Are Pisces men good fathers? An Aquarius can learn a lot from Pisces in this association and the Pisces always feels very compassionate and concerned towards Aquarius. He says he loves me but never shows it. If you want to know how to make Pisces man chase you, give him space when he needs it and let him know youre perfectly comfortable taking some time alone. 4. Im a big cheerleader of my partner in whatever Avenue they take. She's attracted to a discreet man who won't betray her. Her odd behavior does not faze him and he knows how to tolerate such antics. Ill be blunt, and some of the answers may stem from my own personal deep-seated issues and psychological problems, because at the end of the day people do have varying upbringings and disorders. My apologies if this double posted. Pisces is perfect for this aquarius! It would crush my connection I have for her if she was having casual sex. He calls me nasty names when he is angry at me for the most trivial things like forgetting to get the mail. A younger Aquarius woman needs constant attention, she needs to know you are there for her ALL the time, so the more connected you are to her, the better this should all pan out. I was married to a Pisces for 34.5 years as an Aquarius and it was NOT easy. No casual sex thanks. I also realized I was actually in love with her; All I could think of is her. The one I will be with for the rest of my life. Shes not likely to think Pisces man is really someone she can see giving up her free time for unless its for sex only. She is a beautiful woman but she is so cold that I feel I have done something bad to her or that I have hurt her feelings. Aquarius is so full of hope and it is hard to kill out hope. I also dont consider myself to be pretentious. So, Im not financially dependent on anyone but I would like my man to contribute equally and pull his own weight.I like the word teamwork you used and thats what a relationship is all about. Once he touches my mind with his long emails and our discussions then he wins my heart. I can love someone to death but I will not allow myself to give everything to him if I think that he is not reliable and trustworthy. I havent had luck in love yet. Whether he is choosing what to have for dinner or what career path he should pursue, a Pisces man often gets so overwhelmed by options that he cant make a decision. To attract this woman, impress her with your knowledge of the world, especially art and high society. He did like his alone time, however he was NOT a drinker or a gambler or one to go and hang out with the guys. This hipster ass website done read me like a cosmo. A Pisces guy is happy to shower you with compliments and he will tell you how beautiful and sexy you are, but he wants you to believe him. I myself am an Aquarian woman and have met a pieces male. To read your description is like night and day in what we have..I do hope you find happiness, you deserve nothing less. I feel like a slave. But I also love to cook for them, and even enjoy cooking together. She will play hard to get. This is because Pisces is the most intuitive sign of the zodiac. 20. When you want to attract a Pisces guy, dont be afraid to open up emotionally. There's a built-in relationship riddle, that for Aries Venus guys, harmony is found through creating sparks! I am the same way. I am just dating several (typical Aquarius) and trying to find one that I am suitable for and that is also suitable for meThe truth will prevail hopefully by the end of spring. Im an Aquarius woman and I was with a Pisces male for almost 2 years. I have to have more than 1 fish on my line biting, b/c if something happens to that one fish then I want to be sure my bases are covered with another fish on another line and now there are 4. Youre right, we are dreamers and do like some alone time. Pisces wants to grow Aquarius' potential for the world. Look it up and study about the two and you will see its just complicated. Her detachment. On that note, they will both wait until they are committed before they start to really opening up. So the furthest thing from our minds is sex.yes we are young. Aquarius women please dont reply on behalf of Pisces men,thanks! I admit to having a strong sexual appetite as I am an Aries Mars. The simple secrets you can use to seduce and keep your Pisces man (they work like magic), When determining what kind of woman a Pisces guy likes, you may wonder, What does a Pisces man find physically attractive?. Do they get excited about fatherhood and are they involved in their kids life? Although they have a few things in common, their differences will likely be too numerous for this pair to make a good couple. If youd like, you can learn more about me on this page here. With most men sex feels like a joining of souls but with pisces man it feels like it is something being done to me physically. Ill be blunt, and some of the answers may stem from my own personal deep-seated issues and psychological problems, because at the end of the day people do have varying upbringings and disorders. Join and search! Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. That comment kind of stresses me out. Not easily forgiving but may give more chances than others. He really loves me. They have more in common than not. Join the leader in rapport services and find a date today. The relationship works fine till the time the Aquarius displays cold and detached attitude, which can hurt Pisces very much. It has nothing to do with materialism and more to do with the lack of it. A Pisces man is happiest in the world of dreams. Pisces man, just keep on talking to her every day. I have known him since I was a kid and have always known him to be selfless, loyal and no matter how tired, dependable. I can definitely sense an intense fire or Scorpionic energy from you. I feel that t hose gestures outweigh the possibility of me even wanting to explore anything else with another person because I know I have a good man who wont even compare to anyone else. Theyre more likely to be very short lived if they try to actually have love together. He remarried and that lasted 9.5 yrs. Aquarius are also highly sexually attracted to Gemini. I love having my significant other cook for me. I will ask an aquarius to marry me, I just dont know when or how but I know I want this aquarius my entire life. Trust and communication are the biggest issues in this partnership. Some are, some arent (which could be said for just about anyone). Absolutely terrible. It comes to free aquarius man. if you love her, go get her. He may go for it and see if he cant win her heart. If it really affected me? Im an Aquarius woman and she is right..conversation, honesty, and joking. We are all going I be together when we have all learned somehow to love on another and not make ourselves greater than anyone else because we are not greater than any other. The satisfaction they feel in their love making comes from their deep bonding both emotionally and physically where they actually feel each others presence. Yet, you lasted 20 years with one & 8 years with the other one lol. Im an Aquarius woman and my significant other is a Pisces man, and boy do I love him. the first time I met her. He keeps her thoughts balanced with the goodness of reality. 7. But more seriously: Loyalty, honesty, communication (this cant be stressed enough) and various other traits that arent morally skewed. She will hopefully (AS I HAVE DONE) enjoy it more, want it more and appreciate it more than when she is young. Somebody who is perceptive, a little unconventional, and perhaps somewhat aloof is most attractive. Are Pisces men good at saving money and financial investments? In fact, a simple romantic gesture gets her every time. He would be with me but giving every other women his attention by staring at her, trying to get her attention, that's why he is by himself and no one wants him because he's a hoe! Yes. Signs next to each other in the zodiac do not have much in common with one another. Are there any solutions? He is so vain and unwitty. Some Aquarius women with dominant air signs in their birthchart arent as vocal as I am about their feelings and sometimes they struggle with romance and expressing love so they choose to express it physically, Aquarius aims to please their partner to the fullest and is completely selfless in the bedroom.Aquarius females like myself also isnt afraid to stay celibate for however long it takes until we find our love and soulmate. He needs to be one of 5 signs however b/c I dont really hit it off with the other 7 signs 10 Best Colors For a Winter Wonderland Wedding. Sometimes this can be a good thing, as it forces a shift in perspective, but it can often be damaging for Aquarius. I no longer need a woman in my life again. My 2 cents: Aquarius are very protective with their feelings/vulnerability. We just get eachother in ways that we cant have with anyone else. Honey, just a smart piece of adviseGET OUT while you still are alive and can. There's a certain sage wisdom that the 11th and 12th house will want to share. If you two are close or have talked about the future together, you dont have much to worry about. No. Aquarius Man & Aquarius Woman Compatibility: Perfect Match? Pluto enters Aquarius on March 27 and this . Dating a pisces man experiences - If you are a middle-aged man looking to have a good time dating woman half your age, this article is for you. A Pisces man and an Aquarius woman are not one of the exceptions. My suggestion to you aqua ladies is learn how to be more consistent and reliable. Hi Rose. I am a 34 yo pieces, and i honestly think they have hit rite on i agree atleast with 95% of it. A month at the very longest. To make a Pisces guy attracted to you, you need to show him some affection, too. 10. And once I fell in love with him I was able to match his emotions. He will see that she either lacks emotional depth or is uncomfortable letting her guard down, and neither of these possibilities is appealing to a Pisces pal. But not afraid to voice frustrations after enough provoking. I just find them awkward personally. He will use emotional blackmail to make me behave the way he wants. But I have this feeling that I have lost my chance of being able to see him again. I dont know your ages but it sounded like she is younger, so maybe