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[10], Although both were committed O.T.O. Granada's reporter commented: "What Hubbard said happens to be untrue. [29], The Hubbards moved ashore in March 1972 after three years traveling aboard their ship from port to port in the Mediterranean. The Guardian Office was no respector of anyone's civil rights, particularly that of privacy. She subsequently married one of Hubbard's former employees, Miles Hollister, and moved to Hawaii and later Massachusetts, where she died in 1997. In 1933, Northrup's 22-year-old sister Helen met the 18-year-old Jack Parsons, a chemist who went on to be a noted expert in rocket propulsion. L. Ron Hubbard Biography: Author of Scientology The boat was soon sold to ease the couple's shortage of cash. That title that states that L. Ron Hubbard built the Georgia Guidestones is absurd. He was furious and threatened to kill Alexis rather than let Northrup care for her: "He didn't want her to be brought up by me because I was in league with the doctors. "Marriage Hats" - A Rare Pamphlet Written by the Woman L Ron Hubbard By this time Mary Sue was pregnant for a fourth time and gave birth to her final child, Arthur Ronald Conway Hubbard, on June 6, 1958.[17]. The marriage ended in 1951 and prompted lurid headlines in the Los Angeles newspapers. Hubbard, who had left his wife and two children with relatives years earlier, bigamously married Sara. "[43], By October, the Foundation's financial affairs had reached a crisis point. How racist was L. Ron Hubbard - compared to, other racists? Drug addiction set in fall 1950. He was a cruel man who designed the Church of Scientology for his personal enrichment and glorification at the expense of his loyal . At six-twenty-five I would go into his office with a jacket for him to wear to table and after dinner they would spend an hour or so watching television with the children and then he and Mary Sue would return to work in their separate offices. Who Is L. Ron Hubbard's Wife? Scientology Founder's Wife Gets Prison Term - Washington Post . [62] She had consulted doctors who "concluded that said Hubbard was hopelessly insane, and, crazy, and that there was no hope for said Hubbard, or any reason for her to endure further; that competent medical advisers recommended that said Hubbard be committed to a private sanatorium for psychiatric observation and treatment of a mental ailment known as paranoid schizophrenia."[62]. - Creston, Kalifornia, 1986. janur 24.) [deleted] 6 yr. ago. [43] L. Ron Hubbard was said to have been fully aware of the GO's actions; the US government would later declare him to be an "unindicted co-conspirator" in the GO's illegal activities. I hope my heart lasts. The mother had slept with all three men on the same night but as she did not know which had fathered the child, had "thereupon decided to call him Ali, son of ----, son of ----, and son of ---- which impressed the local inhabitants and created a stir throughout the country. Parsons took an immediate liking to Hubbard and invited him to stay in the house for the duration of his leave. Illustration by Pat Barrett. David went ballistic at his wife while she . [32], The relationship was not an easy one. Sometimes when the two of them were sitting at the table together, the hostility was almost tangible. Hubbard had a personal steward, as did Mary Sue and the Hubbard children, who all had their own cabins. [79], The establishment and expansion of Scientology. This proved a puzzle since where there is no legal marriage, there can't be any divorce. 3839. Northrup played a significant role in the development of Dianetics, Hubbard's "modern science of mental health", between 1948 and 1951. Northrup, who was beginning a pregnancy, was said to have been delighted with the location. When Hubbard's active stint in the Navy was over he stayed on the West Coast, moving to Los Angeles in 1945. L. Ron Hubbard Presents Writers Of The Future | fuonlyknew . That investigation was prompted by the existence of a number of civil law suits which had been filed at that time against Church of Scientology of California and Mr. Hubbard, and which the GO was supposed to be responsible for handling. In 1947, Polly filed for divorce and was granted the custody of her children . "[91], Although Northrup did not speak out publicly against her ex-husband following their divorce, she broke her silence in 1972. [86] In June 1986 the Church of Scientology and Alexis agreed a financial settlement under which she was compelled not to write or speak on the subject of L. Ron Hubbard and her relationship to him. Last edited on 17 February 2023, at 05:30, International Association of Scientologists, "Will the L. Ron Hubbard House Turn a Camelback Neighborhood Into a Scientology Recruitment Mecca? He was severely depressed and repeatedly threatened suicide, and Northrup believed "he must be suffering or he wouldn't act that way".