They are causing an unusual exchange response in the receiver. O Negative people are the faithful Universal Donors. 57 yrs old, female, living on a working farm. DNA, Blood Groups, and Racial Studies 3. Although we do not have a specific verse that addresses the issue of RH negative blood and its effects, the Bible does offer important principles on the subject.First of all, the Bible says that we were. Hollywood is absolutely loaded with inversions, so many that I cant even begin to list them, but theres so many that its just plain creepy. Rh factor blood test - Mayo Clinic - Mayo Clinic - Mayo Clinic The book, "There Were Giants Upon The Earth" Does Not suggest that Jesus was an Annunaki, however, after reading this and other material to include of the original translations of the Sumerian tablets, the Dead Sea Scrolls, Enoch & other "missing" books of the bible, I started to see overt connections between Jesus, Enoch, Enki, Noah & the Annunaki that one may not see reading one or . If so, then the most likely scenario is that they both had type AB. This was to demonstrate His righteousness, because in the forbearance of God He passed over the sins previously committed. Thanks! Hebrews 9:22 And according to the Law, one may almost say, all things are cleansed with blood, and without shedding of blood there is no forgiveness. Thank you all information is extremely helpful at this time! very interesting information. Hey Yvette, just wanted to hello and thank you for commenting. What Does The Bible Say About RH Negative Blood? - AshokStambh We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. Yep! The surface of RH-negative blood did not follow the usual evolutionary path. And of the RH-negative factor in the Basque people. Did the Nephilim survive the flood, contrary to Genesiss reporting? The Oriental Jews of Israel, also have a high percent Rh negative, although most other Oriental people have only about 1% Rh negative. Human development could not have conceived the RH-negative blood type. The development would seem to have been in good shape out as the likely cause of this exception. Also see Is Covid 19 in the Bible? You're more likely, though, to encounter the suggestion that Rh-negative blood makes its possessor superior to others. I know we see things differently than a lot of people. Wondering if we are related to rhehsus monkey or aliens? Blood Of The Gods Rh-Negative Blood Type Traits and Characteristics: Large Head, Low Blood Pressure--and Possible Alien Ancestors? That said, the RH factor is just one way of classifying blood types. , Aliens. This is my declaration for you; I pray that all the blessings of God in your life will be fulfilled in Jesus name. The Mystery of Rh-Negative Blood - Alien UFO Sightings Jesus Christ appeared to this world and died for gross of us on the cross. Hey. But he does make that statement. Through my research I have found that there are 612 species of monkeys on this planet, and we have nothing in common with any of them. This may be because of the way I was raised, but Im not better educated or wealthy than others, however despite the hardships I have been through, I have been able to be alone, reflect and get back to my center. And I am a loner, too. 0- blood types are truth seekers! Rh negative blood is found among the Ethiopians at a frequency of 8%. Experts think that the Rh negative piece of the action is a variety that transpired due to a passage over the game. The Rh negative blood type is accepted to have evolved at a different place in human history as our other, more common blood types and this contributes to why many people believe the Bible references these people as the Nephilim. This blood type is called universal because it can be transfused to almost any patient in need of . According to the Mayo Clinic, Having an Rh-negative blood type is not an illness and usually does not affect your health. Your email address will not be published. Two O+, one unknown. They do their evil during our holidays in order to bring the energy down. This intrinsic value calls us to use our God-given gifts and talents to serve others and make people know about Jesus . It matches up, at least in part, with what we know of the Rh Negative blood type today! It can damage the blood cells. Where should you get your ancestry tested? What Does The Bible Say About Rh-Negative Blood? - FeedMag However, it can affect your pregnancy.". 