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Just stupid people acting as stupid people do. Orrs defence attorneys Peter Giannini and Edward Rucker argued that the South Pasadena fire was ruled an electrical blaze and dismissed Orrs manuscript as pure fiction, comparing it with the 1991 movie Backdraft, which had also been written by a firefighter. John Leonard Orr (born April 26, 1949) is an American former firefighter, novelist, and convicted arsonist and murderer. $61.00. Albeit anonymously. Pleading for John Orr's life, his lawyers Monday called a psychiatrist who said the former Glendale arson investigator, who faces a possible death sentence for murder, was driven to torch. [31] Federal ATF agent Mike Matassa believes that Orr set nearly 2,000 fires between 1984 and 1991. The Pillow Pyro earned his nickname after where he preferred to start his fires; he'd typically target linen shops or fabric stores. -We, the jury in the above entitled case, find the defendant, John Leonard Orr, guilty of the crime of first-degree *** in violation of--NARRATOR: He was sentenced to life in prison without parole. Orr was a fire captain and arson investigator for the Glendale Fire Department in Southern California. A shopping plaza hardware store caught fire, claiming four lives in the savage blaze. A federal grand jury handed down an indictment, and he was arrest on December 4, 1991. Doubtlessly, he would rather have been at some other place than Oles Home Center on that October evening, especially during the World Series, but there were seven children in his family who had to look for empty bottles and cans to exchange for deposits if they wanted to buy sports equipment. The next day arson investigators across Southern California attended the scene and concluded unanimously that the cause of the fire was attributed to an electrical fault. [19] Orr was arrested on December 4, 1991 and was charged with arson for a series of fires not related to the 1984 South Pasadena Ole's fire. He would often arrive at the scene of a fire, stroke his moustache whilst looking up at the sky and then point to an area, declaring it to be the point of origin. An episode of the PBS science series Nova titled "Hunt for the Serial Arsonist" (airing November 14, 1995) chronicled his story. Investigators at the scene suspected that the deadly inferno was an unfortunate accidentan electrical fire. In fact, this varsity center fielder was being scouted by the Chicago Cubs to play double A ball. Nobody had seen any fire, just that column of dark smoke. Wildfires can fizzle out quickly or spread uncontrolled, consuming thousands of acres of land in a matter of hours. John Leonard Orr was, for a time, an arson investigator. His lawyers said, He had no choice in the matter. Yet more damning evidence was presented from his book. according to Dr. Joel Dvoskin, a member of the American Board of Forensic Psychology. [10] By comparing the list of attendees from the Fresno conference with the list of attendees at the Pacific Grove conference, Casey was able to create a short list of ten suspects. Cabral said, the lesson that this case teaches us is that no one should be above suspicion when it comes to criminal activity. Jurors were later deadlocked 8-4 in favour of the death penalty, and State law requires a death penalty recommendation to be unanimous. When McClure later finished his investigation and returned to his car, he heard radio reports of the disaster that was unfolding seven miles away at Oles Home Center and he sped toward the scene. Joseph Wambaugh wrote a book on the case, Fire Lover, and quipped that after reading Orrs novel, the investigators of the Pillow Pyro Task Force concluded that you couldnt find that many erections at the Playboy mansion on New Years Eve. His grandfather promised him they would have their treat after they finished shopping, and they walked through the entry door. It was at that time that police began monitoring Orr. Fire Captain Orr was active with the first investigation team and attended the majority of these arson investigations. The subsequent fire would spread quickly through the linen pillowcases resulting in uncontrollable fires which caused devastation. [24], By November 21, 1994, state prosecutors in Los Angeles indicted Orr on four counts of first-degree murder with special circumstances and 21 counts of arson for a string of fires stretching from 1984 to 1990. Written by former Fire Captain John L. Orr Join the investigation as lead character, Arson Investigator Phil Langtry, searches every clue to uncover a serial arsonist. He loved the inadvertent attention he derived from the newspaper coverage and hated it when he wasnt properly recognized'. On top of that, his time in the military made him develop a distaste for authority. Investigators found the charred remnants of what appeared to be a simple incendiary device of a filter-tipped cigarette and matches, all held together with a rubber band, the tell-tale sign of an arsonist they dubbed the Pillow Pyro, because of his fondness for setting fires in fabric shops. Orr maintains that Points of Origin is