[33]. L. Ron Hubbard PO Box 24152 Tampa, FL 33623 28 November 1980. Mary Sue was promoted to the position of Controller "for life" of the Guardian's Office in January 1969, with one of her subordinates, Jane Kember, being appointed to Mary Sue's old post of Guardian. Hubbard grew up in Helena, Montana, and studied at George Washington University in Washington, D.C. [9], In June 1941, at the age of seventeen, she began a passionate affair with Parsons while her sister Helen was away on vacation. A month later Northrup was made a director of the newly established Hubbard Dianetic Research Foundation in Elizabeth, New Jersey, an organization founded to disseminate knowledge of Dianetics. [63] Hubbard continued to develop Dianetics (and ultimately Scientology), through which he met his third and last wife, Mary Sue Whipp, in late 1951 only a few months after his divorce. Interviewed more than 35 years later, Northrup stated that she had signed the statement because "I thought by doing so he would leave me and Alexis alone. Scores of GO staff responded, locking the missionaires out of their premises and were intending to hire armed guards to bar access by me and the other Church officials who had ousted them. [59], In July 1981, all remaining GO staff were ordered to join the Sea Org, which would thus secure the CMO's control of the Guardian's Office, and the current Guardian, Jane Kember who was one of those convicted on conspiracy charges was to be removed. Why is he lying about this? Hubbard and Mary Sue each had their own state-rooms in addition to a suite on the promenade deck comprising an auditing-room, office, an elegant saloon and a wood-paneled dining-room, all off-limits to students and crew. Only two months later, over 55,000 copies had been sold and 500 Dianetics groups had been set up across the United States. [73] The controversy surrounding the divorce had severely dented his reputation. Spy vs. spy: How Scientology and the CIA battled 40 years ago [7] Her parents not only knew about her unconventional living arrangements but supported Parsons' group financially. His next project, Dianetics and Scientology, would secure him lifelong fame. My right side is paralyzed and getting more so. Hubbard subsequently returned to the Foundation in Elizabeth, New Jersey. The protagonist, "a bastard child", would be the son of the three most virile men in the town (a satire of the Holy Trinity). "[34] One night while they were living beside a frozen lake in Stroudsburg, Hubbard hit her across the face with his .45 pistol. It appears that originally they never secretly intended to bring this boat around to the California coast to sell at a profit, as they told Jack, but rather to have a good time on it on the east coast. His lawsuit accused Hubbard and Northrup of breaking the terms of their partnership, dissipating the assets and attempting to abscond. She did, however, resurface on a few occasions during the remaining years of her life. Excerpts from the interview were published in Corydon's 1987 book, L. Ron Hubbard: Messiah or Madman?. Despite her complicated feelings toward the man, Sara was overwhelmed with grief and sadness. L. Ron Hubbard Presents Writers of the Future Volume 39 member living in the commune at 1003 South Orange Grove Avenue: "Betty went to almost fantastical lengths to disrupt the meetings [of the O.T.O.] Such conduct was expressly permitted by the O.T.O., which followed Crowley's disdain of marriage as a "detestable institution" and accepted as commonplace the swapping of wives and partners between O.T.O. "[13] Ken Urquhart, who worked for the Hubbards as their butler in the 1960s, commented that Mary Sue "could be very sweet and loving, but also very cold. While in hiding, Scientology's L. Ron Hubbard sent advice to newly She was forced from her post as controller, convicted and imprisoned as a felon, and deserted by her husband. Recently released FBI files show L. Ron Hubbard offering to - MuckRock ismertebb nevn L. Ron Hubbard amerikai sci-fi -r s a szcientolgia egyhz alaptja. [65] Hubbard wrote to the FBI to further denounce Northrup as a Communist secret agent. [8], Northrup joined the O.T.O. ", "Court upholds convictions of 9 Scientologists", "Church of Scientology of California, Plaintiff, Mary Sue Hubbard, Intervenor, vs. Gerald Armstrong, Defendant Memorandum of Intended Decision", "Son of Church Founder Is Sued by Stepmother",, This page was last edited on 17 February 2023, at 05:30. In the world of speculative fiction Your favorite authors Have selected best new voices of the year. They used to have fierce husband and wife domestic arguments. Recently released Federal Bureau of Investigation files show that just over a year after L. Ron Hubbard created the the Hubbard Dianetic Research Foundation, a precursor to the Church of Scientology, he offered to become an informant for the Bureau, and provide the FBI with a list of its members and copies of their fingerprints.. Despite this, she still "felt so guilty about the fact that he was so psychologically damaged. Xenu's Paradox: The