4 trips to the emergency room, but with the preventive maintenance so far under control as best, but heart still will beat out of rhythm then go back to normal, I really dont like it and cant drink any alcohol, that triggers it. is an online bible portal for understanding, interpreting and educating the world about bible content. . Rh-negative is rare, and I think thats why some people consider it special. Blood can mean family ties, but the Bible also refers to blood that has been shed through times of war or conflict. I'm Mike, and together we'll learn how to support our emotional, mental, and physical well-being. The New Testament goes to make less mentions of sacrifices like these. And spent time in the same home with them. Curious about everything, question everything. The Bible clearly states that Jesus (Yashua) was a Nazarene. Now, I am learning its my Rh- factor. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Actually I am 70% Irish because my paternal grandparents came from Waterford, Ireland. ( other places too) . For that reason, people with this blood type often seek out others with the same personality traits to find friendships. RH Negative blood type And the Book of Enoch - Blogger If your baby is 0- it will be fine, if not you need that RhoGam shot each time to keep your bodies immune system from attacking your unborn child and causing miscarriage. How does it work that they survived and are now 85% of the population? we consider ourselves very lucky in that we have maintained a relatively healthy life. Acts 20:28 Be on guard for yourselves and for all the flock, among which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to shepherd the church of God which He purchased with His own blood. Only 15% of the world's population has Rh negative blood. Starseed - Ascension Glossary Note: All information on KidsHealth is for educational purposes only. If you buy the supplement taurine, it will stop the heart rhythm abnormalities. How I learned I had sepsis is I broke out in rashes all over my body. Basically, the reptilians need low vibrational energy from all of the negative emotions, and also from torturing us. some say it is the lack thereof. Last year found out Im part of the 30% population with accessory spleen(I have 2 spleens), and recently diagnosed with Fatty Liver. I am RH Negative B and I had to have a shot when I had my son, did not I think it has a lot to do with th neg I am the same dont need lot of friends and can also isolate myself no problem. This is not natural because left alone in the natural. According to the research I have done, it does not alter DNA. In due time creating giants known as Nephilims. I am generally healthy with viruses but do have T2 diabetes, coronary artery disease, and a fatty liver. This term strictly refers only to the most immunogenic D antigen of the Rh blood group system, or the Rh blood group system. Why cant we find out where we come from? Blood groups were first discovered in 1940, implying that this was still an unknown thing at the time of writing the Bible. These animals would never crossbreed. A move to a different location maybe? That was the first time I had seen my doctor for 9 years! Required fields are marked *. i had to receive the jab to travel way Too many negative risks associated with the poisonjab.I would suggest against it. People with the Rh negative blood type are more prone to be affected by allergies, especially food allergies. Had episode with afib, it would happen every 5 years so strange. Cattle was a very important resource in Biblical times. For this reason O Negative blood can be sent to anyone without antibodies to those parts going on. Considering how the RH negative factor is a very small portion of the general population of the world, this assembling is interesting. Didnt get whooping cough when caring for a young child in the same house with it as a child. Dti lovka ti bez Rh faktoru jsou nositel kompendia poznn celho univerza, tady na zemi jsou jako pozorovatel. Some modern conspiracy theorists believe that Rh-negative blood is found in the descendants described in View 1. They teach the child to be the opposite gender and give them hormones through childhood. The first human was a result of scientific research combining primates with the gods' genes. 2020, developed exercise intolerance thereafter, and lost all energy a few months later, like collapsing. Your email address will not be published. .Could the lack of infectious diseases be attributed to the rh- personality and preference traits? 