. There you have two lines of evidence that support the same conclusion. The evidence is clear that Jehovah has used and is continuing to use his one organization, with "the faithful and discreet slave" taking the lead. Choose your side, Slimboyfat, choose your side. These ones. Why do they have to go from one extreme to another? Seriously based on the 'overlap' generations definition Armageddon has been pushed back to 2154! Like Pharaoh at the Red Sea, Gog will learn that he is fighting against Jehovah.Ex. All content appearing on this site is owned and maintained by the Fortify Your Faith Foundation, a tax-exempt, not-for-profit, religious corporation as defined under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. *** w84 12/1 p. 18 Keep Ready! Not from the WT officially, but a conjecture that it is a possible foundation date for the future. I think a western shrinkage will start in the 2020's and a organizational shift toward the third world will happen. If they keep going the way they do, I see a slow death by a thousand cuts. The fact of the matter is, however, the Watchtower folks concede that Christs application was to the destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans in A.D. 70. How should we respond to warnings we have been given? 8 That will be the foretold proclamation of "peace and security." Why will world leaders say that? As I stated earlier about the account in Luke 17:26-28 referring to the occurrence (event) of the end versus the period of time it would seem that clear thinking would prevent us from trying to attach a length of time of any sort to the presence of Jesus Christ based upon the account in Matthew citied in the article. 16:14) However, in this article, we will also use the term Armageddon to refer to the war that immediately follows the gathering of the kings of the earth. She has prostituted herself spiritually by forming alliances with earths rulers. I don't know what I am talking about read this post at your peril. Possibly. Notice that Jesus did not liken his presence to the relatively short period of time during which the Flood occurred in Noah's day. 37:36) Whatever means God uses, his victory will be complete. It does not necessarily mean that 1975 marks the end of the first 6,000 years of Jehovah's seventh creative "day.". A few victims who can't conform here and there, but "the organization" on the whole is moving fast forward. We can benefit from this consideration. But is it not far preferable to make some mistakes because of overeagerness to see God's purposes accomplished than to be spiritually asleep as to the fulfillment of Bible prophecy? Do Jehovah?s Witnesses claim that Jehovah God speaks through them? Still keep the whole end time thing like others have but make it much more nonspecific, keep the no trinity, no hell, maybe no holidays. 11:18) To help us understand these points more clearly, let us consider four questions: What is Armageddon? - Genesis 6:17", Page 15, Paragraph 7 "Noah received the warning of the upcoming catastrophe decades in advance and he wisely used the time to prepare for survival.' Jehovah's Witnesses state that God's true name is "Jehovah.". They'll work their way up to it over the next couple decades, you'll see. With a prediction like that, would you mind us adding you to this list of hallowed prophesiers? In this article, we discuss what Armageddon is, what events will lead up to it, and how we can remain faithful as the end draws near. 12-18) Noteworthy is the sentence that says: "Rather than trying to decide whether a certain person, family or group of persons . Rather, it appears that they are both describing the condition, attitude, and behavior of the people prior to an event, with the event being the subject of the sentences. friends. 3:16) And so, at times, it has been necessary, as understanding became clearer, to correct views. The word Armageddon appears just once in the Scriptures, and it comes from a Hebrew term that means Mountain of Megiddo. (Rev. Don't cry Slimboy, its early here on the east coast on my side of the pond and most of the rest of the yanks are still in bed, I'll give it a read after my next cup of joe. against Sisera. by slimboyfat There is no comparison! You will see a gradual emphasis of this until the mid-to-late 2020s when they will go completely nuts with it like they did in 1914, 1915, 1925, 1975. 19-20. 19:16) This is what makes the congregation theocratic in structure, adhering to God-rule. King of the North 1914 to Armageddon; GT Timeline. Most Jehovah's Witnesses - roughly two-thirds (65%) - are . Jehovah's Witnesses originated as a branch of the Bible Student movement, which developed in the United States in the 1870s among followers of Christian restorationist minister Charles Taze Russell.Bible Student missionaries were sent to England in 1881 and the first overseas branch was opened in London in 1900. The misnamed Jehovahs Witnesses have a long, undistinguished history of setting dates. 7. But Scott Terry, a former Jehovah's Witness for 14 years and author of Cowboys, Armageddon, and The Truth: How a Gay Child Was Saved from Religion, believes that a widespread apathy towards door . Noah preached 120 years until the time of the flood, which was the time of the end to Noah and his generation . 8 That will be the foretold proclamation of peace and security. Why will world leaders say that? I do not agree with those who overinterpreted that Watchtower as meaning a bit more than perhaps it did. ;-). Failed Watchtower date predictions and changed date doctrine of Jehovah's Witnesses, including lesser known ones such as 1799, 1844, 1874, 1878, 1918, 1920 and the 1940's. . 