Fiction of L. Ron Hubbard and the Making of She kept saying to me, 'What is he worried about?' The divorce of Sara Hubbard, April 1951 - Spaink Wife of Scientology founder left $2.5M house to her dog - New York Post On the night of February 24, 1951, Alexis was being looked after by John Sanborne while Northrup had a night at the movies. Thanks to a kind contributor I have acquired a scan of a rare 36-page pamphlet, written by Mary Sue Hubbard (the third wife of L Ron Hubbard). I make this statement of my own free will for I have begun to realize that what I have done may have injured the science of Dianetics, which in my studied opinion may be the only hope of sanity in future generations. The Untold Story of Scientology Founder L. Ron Hubbard's Secret Pact [31] Hubbard returned to the United States, living under a false name in New York City while Mary Sue and the children remained aboard the Apollo. Under his doctrine he believed that "mistakes do not just happen, somebody causes them, always". About 22 yrs, 6', 180 lbs. [25][26], Around the same time, Hubbard proposed marriage to Northrup. I cared for her rather deeply but I have no desire to control her emotions, and I can, I hope, control my own. Operation Clambake present: The H-Files on L. Ron Hubbard "[8] He was a striking figure who habitually wore dark glasses and carried a cane with a silver handle, the need for which he attributed to his wartime service: as Northrup later put it, "He was not only a writer but he was the captain of a ship that had been downed in the Pacific and he was weeks on a raft and had been blinded by the sun and his back had been broken. "[10] When Helen returned, she found Northrup wearing Helen's own clothes and calling herself Parsons' "new wife." Northrup was one of five children born to Thomas Cowley, an Englishman working for the Standard Oil Company, and his wife, Olga Nelson, the daughter of a Swedish immigrant to the United States. Though I will be hospitalized probably a long time, Alexis is getting excellent care. The dinner party backfired drastically; Northrup began an affair with Hollister, a handsome 22-year-old who was college-educated and a noted sportsman. Her husband's reaction was one of fury, blaming Quentin for in his eyes letting him down. The Hubbards moved to a new house in Elizabeth to be near the Foundation. He kept her sitting up in a chair, denying her sleep, trying to use Black Dianetic principles on her, repeating over and over again whatever he wanted her to do. ", HUBBARD: "I never had a second wife."[78]. He became disillusioned with Scientology and left the Church, taking with him copies of biographical material, including Hubbard's letters to Mary Sue over the years. [3] In it, she thanked her husband "for having given the most precious gifts of freedom and true beingness to me and my fellow man. In the late 1990s, Hubbard fell ill with breast cancer and died in 2002. Numerous other Guardian's Office personnel were purged as well. [citation needed], The Hubbards traveled to England in September 1952 when Mary Sue was eight months pregnant. She informed us that she did not appreciate our investigation of the GO and that if one were needed she would do it. She had covered up for him so much, and there had been so many opportunities for her to betray him, that she couldn't believe he would think that. MILES HOLLISTER: Somewhere in the vicinity of Los Angeles. I please her physically until she weeps about any separation. She wrote privately to Paulette Cooper, the author of the book The Scandal of Scientology who was subsequently targeted by the Church's Operation Freakout. [1] [41] Its eventual downfall was to result from the use of illegal methods, ordered and authorized by Mary Sue, to further its campaign. Mental disorders of L. Ron Hubbard - Why We Protest Mary Sue attempted to contact her husband to rescind the CMO's takeover bid but failed, and admitted defeat when the Messengers produced an undated dispatch from Hubbard instructing the GO to be put under the CMO when its senior executives went to prison. [88] In one publication the Church has airbrushed Northrup out of a photograph of the couple that appeared in the Miami Daily News issue of June 30, 1946. Her half-sister was an inmate of an insane asylum. After her resignation from the GO, Mary Sue Hubbard ceased to have any involvement in the management of the Church of Scientology. Lafayette Ron Hubbard is a controversial figure. 