fiction. One of fires in Orrs book had taken place at a K-Mart shopping centre, the same place where the Pillow Pyro had burnt down. JOSEPH: For the 10 years prior to John's arrest, there were an average of 67 brush fires per year in the hills above Glendale, Burbank, Pasadena . He was headed for the front of the store, toward the south aisle, and there he was astonished to see a column of dark smoke rising from a display rack, all the way to the ceiling. The True Crime Database is an ongoing project, with thousands of hours of research already invested. Orr turned the offer down out of hand. He ran toward the entrance doors that he and his wife and grandson had passed through a half hour before, and saw that a fire engine was arriving. Five people are killed. [21] Furthermore, arson investigators determined that after Orr was arrested, the number of brush fires in the nearby foothill areas decreased by more than 90 percent. Orr wrote in his manuscript that the ficitional grandmother was going to take her toddler grandson out for mint chocolate chip ice cream after their trip to the hardware store. 0. The story has been chronicled by bestselling true crime author Frank Girardot,[33] who co-wrote a biography of Orr in collaboration with Orr's daughter, Lori Kovach, entitled Burned. Create a free profile to get unlimited access to exclusive videos, breaking news, sweepstakes, and more! Related: Robert Fry: How One Thanksgiving Night Kicked Off A Four-Year Murder Spree, Weve got to leave the store, Jim Obdam told her. When McClure arrived at Oles John Orr was already there. The district court found the manuscript was prejudicial because "the points of origin and methods of starting the arson fires described in the manuscript do not appear to the Court to be so unique as to justify the conclusion that defendant must have had first-hand . Of great interest to the prosecution was the authors inclusion of a fire started in a department store called Cals, in which four people, including a grandmother and her 2-year-old grandson perished. I also want to get the Early Bird Books newsletter featuring great deals on ebooks. John Orr grew up in Los Angeles, dreaming of one day pursuing a career in law enforcement. Carolyn Krause was working in the paint department that evening, so she may well have seen the fifty-year-old grandmother pushing her grandson Matthew William in a shopping cart. Just after 8:00 P.M. he heard something over the PA system, but couldnt make out what had been said. Campuzanno and two of his colleagues met with Casey, who shared his belief that the perpetrator was an arson investigator from the Los Angeles area. Jim Obdam walked hurriedly down the north aisle toward the main part of the store, but when he looked around, Ada Deal hadnt started to follow, so he went back. Related: Doctor of Death: The Twisted, Decades-Long Crime Spree of Michael Swango. Orr was the fire captain and arson inv During the LA riots, triggered by the April 29 acquittal of police officers charged with using excessive force in the arrest and beating of Rodney King, John Orr was under electronically monitored home detention, awaiting trial for starting at least a dozen fires throughout California. No products in the cart. Jun 29, 2017. He thought that the store was closing so he looked at his watch. By some estimates, this one-time chief arson investigator for the Glendale Fire Department . Scouts and coaches who knew him in other NFL cities were actively trying to . California State Prison, Centinela. Pyromania About John Orr Childhood A disorder in which one sets fire to an object on more than one occasion Done purposely or deliberately One is has a interest in, attraction to, or curiosity in fire and how it works One gains pleasure, gratification, or relief when sets fire Born April 29, 1949 Previously a fire captain and arson investigator Orr was correct, of course, because he set the blaze. He then approached the Los Angeles Fire Department, only to be rejected once again. This item: Points of Origin: Playing With Fire. As he betrayed his department and the citizens of Southern California he swore to protect, hed swagger onto arson scenes to solve investigations with stunning speed and accuracy. You just drive around the park, he said, rolling to a stop as he peered out an open window, and listen,' as observed by a journalist from the Los Angeles Times. manchester united annual turnover; what dallas city council district am i in why did john leonard orr start fires. She answered, Ill check my area! And then she rushed through the hardware department looking for stragglers. They're just angry in general and so they take off and light fires.". Orr returned to Los Angeles, where he applied to two police departments and two fire departments; while waiting to hear back, his wife gave birth to his daughter. All except John Orr. Sign up for The Lineups newsletter, and get our most chilling reads delivered straight to your inbox. John earned a carry permit, applying and becoming an arson investigator, eventually attaining the rank of captain. Stiles go-to fictional incendiary device was made of a