11 Rh Negative Blood Type Personality Traits - According to the theory, ancestors of this hybrid race have Rh-negative blood and often exhibit unusual intelligence and abilities. What Does the Bible Say About Rh-Negative Blood? - Speed Test Demon Jesus Christ died for us. Why do we need a vaccine for a virus that 99.7% recover from? Ephesians 1:7 In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of His grace. Because that person would form neutralizers to the Rh factor. Youre not alone!! So we are lucky to have RH negative so we wont get some of the illnesses really bad, correct? Im rarely sick. Rh Negative blood is one of the various blood types, which categorize the different types of mammalian blood. If you examine negative, you do not have the factor in your blood. Now its not necessary because they figured a way around it. Ive suffered migraines since age 5. Matthew 26:28 for this is My blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for forgiveness of sins. I live with noninfectious UC & Crohns disease. JESUS'S BLOOD: The Astonishing DNA Analysis of Jesus Christ - THE As a professor, he has taught Bible and theology courses at two Christian universities. had the covid shot. Most people who have the Rh blood type are Rh-positive. This is the good news, we can have all the blessings in this life through the finished work of Jesus Christ on the cross regardless of our blood type. Mother was only child, her mother an only child. Had countless medical issues for the last 1-2 years, didnt have covid-19, just found a paper from an emergency procedure I had in 2015 stating I was 27 weeks and RH Negative. So my 10/10 birthday Libran mind does I immediately googled and havent stopped being curious since. No one specialist can give a single purpose. Only child. Babies can test rhesus positive but be weak positive making them more like the rhesus negative mom. To many scholars, the unusual nature and intensity of the sin in Genesis 6:1-4 explains Gods regret (v. 6) and the flood of judgment that follows in the narrative. SHOULD RH NEG 0 BLOOD TKE CONV 19 VACCINE? I hate escalators. I had shots during the pregnancy and first two got shots when born but the third didnt need one because he was RH-. There are important references in the Bible that can be interpreted to refer to this rare blood type. The same is said of the Peruvians, some of the Japanese and Tibetan Monks. And hardly ever. O Rh positive - Mixed, God and human. 10 Ways On How To Get Rid Of Mosquito Bites, 10 Best Food & Diet Meal Plan for Blood Clot Treatment, 10 Best Food & Diet Meal Plan to Support Acupuncture for Weight Loss, {"cookieName":"wBounce","isAggressive":false,"isSitewide":true,"hesitation":"","openAnimation":false,"exitAnimation":false,"timer":"","sensitivity":"","cookieExpire":"10","cookieDomain":"","autoFire":"","isAnalyticsEnabled":false}. Which view relates to Rh-negative blood? fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs); And related to that question, who are the sons of god and the daughters of men? I also have a great nose and I can tell a false person a mile off , most are ,so it makes for easier life not to bother with them x, I agree we all seem to have these things in common. Jsou klony, vypstovan na DNA primt, toho se prn dopustil bel, ton zabil Kaina, id otoili pravdu. Continue with Recommended Cookies. A person can have dark skin and be Caucasian, and there was a US court case over that, where a South Asian man was accused of being not Caucasian, yet was obviously Caucasian otherwise. Genesis 9:6 Whoever sheds mans blood, By man his blood shall be shed, For in the image of God He made man. I am facinated by my rhesus A neg blood. maybe us rh- people come from reptiles lolnever know. Before one can discuss where the Bible might make references to Rh Negative blood types, it's . Then the LORD said, My Spirit shall not abide in man forever, for he is flesh: his days shall be 120 years. The Nephilim were on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the sons of God came into the daughters of man and they bore children to them. Rh factor isn't indicated in this study. Its no conspiracy that vaccines are not necessary . Science does not know where it came from. Im O-/RH- (Im assuming they are the same). Rh negative blood starts from a variety in the RHD gene. The status is usually indicated by Rh positive (Rh+ does have the D antigen) or Rh negative . It remains unknown to date where the negative factor came from. Rh Neg means we lack the Rhesus Monkey Protein and also dont have the D antigen, so our bodies see pregnancy as an invasion and tries to stop it. Just like the Rh negative blood type, those with ancient origins might need to take more care of their health. All mammals, including people, have different blood types and usually, blood type is genetic. NEED SHOT EACH TIME FOR PREGNANCY If you are fearful of heights, might you be a more careful / scared person that takes less risk. I never get sick, I brag about it as my students would cough on me, hand