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In addition 18 US AF Security Police personnel and their 5 person aircrew were killed responding to the incident (the seizure of the USS Mayaquez), some do not recognize them as combat related deaths either. Air crews who flew over Laos, Cambodia, and Vietnam had no Fox hole or ditch yo hid behind while delivering payload after payload to help destroy supplies heading towards those in the bush, while avoid withering anti-aircraft fire and missiles. It took about 30 years for the government to acknowledge we were even there. it is branded on you. ******************************************************* Do you by chance remember a Jim Blackshear? About 12 out of every 100 Gulf War Veterans (or 12%) have PTSD in a given year. My sister found enough info to get my brother in laws ship re-classified as a brown water ship and proved he was sent in country by the ships commander (Newport News). My government murdered me. How Many Vietnam War Veterans Are Still Alive? The NOISE ringing in my ears, the torment, the muggy damn heat, and the distance echo of gunfire ALL STOPPED! Interestingly, the research concludes that Vietnam veterans seem to be dying at a similar rate to World War II veterans. Im 71 and waiting to see if Ill be the last one standing. 31 sets of brothers are on the Wall. I only spent one overnighter. Hell no. According to the Pentagons Defense Prisoner of War/Missing Personnel Office, there are currently 83,204 unaccounted for U.S. personnel, including 73,547 from World War II, 7,883 from the Korean War, 126 from the Cold War, 1,642 from the Vietnam War, and six from Iraq and other recent conflicts, including three Defense. Melathion was 96% pure. Our 2003 NJAOC Desk Guide to the unique health issue of Nam vets and our children is still the Gold Standard. No, Wildaboro was gone, and AK-47s and B-40 rockets were sapper armaments Later, I read in a letter that Sp.4 Donnon F. Porier grabbed the M-60 machinegun, risking his life, and ran down the hillside rushing to the ambush site. My 2.6 million figure refers to American vets. To this day, I dont know how I was transported from the right-side dirt shoulder but ending up in the center of the dusty road. We all served in our assigned duties, some bled, and some died. We, the U.S. have lost over 158,000 American lives to the Vietnam war and that count is still rising. one of the ships i sailed on had a captain that was drunk for 5 months. Believe it or not, I still have every pay voucher..and in 1967 Hazard Duty Pay was $65. Why all this devisiveness. I can smell a fake and phony 10 seconds after we meet !!!!! One sapper shot off a whole magazine of armor piercing bullets at the drivers side windshield of the truck, and glass was flying in all directions. I agree with the conclusion taken by the Website Admin. Estimating the number of suicides among Vietnam veterans Unconfirmed reports that 50,000 or more Vietnam veterans have committed suicide give the impression that these veterans are at exceedingly high risk of suicide compared with other veterans and nonveterans of the same age. Im proud to be a surviving vet and the men who served with me then and those after me. Korea had 2 divisions in Vietnam The White Horse & Tiger Divisions The Australian Military was also present but I do not know the numbers There could be others. However, he did not return to the United States until March 22, 1979. Perfect. I realized what control I had in the cosmos. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. Im a 1967-68 Vietnam combat veteran. Yes. @Dea KellyWere you on the ground when this happened? Everyone knows this. 101st Airborne 25th Infantry 82nd Airborne 173rd Airborne Brigade Combat Team. You are certainly a Vietnam Vet, and I know the danger that you were in As an Infantry (CIB) Sgt I spent part of my second tour with the 97th Trans out of Cam Rahn Bay, they operated @28 LCUs hauling projectiles up those rivers, always a risky business. I have one, but I fought a ferocious battle at FSB Gold at the beginning of Operation Junction II March 21, 1967, the artillery guys in Vietnam were every bit an infantryman as well, they suffered mortar & rocket attacks, enemy probes and attacks They were lucky in some ways that they did not have to crawl through the shit every day. Enjoy today's Memorial Day and please take time to "Remember". Helicopter crewmen did not receive the CIB, but they fought every day. Vietnam 2/722/73. as we end our lives we should never forget that each served, in some way. There is no definitive answer to this question as it depends on the specific situation and the individual's age, health, and military experience. we spent sometimes a month or more in one port depending on the cargo and the need. Tom Selleck. It is a deeply troubling statistic and has. i do not denigrate their service or define them as inferior. My husband was awarded several (door gunner w/191st AHC Bounty Hunters). Even more telling is how many Vietnam combat veterans are still alive today? To that we can add those who served in adjacent waters and countries, but 2.6 is likely the closest figure to those in country. There he was wearing my dress uniform jacket SSG, CIB, BS three rows of ribbons 8 years service, 10 overseas hash marks and he had 3 very underage teeny boppers girls smoking weed telling them war stories and bragging about his combat exploits. There was a huge difference between tours of duty also. I was C 3/17 air cav. (52. years later) All with the 3rd Brigade, 82nd Air Borne Division. My new Iraq War novel, Three Wise Men should ne out sometime next year, I was at Camp Eagle, and worked in Production Control. How many Vietnam War veterans are still alive 2023? The 9 million was the total number of people in the military during 64-75 . It only had the National Defense ribbon on the cap. (Mar 1969-Sep 70) 2/23, 196 LIB & 1/23 MP Co, 11 LIB, AMERICAL DIV. Some, like myself did not serve a full 12month tour. question. Hundreds of Vietnam vets infected by a slow-killing parasite - NBC News when we carried peaches and beer, no problem. As a retired Green Beret, his assessment and stats of the war are accurate. I was confused. by your definition, cia personal in civilian clothes were not veterans. How Many Vietnam Veterans Are Still Alive In 2022? - CLJ That's 390 