part of hookup culture generation. I told him and hes listened well. Love her and let her know but give her space to feel like shes still controlling some of her independence. They can form a bond that could possibly last but it will be work on both of their parts and whether or not they want to do it is up in the air. Each zodiac sign is attracted to different qualities in a significant other. Being yourself. When the money is in the account theres very little thought given to budget. Im a female Aquarius and whenever my male Piece is not around because of work he delivers flowers to me of he sends me a long text telling me how much he adores me. How can a lover even exist here? I am NOT interested anymore in ANY PISCES. There are millions of men out there (trust me) that will care about you as a woman and love you and treat you with kindness and the respect you deserve They're incredibly passionate and crave excitement. 1. I am really only a 2. Try to be tactful and considerate when you have to share unpleasant truths. 6 th Tip: Get interested I feel like my light is being smothered out. The little things can easily be overlooked and the bond between them can keep on growing stronger! Other forces may be leaning in too heavily so you need to make some concrete and exacting decisions about where your plans and values lie. A Pisces man is not one to push against resistance or make ultimatums, so he will go along with whatever she wants to do. He does best when he has someone who can give him focus and direction. Not usually. This forced me to question everything, to read the New Testament (NKJV) four times within a couple months. He has some amazing fantasies that she thinks she'd be happy to be part of. The circle of friends that surrounds the Aquarius man and Pisces woman is a bizarre tribe indeed. They will fall in love deeply and adore their partner/man and can be very loyal to him, however marriage may not be their cut of tea simply b/c they want to be free. 2. Do two cancers, creative and a scorpio man compatibility steven fherman april 9th. Looking for sympathy in all the wrong places? Before I was in my relationship yeah it was just sex and I detached from it, but being with someone who cares so much about you is way more valuable to an Aquarius female. Sometimes hes hurt by her answers but hed rather her be honest than not. As a Pisces woman, you're fond of getting lost in your imaginative dreams. She is not at all materialistic in any way. Aquarius rising is eccentric, unique thinkers. I dont want his money, or his fancy car or houseI need and want his attention, his love, his ALL. With other signs, this would not be as much of a problem, but an Aquarius woman can be extremely difficult to read, even for a sensitive Pisces man. This describes my relationship with my Pisces boyfriend perfectly. As a Pisces woman, you love friends and tend to be quite skilled at making them. 18. Its best to store excess money in a locked up investment. We all have an inheritance awaiting, a eternal total ingeritence we cannot lose nor deny. If you care about a woman you should show her while she is yours. I never reached this level before but once I did, emotions with sex is the most important thing. Part of it was like walking on eggshells. She needs to be intellectually stimulated before she can feel a physical attraction to someone. When the Aquarius woman meets the Pisces man, she is definitely sexually attracted to him. They were together for 9.5 yrs. Sex is sacred intimacy, cant fake for it. Are Pisces men turned off by a female who has a high sex drive? Now, try the right place. A Pisces man is loyal and devoted to a partner, and an Aquarius woman is remarkably stable. If you are asking yourself, What does a Pisces man look for in a woman? The answer is someone as devoted and loyal as he is. I am an aquarius woman with a pisces man long distance. He remarried and was with her for 9.5 years when he finally passed away in 2011Its all over for me now and I believe he treated her the same way b/c he didnt know how to be any differentSO I have been there-done that and you have my utmost sympathyGOD bless youAt least now we both know what to look for. There is nothing physical or even emotional going on between us but I feel very warm in his caring for me. 6. 3. Aquarius women arent materialistic either but I desire to create a big happy family and that requires money, its just a mean to create comfort and provide security to children.I value love, loyalty, bonding, devotion and commitment above everything else as well. After the kids grew up we separated. He is emotional and intuitive, and she is rational and intellectual. He begin to think he was younger (like 30) and he started to change something awful. In the bedroom, he loves how she is open to experimentation and having a very erotic time with him. He will be the more sensitive and nurturing parent, and she will be the one to set limits. A Pisces man is calm, thoughtful, quite gentle and compassionate person, most of the time. Being a pragmatic sign, Aquarius tends to put their feelings and emotions aside to understand the mad and frustrated sentiments of a passionate Pisces, which eases the emotional clutter. Because hes so in touch with other peoples feelings, its easy for a Pisces guy to see a situation from multiple perspectives. He is my best friend and we enjoy talking everyday or just enjoying the peaceful silence because sometimes we dont have to talk to understand each other. Thank you Personally sex is about intimacy and if the intimacy isnt there, then its not worth it. She will fall for those who can be different from all others, and give her impression of exclusivity. Aquarius woman commits herself to the man she loves as soon as he has proven to be her very best friend. 