202-203 ***. Or those determined to fight a "war on terror". "Jehovah has kept these warnings in front of his people by means of timely reminders through the spiritual food provided by 'the faithful and discreet slave'". What are some of the main events that will lead up to Armageddon? Yes, sudden destruction is to be instantly on them, just like birth pains on a pregnant woman. What about Jehovahs loyal servants? In contrast, what the Bible says about Armageddon involves good news, a cause for happiness! Did not Moses make a 40-year miscalculation in trying to act ahead of time to remove Israel's affliction? This works for the current GB as some of them will be alive in 2034 but all will be dead by 2154! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZBYGp5gD-oo&feature=related. And it's as full of "happy" people who love to be fooled as ever. Out of zeal and enthusiasm for the vindication of Jehovah's name, Word and purposes, and the desire for the new system, some of his servants have at times been premature in their expectations. God feeds his own people, and surely God uses those who love and serve him according to his own will. (b)What questions will we consider in this article? Contact. when would they say their 144,000 would come from. To suggest that this text has a primary prophetic focus in modern times reflects a gross distortion of this passage. ; p. 99), 1917 "And the mountains were not found. The common-sense rules of responsible exegesis are thrust aside with reckless abandon. You would think that somebody who had the absolute truth would have a track record of at least having absolute truth for some amount of time, before they had to change it. How can we remain faithful as Armageddon draws near? (Luke 21:32) And Jehovah, who is the source of inspired and unfailing prophecy, will bring about the fulfillment 1989 "The apostle Paul was spearheading the Christian missionary activity. Unless we are in touch with this channel of communication that God is using, we will not progress along the road to life, no matter how much Bible reading we do. It will not arrive in my lifetime (I'm part of Wobble's generation), nor will it occur within the lifetime of anyone who ever lives. New features of the work have required new methods, which has meant revisions and changes from time to time in organization instructions, but it is all a part of the advancement of Jehovah's theocratically controlled organization under the immediate direction of Jehovah God himself. No; Christ Jesus the King has not entrusted that office to them. I recall giving a PT about the last days (early 90s) and even using the argument that we were almost at the 80 year anniversary of 1914 and that generation didn't have many left. Charles Taze Russell formed the Jehovah's Witnesses. But what happens when an elder's reasoning is confronted with . It's amazing that other Christians will mock us for this scriptural belief but at the same time tell . View Rude Words. We are certainly in 'the time of the end.' Well, I'll be, let's see74 then. (C.T. 38:23) Yes, Armageddon is good news for those who know God, obey his Son, and endure to the end.Matt. In what important way will the war of Armageddon differ from the battle that Barak fought? 10. 37:2337-Minute Listen. latest But, I am fearfully confident that many others will do so and this will be a question many will ask. The effects of having no date took a while to manifest but compare the "zeal" of your average JW 20 years ago to the average JW now. They were so specific about this prediction, that they narrowed . Considering that Jehovah's Witnesses have so many rules, one would do well to consider For the entire Law has been fulfilled in one commandment, namely 'You must love your neighbor as yourself.'Galatians 5:14 when reviewing them. From these also turn away (vv. 1:6-9. (b)Why will this be a dangerous lie? jehovah's witnesses armageddon 2034. station 19 fanfiction maya injured; morgan bay boats for sale; camden football fight; razer kraken v2 randomly disconnects; ark magmasaur fertilized egg spawn command; 6. What is the scarlet-colored wild beast, and how is it involved in the outworking of Gods will concerning Babylon the Great? But I did agree with those who suggested that it may be an indication of things to come. Can I get a witness, a vote, a bundle of cash like a thieving theologian? In a similar way, Christ's presence includes the events leading up to and including the great tribulation. Even so, we can endure with joy. The Society is adding a 120 years to the 1914 date to come up with the hinted date of 2034. What events will lead up to it? marked the beginning of the end for that ungodly world. PRIVACY SETTINGS, https://assetsnffrgf-a.akamaihd.net/assets/m/2019561/univ/art/2019561_univ_sqr_xl.jpg, THE WATCHTOWERSTUDY EDITION September2019, https://assetsnffrgf-a.akamaihd.net/assets/a/w/E/201909/wpub/w_E_201909_lg.jpg. . Will the Witnesses have a turn-around just as they did in the early 1970s? *** Watchtower 1981 December 1 p.27 The Path of the Righteous Does Keep Getting Brighter ***. Because of this, some have called them false prophets. Why? The word generation (genea) refers to the sum total of those born at the same time, expanded to include all those living at a given time and freq[uently] defined in terms of specific characteristics, generation, contemporaries (F.W. (2Chron. (Genesis 6:3) The issuance of this divine decree in 2490 B.C.E. The 2034 date is thoroughly refuted by the numbers in the Insight book. Final Prophecy Cycle Timeline Images; . to come into existence, begin to be, receive being. . 16 By their fruits YOU will recognize them Have Jehovah?s Witnesses and the ?Faithful and Discrete Slave? 18:7,8. One of the biggest problems for the governing body is that 2034 is an awful long time away. If the latter - then they are going to have some problems in giving incentives for making people stay until the new prediction is made. jw Coming up on 2034 there will be a fall back plan developed. Goshawk of the 'Need another whiskey' class. Either you are "over-eagar" OR you are "spiritually asleep.". (The Messenger, Sept. 1940, p. 6), 1968 "True, there have been those in times past who predicted an "end" to the world, even announcing a specific date. We can imagine how the world will respond. . 