per day. We need a better more definitive for VIETNAM Vet. 3rd Brigade 4th ID attached to the 25th ID 111.40 & 112.40 later these became 11B.40 & 11C.40. Born: 04/07/1937. I agree Vietnam vets are fewer. Served at Quang Tri Combat Base )QTCB) 71-72) Same here. How old are Vietnam vets now? On this Memorial Day 2021, VA honors their service and recommits itself to . How many WWII veterans die each day? I had encountered a learning experience, and inspirational contact with the celestial. I was there in 69-71 also sprayed Im 74, inlisted 1968 spent 2 tours in Vietnam Im now 73, Comments left by my fellow Vietnam vets are very useful. so the cia men who changed from suits were not vietnam veterams when they went into laos and cambodia? Deaths per day . Check your POW list. It too bad that guys that never fought think for some reason they deserve credit for being in Vietnam when they werent. At what rate are Vietnam veterans dying? - Answers The term I like to use is Together We Served. REAL Vietnam War veterans are all those who are officially authorized the Vietnam Service medal and possess official military-issued documentation to confirm their medal authorization. Lets ask somebody on Facebook where we can get all the correct true data and facts. Dave V. 1st Battalion, 14 th FA, Americal Division, VN, I Corps. wounded evaced) then Am 3/21 196th LIB. Hometown: Lincoln, Nebraska. I always ask those who claim to be Compare yourself to the Marines at Fallujah, if they are a 10, what number are you, Thanks for your comment! I was hoping for more accurate numbers. i know what a combat veteran is. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. Then we went back to the Boonies. I was searching aria, even though these ruts are a real bitch! I was jostled and jerked by the truck over the dusty road. As the Department of Veterans Affairs studies, each day over 20 veterans take their own lives. Considering the number of troops deployed at different times, the build up and the draw down, its inconceivable that there could have been 9m serving in country. give me a date between June 25, 1968 thru June 25 1969 and I can tell you where I was in country. Some where along the way after returning home & towards, if not after the end of involvement, the number Id heard/read was 5 million US military served. Various percentages of actual Vietnam Veterans is bothersome. 2 tours I volunteered and my 3rd I re-enlisted. There are 500,000 Korean War veterans still living, but about 600 of those die every day, according to the Korean War Veterans Memorial Foundation. In the enormity of the cosmos, Vietnam is inconsequential, covered over by days dust! I was also at LZ Bayonet. We all figured it was a Combat death. I got angry at him even saying that he was a vet of the war. They're generally in their 90s and about 245 die each day according to the VA. At 95 Army veteran Lincoln "Linc" Harner still remembers the war. How Many World War 2 Veterans Die Each Day? It is estimated that there are around 610,000 surviving Vietnam War veterans as of 2023. A few times Id meet a group of guys claiming they were all Nam Vets. VA's Veteran Population Projection Model estimates that there are approximately 6.1 million living Vietnam War-era Veterans, as of 2021. I will never forget the pop pop pop, pop pop of an AK-47 in rapid-fire, but I heard the far off rattle of a M-60 machine-gun through the roar; Why I thought of PFC Wildaboro and his escapade with the machine gun that OTHER sun-drenched afternoon! How Many Vietnam Veterans are Alive Today? - CherriesWriter Thanks for your responses. Where is this one in twelve figure from? Sgt. may we all be the last man standing. More than 300,000 Veterans were wounded during the Vietnam War. Who is the oldest living Vietnam veteran? Anyone suggesting that only a CIB award means you were a combat veteran is very uninformed The Battle of Soui Tre March 21, 1967 the men of the 2/77 Artillery were every bit infantry as well as Arty that day and many many other FSB battles. You can sleep in it. The VA researchers analyzed the death certificates of 21 states to create the 2010 national estimate for veterans from all age groups. How many US Army died in Vietnam War? - 2023 Alternatively, to transfigure my destiny. Or did you spend 24/7 365 days in the boat? Was back at LZ Bayonet the last part of my tour after being medevaced off of Professional and in the hospital at Chu Lai. In addition, the US lost two F-111As, three F-4s, two A-7s, two A-6s, one EB-66, one HH-53, and one RA-5C. I arrived in country Dec. 5, 1967. Spot on. Their names are at least on the wall thanks to the efforts of many service organizations and Congress. Please do your own due diligence on the American War Library before citing them on ANYTHING, ever. I was on the initial invasion into Cambodia, that battle was 15 REMFS against 300 NVA> The next day we went in with the 25th infantry. It could be a Yard, Don Porier, or a sapper. I went into shock and lost conscienceless. I served in an artillery unit. I do not doubt that it occurred, but can anyone cite a reliable source for this? We had a lot of support vets near Saigon. Best answer: How many Vietnam vets die each day? i served and i was affected like nearly every other person who spent time there. Id like to know what the 1 in 14 men figure is based on. i was a merchant marine officer, technically a civilian. He was one of the most decorated American combat soldiers of World War II. Bullets were flying everywhere, and the noise was tremendous. Can You Join the Military With Depression? If one in ten saw sustained combat, then there may be as little as 60,000 of us left! Although my time had come, my death brought a realization that, I WOULD NOT ALLOW MYSELF TO DYE IN THAT JUNGLE. I discovered a conviction, antithesis to my beliefs, that it was not the North Vietnamese Army that sealed my fate, nor the soldier that touched off the RPG that distorted my body; I had the power from GOD to go to the next phase in my journey. I had several Canadians in our Company in Vietnam. Be content with your service, and leave it there. if you were effected by the first or second tour, or as i did, three years back and forth , then you were , are are a veteran. Other sappers were shooting their AKs at any targets. How many Vietnam veterans are dying each day?