19. She is very forgiving, kind, and softhearted. Yes but cant say a massive fan of bloodsport but were kinky Im a pieces man and I was married to one Aquarian woman for 20 years and had a long time relationship with another for 8 years. They are dreamers, they are big flirts, they are not as dependable as women think they are, and they will cheat if given the opportunityThey are men that like ALOT (to much ) alone timeSO, for me NO MORE PISCES. Are Pisces men ok with a partner thats a homebody or they like an adventure loving gf/wife? To give that up, the guy has to really be worth the huge change in her life. I also read THE TEACHINGS OF THE BUDDHA, ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS, AS A MAN THINKETH (James Allen), MANY LIVES, MANY MASTERS. It is unlikely that she will agree with his ideas, but she will be curious about them. Do Scorpio and Aquarius Match? We treasure trust and honesty above all other things. she confuses me and I feel she kinds play hard to get. Doors getting kicked in, things getting smashed up. Theyre a waste of time. While this makes him a kind and caring guy, it also makes him extremely indecisive. I was mourning her passing, meditating on her, her life, when she came to me in spirit actually, it was my face allowed to enter heaven in an astral projection, which she told me is the result of my spiritual growth during our divorce, and that it was her sacrifice in divorcing me so that I would be reformed, confirmed to the Buddha I actually am, and I believe she has also benefitted equally and has perhaps foregone living a number of additional lives here in earth as the reward for the amazing sacrifices she made while she was alive. A Pisces guy is also old-fashioned and likes to be the one who pays for dates. Pisces man doesnt understand why the Aquarius woman can come off as being rather callous or cold at times. A Pisces man often has brilliant ideas, but it is hard for him to put them into practice. Things just work between us and the love that is growing feels very natural and it feels like all the wounds of my past cant hold me back and I am a kid falling in love for the first time again. They both have old souls and share innate sagacity that makes them seem wise beyond their years. 7. and had 2 kids Its either yes or no. 4) loyalty, down to earth, open minded and non judgmental, intriguing and confident. 9. Im a 20 year old Aquarius female dating my bf who is also 20 but a Pisces we dont see eye to eye on most things making communication hard. The typical Aquarius and Pisces compatibility in friendship is not the strongest bond, although these two can learn a lot from one another and may enjoy each others company. But an Aquarius woman is perfectly content to go a long time without sex, only breaking her abstinence when the physical urge strikes her. Yes but also read when space is necessary Here was my reply. I love him and he loves me but he is just so passive. I met a Picean. Aquarius and Gemini are two zodiac signs that Pisces women should likely refrain from dating, if possible. Pisces Man & Cancer Woman Compatibility: Perfect Match? yea aquarius woman needs the man to be around. 5. Are Pisces men controlling and possessive? Neither of them likes to make promises as they hate to break them when given. While Aquarius is naturally drawn to Scorpio, their relationships often end in a metaphorical battlefield. Aquarius men feel that Pisces women are overly sensitive and too needy, which is annoying and a turn-off for the Aquarius man.. He got a permanent crook in his neck from turning his head from side to side to look at every woman's ass. To some degree, all air signs are motivated by emotion, and all water signs are motivated by thought. If these two actually do meet, Pisces man will be attracted to the confidence that Aquarius woman has in herself. Therefore I started to check all the other signs compatibility with me. You wanna get your rocks off, have a wank. Pisces Man & Scorpio Woman Compatibility: Perfect Match? SO, hope you take care of it somehow so you can learn from my mistakes. No. This is attractive to the Capricorn man who's looking for a woman with inner strength, but also for a woman who's stable. The man that will devote the MOST of his TIME to me. She hates being confronted with other peoples feelings and refuses to be held responsible for them. Pisces, who is at the end of the zodiac, has become more like a mentor, where Aquarius is still open to experimenting with some parts of life, making them