121669 should complain about invasion of privacy. Worried about the chances of his own prosecution or being served with lawsuits, Hubbard slipped away into hiding. His sexual difficulties with Northrup, for which he was taking testosterone supplements, are a significant feature of the document. [32] Northrup had no idea of Hubbard's first marriage or why people were treating her so strangely until his son L. Ron Hubbard Jr. told her that his parents were still married. We are very gay companions. [75] L. Ron Hubbard died on January 24, 1986, at his ranch near Creston, California. When she ran off with another man Ron followed them and they locked him in a hotel room and pushed drugs up his nose, but he managed to escape and went to Cuba. I think I have made a great gain and as Betty and I are the best of friends, there is little loss. Instead, he said, if Northrup really loved him she should kill herself. Fortunately for Northrup as it was the peak of the McCarthyite "Red Scare" Hubbard's allegations were apparently ignored by the FBI, which filed his letter but took no further action. By this time the Foundation had filed for bankruptcy, and Hubbard's erstwhile backer, Don Purcell, was left to deal with its substantial debts. However I am afraid that most of the money has already been dissipated. He had visited 1003 South Orange Grove Avenue at the behest of Lou Goldstone, a well-known science fiction illustrator, while on leave from his service in the US Navy. They would go to bed very late, usually in the small hours of the morning, and get up in the early afternoon [Mary Sue] had a separate bedroom, but usually had breakfast with him scrambled eggs, sausages, mushrooms and tomatoes. The Occult Rocket Scientist Who Conjured Spirits with L. Ron Hubbard Jack Parsons (right foreground) and colleagues prepare for their second-ever rocket engine test in Pasadena, November 1936.. [42] Mary Sue continued to manage the GO from her various residences aboard the Apollo, and the villa in Tangier. "[83], He said that Northrup had been a Nazi spy during the war and accused her and Hollister of using the divorce case to seize control of Dianetics: "They obtained considerable newspaper publicity, none of it true, and employed the highest priced divorce attorney in the US to sue me for divorce and get the foundation in Los Angeles in settlement. Coffee or Die Magazine | Scientology Founder L. Ron Hubbard Was an Ate [72] When the case came to trial in May 1984, she told the Superior Court of Los Angeles County that she had been "mentally raped" and "emotionally distressed" knowing that others had seen the documents. She is all I have to live for. Ronald DeWolf, L. Ron Hubbard's son, told the News-Herald that his father took amphetamines, hallucinogens, and cocaine. [33] She later recalled: "I would often entertain him with plots so he could write. The wife of the founder of Scientology, L. Ron Hubbard, has filed a $5 million suit against Mr. Hubbard's son, charging "massive fraud" in his 1982 effort to have his father declared legally dead or mentally incompetent. The Hubbards moved back to London in February 1959, settling for a while in Golders Green. of age, 5'10", 140 lbs. 's US head, Karl Germer, labeled her "an ordeal sent by the gods". Her lawyer, Caryl Warner, also worked the media on her behalf so that Northrup's story received maximum publicity. He replied, "You know, I'm a public figure and you're nobody, so if you have to go through the divorce, I'll accuse you of desertion so it won't look so bad on my public record. It must be noted that Mary Sue Hubbard believed her position as Controller and as the "Founder's wife" to be unassailable and beyond reproach by anyone but Mr. Hubbard who was not around at the time, a fact that she was well aware of. In his final moments, the man who created a religion with a massive following was . "[68] She agreed to sign a statement, written by Hubbard himself, that retracted the allegations that she had made against him: I, Sara Northrup Hubbard, do hereby state that the things I have said about L. Ron Hubbard in courts and the public prints have been grossly exaggerated or entirely false. David was an original deputy to the late founder L. Ron Hubbard and had been working in the upper hierarchy of the Church since he was a teenager. [44] Klowden recalled that Northrup "was very hostile to me. Upon L. Ron Hubbard's death in 1986, David became Scientology's leader, with Shelly at his side. [23] Hubbard's relationship with Northrup, while legal, had already caused alarm among those who knew him; Virginia Heinlein, the wife of the science fiction writer Robert Heinlein, regarded Hubbard as "a very sad case of post-war breakdown" and Northrup as his "latest Man-Eating Tigress".[24]. ", INTERVIEWER: "What happened to your second wife? His first wife had not obtained divorce until '47 and he was married in '46. But I am 13 years older than she. It consists of 'marriage guidance' for Scientologists from the then 'first lady' of the organisation. Mary Sue was given partial responsibility for running the new Dianetics establishment. In 1923 the family moved to Pasadena, a destination said to have been chosen by Olga using a Ouija board. Her body was cremated two days later and her ashes were scattered at sea off the California coast,[2] where L. Ron Hubbard's ashes had similarly been scattered in January 1986. Your character is superior. The flagship of the Scientology fleet was the 3,280-ton vessel HMSRoyal Scotsman accidentally renamed the Royal Scotman due to a clerical error,[23] a former cattle ferry on the Irish Sea run.