11ff); it affirmed that Armageddon indeed was near. 5 Barak and Deborah ended their song with the words: So let all your enemies perish, OJehovah, but let those who love you be like the sun rising in its glory. (Judg. 28 Likewise, just as it occurred in the days of Lot: they were eating, they were drinking, they were buying, they were selling, they were planting, they were building.. alan mcgee gemma interview . And all that without upsetting the majority of its members. Just think what that meant for those then living! 1. Jesus statement helps to correct the wrong idea conveyed in the way some Bible versions mistranslate the word presence. Some translations render it coming, advent, or return, all of which imply a momentary event in time. And you can tell when Armageddon is near when you see the things . The man . He merely uses the ?servant? ', 1889 "In the coming 26 years, all present governments will be overthrown and dissolved." 10 But who is at the head of this rapidly expanding congregation, you ask? Voil prs de 90 ans, depuis 1914 , que nous vivons les derniers jours de ce systme de choses.". The Bible tells us about a most unusual proclamation. 20 Think how thrilled you will be when Babylon the Great is gone and when Armageddon is over! They will make more and more grave statements about the end being near, but these won't do the trick either because they will contain nothing specific. Prior to 1975, it was widely taught among the Witnesses that that year would usher in the end. When such did not occur, thousands abandoned the movement. Was it not founded on the 'immovable' 1914 date? It's not like they haven't done this before. 9:26) (Aid to Bible Understanding, Brooklyn, NY: Watchtower Society, 1971, p. 642). Jehovah's Witnesses Sources of Authority Some 90 years have passed since the last days of this system of things began in 1914. First, he will destroy Babylon the Great, the world empire of false religion. And, since Luke included both Noah and Lot in his discussion, we would now have to calculate the time that Lot was in Sodom and figure this into our calculations, and I have been unable to find any reference to that time period anywhere. 12. (see earlier thread) That is not so easy to call. 18 Gods anointed servants will soon be able to return the kindness shown them by those of the other sheep. (John 10:16) How so? He was also laying a foundation for a work that would be completed in our 20th century." Amber Scorah writes about exiting the Jehovah's Witnesses in Leaving the Witness. [Footnotes]Jehovah's Witnesses, in their eagerness for Jesus' second coming, have suggested dates that turned out to be incorrect. . All this activity is not an accident. 14 Gog will trust in his arm of fleshhis military might. Wherever they are on earth, Gods people will trust in him when the attack is launched (See paragraph13)*. Armageddon specifically refers to Mount Megiddo in Israel where some Christians believe the final conflict between good and evil will take place. The nations have not yet had the opportunity to have a world government without the interference of religious institutions present. 5:31) At Armageddon, Gods enemies will likewise perish, while those who love God will be saved. THE SUPREME COURT STILL INTERPRETS, thank God; and Christ Jesus, the Court?s official mouthpiece of interpretation, reserves to himself that office as head of Jehovah?s ?faithful and wise servant? The torrent of Kishon washed them away.Judg. Growth slowed substantially in the 1960s and the board of directors panicked. kls. 1. He plainly declared: this generation shall not pass away, till all these things be accomplished (v. 34). Or will the Witnesses break up into various factions and branches before it even reaches that stage? "The year 1940 is certain to be the most important year yet, because Armageddon is very near. HAVE you heard people apply the word Armageddon to a nuclear war or an environmental disaster? But what will happen then? Eventually the governing body will stomach the idea of promoting 2034 as the possible date for the end (120 years from 1914 - 'just as the days of Noah will the days of the son of man be'). 38:19-22) He may turn his enemies against one another. It's the absolute best way to scam people I have yet seen. Either that or there is a contradiction between Matthew and Luke on this matter. (Rev. The thing is that date setting is the only thing that keeps JWs motivated. Note: The tribes of Dan and Ephraim are not included in this list because Dan was guilty of idolatry at Leviticus 24:11; Judges 18:1, 30; and 1 Kings 12:28-30 and Ephraim guilty of idolatry at Hosea 4:17 and Judges 17. 33:22; Heb. Your donation gift(s) are very much appreciated and may qualify as a charitable deduction for federal income tax purposes. Only 120 years more and Jehovah would bring 'the deluge of waters upon the earth to bring to ruin all flesh, Some 90 years have passed since the last days of this system of things began in 1914. The change in 95 took the wind out of 1) the sails of folks that stuck around after 75 (like my parents that were in their 20s at the time) and 2) the born-ins like me who suddenly realized that we had better plan on getting a real career, get married, have kids and try to live a normal life because there was no longer a end date in sight. I read the french version of this Watchtower edition and it was clearly suggested that the end might be in 2034 Do you have any comment about it? Jehovah's Witness 'ordered to renounce faith and join Russian army' Europe. Alas, such appears not to be in the foreseeable future. The Watchtower recognizes the truth as belonging to Jehovah, and not to any creature. 16 Whether we have been in the truth for many years or not, to be saved at Armageddon, we must show that we know God and that we obey the good news about our Lord Jesus. (2Thess.