cigarette and matches held together with rubber bands so were the devices found at the real California fires, AP News reported. And Jim Obdam suddenly felt alone and trapped. With Orrs arrest, arson investigators determined that the number of brush fires in the nearby foothill areas around Los Angeles had decreased by over ninety percent. John Orr told McClure that in his opinion, the Albertsons fire was deliberately set, as is usually the case with fires in retail stores during business hours when customers are present. It was indeed a bizarre evening for firefighters in that part of the San Gabriel Valley. And there was an unintelligible announcement. John! Posted 2022610 by 2022610 by Everyone was able to make an escape, except for four people: 2-year-old Matthew Troidl and his grandmother, Ada Deal, 50, and two employees: Carolyn Kraus, 26, and 17-year-old Jimmy Cetina. This gripping account guides readers through the arsonists life and crimes, detailing the millions of dollars in damage and tragic deaths caused by his attacks, and revealing the major mistake that led to his downfall. The most alarming connection between the manuscript and the real fires was Oles Home Center case. Eisele wished that Orr had turnout gear in his car, but since the arson investigator was in civilian clothes and hadnt offered to help, the fire captain assumed he did not. This would seem to fit with the story of the primary suspect, who sources say may have been motivated by a deportation hearing against his mother that took place in LA County about a week and a half ago. Jim Obdam hurried toward the west end of the store, looking for customers. Upon his detention, the suspect told authorities "I hate America," according to ABC News sources directly involved in the case, a statement that experts say demonstrates the sort of anger typical of a serial arsonist. True story of John Leonard Orr, a serial arsonist who is believed to have started more than 2000 fires leaving victims and damage. He was convicted of serial arson and four counts of murder. they have a suspect in connection with the 55 fires, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. Product details It had been a long shift for Jim Obdam. by John L. Orr Paperback. But then a peculiar thing happened. Even today, many agricultural and forestry techniques require fire (e.g., slash-and-burn agriculture). Deputy District Attorney Michael Cabral and Sandra Flannery presented evidence that showed Orr had engaged in what they described as a distinctive pattern of criminal behaviour, in which he set fires during daytime hours in polyfoam materials in the rear of occuid businesses and used a signature time-delay device. That arson count, for setting a fire in the Warner Bros. backlot, was subsequently dismissed at the request of the prosecution. He was a high-school senior and a talented athlete. As part of Hamilton College's prison writing initiative, The American Prison Writing Archive,[37] Orr was able to publish several autobiographical accounts of his experiences as a prisoner in the American prison complex. When I start to read John Leonard, it is as though I, while simply looking for the men's room, . Yes! Investigator Scott Baker of the California Fire Marshall Office spoke of his disappointment with Orr, who he considered a once trusted fireman and declared, He betrayed the honor of the brotherhood of the gals and the guys thatll work in this career field. Orrs daughter Lori spent many years maintaining her fathers innocence, however she eventually realised his guilt and subsequently broke off all contact with him. Orr was born on April 26, 1949, in Los Angeles, California. Orr was a fire captain and arson investigator for the Glendale Fire Department in Southern California. He was convicted of serial arson and four counts of murder. In an interview, Orr defended his manuscript, and expressly stated; The character of Aaron Stiles was a composite of arsonists I arrested.. The findings of the hardware store investigation showed that the fire caught very quickly, less than five minutes after starting, and spread across the entire Pasadena hardware store in highly-flammable polyurethane products which caused the fire the flashover rapidly. He was honorably discharged from the Air Force in April 1971. They found a highly detailed description of a similar fire in his novel Points of Origin which tells the story of a fireman who is also a serial arsonist. Watching the raging fire gave the young boy a rush of excitement he hadnt felt before. It wasnt his fault. Fire-starting is a behavior that may or may not be connected to a condition. Orr was found to possess all of the component parts of the incendiary devices allegedly used to set the arson fires that he stood accused of setting. More fires followed at an alarming rate, that were soon suspected to be the work of the same individual, primarily because of the numerous similarities. The hunt for an arsonist is a personal mission for Godfrey, who worked in California when a fellow firefighter was convicted of setting about 2,000 fires in the Los Angeles area in the 1980s and 1990s.