people in industrialized nations have PFC residues (perflurooctanoic acid) in their blood. Answered: Which of the following statements | bartleby This is an example of b. Urban flooding has become one of the most common natural hazards threatening people's lives and assets globally due to climate change and rapid urbanization. a. neuraminidase c. active transport Of the many factors that determine whether a particular chemical will prove to be dangerous, which of the following are based on the nature of the chemical agent itself? You are a microbiologist working with a species of bacteria that can perform photosynthesis. The solution level on the left side of the figure would rise while the solution level on the right side of the figure would decrease. If the bacteria cannot be moved across the WBC membrane, how will the WBC most likely take it in? c. It activates the JAK-STAT signal transduction pathway after binding to its cognate receptor. Can you add thermal energy to an object without increasing its temperature? III. 6 Tco 1 Which Statement Best Describes A Capitalist. d. palisade mesophyll, Which of the following would be the best analogy for the function of the Golgi apparatus? c. Proviruses are flanked by repetitive sequences called long terminal repeats (LTRs). This is because the solution on the left side of the figure is hypotonic while the solution on the right side of the figure is hypertonic. The nuclear envelope consists of two concentric phospholipid bilayers while the plasma membrane is only one phospholipid bilayer. For some toxic substances, a millionth of a gram (an amount invisible to the naked eye) can be lethal. What general cell type are you most likely observing? 13-78 During infection with HIV, a person is said to undergo seroconversion when _____. Match each of the following factors to how it influences whether a particular chemical will prove to be dangerous. b. the sequence of the conserved X box of the HLA class II promoter D) Illness is a normal process that affects level of functioning. Eat fewer calories and exercise more - Reduces obesity-related illnesses host cell indefinitely. d. Liposomes form from phospholipid bilayers and provide a barrier between an external environment and an internal environment; this creates an internal environment where specific chemical reactions needed to establish a living cell can occur separately from the external environment. A solid waste (garbage) transfer facility that sorts and breaks down garbage into recyclables and waste to be thrown away in the landfill would be a suitable analogy for which cellular organelle? Contrast the methods used by the Greek philosophers and Dalton to study the c. The saline you used was hypertonic to the RBCs; this resulted in water osmosing through the RBC plasma membrane mostly out of the cell. B.) The radish cells were hypotonic to the water in which they were soaking. d. completely permeable, Which of the following would be likely to require facilitated diffusion to move across the plasma membrane? Quiz 17: Viruses | Quiz+ Which of the following statements accurately explains why tissue repair mechanisms may make those tissues more susceptible to cancer? c. The saline you used was hypertonic to the RBCs; this resulted in water osmosing through the RBC plasma membrane mostly out of the cell. - Vegetables, whole grains, and other healthy foods can boost our ability to tolerate toxins. a. Solutes are never able to cross the membrane. True or false: Conservation medicine refers to efforts by biologists to treat sick or injured wildlife. Auditing CIS Reviewer - adt - AUDITING IN A COMPUTERIZED ENVIRONMENT c. The water will mostly move from side "A" to side "B" because the water concentration is higher on side "B." Small fish eat zooplankton a. transport proteins They are often harmful even in extremely dilute concentrations Affected individuals are less susceptible to infection.