[24]. The veins in his forehead would engorge" and he would hit her "out of the blue", breaking her eardrum in one attack. But the Church of Scientology denies the existence of this woman,. [21] Parsons subsequently resorted to more conventional means of obtaining redress and sued the couple on July 1 in the Circuit Court for Dade County. Please do believe I do so want to help you get Alexis."[64]. His second wife, Sarah, claimed mental and . Sara Elizabeth Bruce Northrup Hollister (April 8, 1924 December 19, 1997) was an occultist and second wife of Scientologist founder L. Ron Hubbard. [27] The Royal Scotman was later renamed the Apollo. L. Ron Hubbard's drug use is a classic example of his hypocrisy. At age 15, Northrup moved in with sister Helen and her husband Jack, while she finished high school. When she first came to me with this wild story about how her husband had taken her baby I was determined to help her all I could. She worked with her husband, completing tasks for him and helping to dull his temper when he raged at other members. Please report problems, errors or suggestions to Download all files as ZIP archive(745Kb) Back to introduction DATE TO FROM DESCRIPTION 16 May 1940 FBI L Ron Hubbard Reporting on a possible Nazi. Georgia Guidestones Were Built by L. Ron Hubbard It carried out an international campaign against psychiatry, Interpol, the US Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and various other government agencies. I can never pronounce her name. By this time, Mary Sue had become a key figure within the nascent Scientology movement. He dubbed her "the alley-cat" after an unnamed mutual acquaintance told him that Parsons's attraction to her was like "a yellow pup bumming around with his snout glued to the rump of an alley-cat. or so the stories go. L. Ron Hubbard Presents Writers Of The Future; Tuesday Trash And Trouble ~ The Friday Night Mystery Club by Joanna Campbell Slan; The Adventures Of Winston The Pig: Meet Winston ~ Guest Post And Giveaway; No Small Murder ~ A Mini-Meadows Mystery by Lena Gregory; Invocation: Days Of Iron & Clay by Aileen Erin ~ Cover Reveal And Giveaway; categories Chapter Four : The Final Days - Los Angeles Times He told her that she was "in a state of complete madness" due to being dictated to and hypnotized by Hollister and his "communist cell". He sold his first story in February 1934, an adventure tale called "The Green God" that featured a heroic American killing a bunch of Chinese bad guys. L. Ron Hubbard's wife, Mary Sue Hubbard, was an important part of the Church of Scientology. After two days of shredding, any documents . "[6] Three weeks later, on September 24, 1952, she gave birth to her first child, Diana Meredith de Wolfe Hubbard. 6 Yet remarkably, despite the tantalizing scandal that surrounds it in popular culture, Scientology . CMO staff investigating the GO were physically expelled from the Church of Scientology's Los Angeles headquarters, and the Controller's files were guarded day and night. Mary Sue Hubbard (ne Whipp; June 17, 1931 November 25, 2002[1]) was the third wife of L. Ron Hubbard, from 1952 until his death in 1986. Hubbard decided to take to the high seas in a bid to liberate Scientology from the attentions of hostile governments. [93] Rejecting any suggestion that she was some kind of "pathetic person who has suffered through the years because of my time with Ron", Northrup spoke of her relief that she had been able to put it behind her. [54] She reacted angrily; in a 1992 trial in Canada, Miscavige told the court that she had called him "some pretty nasty names" and threatened him with a large ashtray held close to his face, but she had eventually agreed to step down. Although she was not yet twenty-four years old, she exercised considerable power within the Scientology movement and people around Hubbard quickly learned to be wary of her. She began a relationship with L. Ron Hubbard, whom she met through the O.T.O., in 1945. Around the summer of 1951, he explained his flight to Cuba as being a bid to escape Northrup's depredations: "He talked a lot about Sara. [2] Parsons' interest in the occult led in 1939 to him and Helen joining the Pasadena branch of the Ordo Templi Orientis (O.T.O.). L. Ron Hubbard - RationalWiki Lafayette Ronald Hubbard (1911 - 1986) - Genealogy - geni family tree [38] Northrup became Hubbard's personal auditor (Dianetic counselor)[39] and was hailed by him as one of the first Dianetic "Clears". The final version of Dianetics was written at Bay Head, New Jersey in a cottage which the science fiction editor John W. Campbell had found for the Hubbards. members. From our brother's account he has given away both his girl and his money. Hubbard established his career as a writer with science fiction and fantasy novels, including the novel Battlefield Earth, which was adapted into a feature film in 2000. Was L. Ron Hubbard a nice guy? I am a teen and want to know - reddit