incredibly progressive. As in your complete attention and devotion. Pisces woman will know this, instinctively, and she will also know exactly how to express herself without making it seem as . Just rhyming words that he thought up, pitifuland stupid seriously. So sorry, Elizabeth to hear that your Pisces man has not been that loyal mine definitely was very loyal, the precious time we had together he had only eyes for me, just that I was too young and insecure to see that back then. They prefer confidant leaders that pull them out of the clouds once and a while. Pisces has access to aquarius deepest emotions very quickly after meeting. Also, she may have beliefs which make her reluctant to seek official recognition of her relationship by the government or any religious organization. You are right when an aquarian woman truly love.. which comes after being good friend we love all the way n give it all!! Did I cheat, unfortunately several times, why b/c he was away, I was ALL alone and a very young military wife to boot. Ive never really gone this far to keep a relationship before nor have I been this close to an Aquarian. what do you mean by when the energy changes between us? I want to stop trying. He often seems a bit unusual in some way. Coldness and not being honest/open. YES we are more detached from emotions, but I assure you the sexual connection we share with someone we love trumps any fling or one night stand. Pisces will be genuinely excited by the potential in Aquarius. The Sagittarius man is never this understanding with other women! I just wish that it develops in same way that your relationship Roszie.. I have never dated a Pisces man before and not sure if I keep this one around to see if things will get any better in all departments will I ever entertain this sign again. I enjoy health and spirituality and she likes socializing and studying environmental engineering. GET back with her asap and that should fix everything and good luck. What greater love is there than this? I know she fell in love very quickly, while I took my time as pisces does in love. I hope he feels the same way. Pisces man doesnt like to talk about his personal side until hes comfortable and neither does Aquarius woman. The chemistry was good. I feel the same way about my pisces. He expressed kind of the same things youve expressed. and in May of 2011 (on their Disneyworld vacation) he got sick with his lungs and passed away in Fl. A man with a brain is important, although she won't be attracted to a brainy type. And Aquarius placement women have put head in the clouds for this kind of thing happens often. Yes on both accounts. . 4. Logical and straight forward. I can love hard but I can also be extremely harsh and cold if I am being mistreated.I dont think Aquarians are usually pretentious and fake. We are actually very loyal beings and if she is in tune with herself and you are both in a committed relationship, it is not likely that one-night stands will happen. WKR in N.C. Im a Pisces male in a relationship with a younger Aquarian woman. We hadnt been close for twenty years, but her visit melted away all the ice cold years of pain from being apart. Pisces craves romancethe hidden lilies behind the facts of life. These two dont really understand each other very well. The Aquarius Female is a dreamy, analytical, friendly person, who either enchants or scares those she meets. Now I moved on and is with a Gemini and hes like my other half. These two are not likely to get back together if they break up. We either want a relationship or we dont, we either care or we do not. 10) homebody And he tells me he really likes me and that that he can make me love him in time, and that he knows he will make a marriage work. General, pisces are for fun. Because it is long distance you need to trust eachother. Thats an issue thats dependent on trust and past experience. he says things that makes me feel like he is cheating but other times the way he is with me makes me feel like it is impossible for him to be with another woman. We have only been together a short time but I know he is the one for me. thats gonna make him look for others alternatives.. Ive never raised my hand to a woman but plenty inanimate objects have beared (bore?) I think an Aquarius who keeps running into this problem might find more peace with a Pisces. He learns quickly though that he should never ask her what she thought of his performance because she will absolutely tell him the truth and he will become hurt or angry. I agree. SO in the summer I hope things will start moving along nicely with one of them so I will know what I will be doing and who I will be with by the wintertime SO YOU are the one who is making the choice to stay with this idiot abuserHe doesnt seem like (from what you are writing here) that he gives a damn about anybody in life but himself and he sounds totally screwed up Because to aquarius woman, PISCES is the one that appears cold and uniterested! Its NOT a match made in heaven. 3 years ago i got into a relationship with a Leo (never again toxic relationship and somewhat mental torture!)
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