in their germs on their work and I thought I had built up resistance to germs. According to the knowledge that the Bible gives us about the origins of the Nephilim, they evolved at a different point in Biblical history than the origin of people. Hebrews tell us why, when it speaks of redemption through the ultimate sacrifice of Christ. I also find, via genealogy research, that I have Basque ancestry (via Portugal, Quebec, Canada to Northern NT State . RH positive people do have the RH factor. Its said that evil turns things upside down, inside out, and backwards, plus is an oppositionist, and an obstructionist. You will need to be cautious each time you are pregnant. Many classical books, including the Bible, do recommend this theory. It has been on record that blood is the most likely to be redone, and there are no other blood types. I hope it does not come to that, but the way the world is going anything could happen as too much power and corruption. had two son and the shot. I agree 100%. back in february. This mystery has puzzled investigators for years. The Rh negative blood type is said to be of unknown . Im related to Mary Queen of Scots on my mothers side. Negative Rh factor: Proof of extraterrestrial origin? Some women have a very, very weak Rh. What Does "Strange Flesh" Mean in the Bible? (Jude 1:7) ], 7 Best Christian Books You Should Read [Updated], 7 Best Spiritual Awakening Books [For Beginners and Experts], 7 Best Anger Management Books For Men, Women and Kids, 7 Best Christian Books You Should Read In 2022[Updated], Powerful Significance Of Spiritual Leadership In The Home and Best Spiritual Leadership Books, 100 Bible Verses About Salvation [In Christ Alone! Im O- and not taking any stupid vaccine. Also, Europe has the most ley lines on land for sure, but not by that much, check out India etc. I have AB positive blood which is rare and RH negative. I had that all my life with no trouble even now not affected by it but now take thinners and beta blockers. And can produce an Anti-D antibody. Thank you for understanding. We need to really start talking to one another to see how much in common we really have. . In consummation ending in giants recognized as Nephilims blood type. However, according to one controversial theory that has surfaced in modern times, those who are mentioned in Genesis 6:1-4 and Numbers 13:33 as Nephilim may have had Rh-negative blood running through their veins. The question naturally arises, Where do we go from here? NOT related to the Rhesus monkey..regardless of race/ethnicity..some nonsense Darwin (a rather strange man w/rather strange ideas who also married his first cousin) came up with to push evolution OVER creation! The first human was a result of scientific research combining primates with the gods' genes. Im A+ like my mom but I got his allergies, when tested I was allergic to 74/76 things they tested me for 20 years ago. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to . Ya, it is weird. Thorough, about 40 45% of Europeans have the Rh-negative grouponly about 3% of African descendants and about 1% of Asians. Your world is nothing like you think. . If you have RH negative blood, you can receive blood from an RH positive blood individual and vice versa. My father was born in Germany, my mother part American-Indian Cherokee as well, and one is tall one is short with both having blonde hair blue eyes. They dont have the A, B, or Rh antigens on their cells. It is used to influence the masses and persuade with edited TV. Yes. What Does the Bible Say About the Sabbath. I have severe allergies to mostly foods. A study published in late 2020 in Annals of Internal Medicine, revealed that people with type O or Rhnegative blood may be at slightly lower risk from COVID-19. GESTATIONAL DIABETES -Gestational diabetes goes away after you give birth. Ill be happy to share my tin foil hat when this is all over and and truth is revealed ! Ac. The Nephilim, according to this theory, are not human-demon hybrids but human-alien hybrids. The whole vaccination frenzy is simply designed to increase pharmas bottom line; there is no benefit, but significant harm, in accepting these toxic substances. And cursed be the one who restrains his sword from blood. do not like onions cooked or raw! Rh-negative blood and its mysteries. took the shot when pregnant with all four of my kids. This is why they live in the mountains (PTSD from the flood that wiped out their people). 15 % of humans have RH-negative blood. So we can have 99.8%? B- here and can only tolerate 2 or 3 friends at one time and have had no problem with quarantine by myself in one room apartment in an Assisted Living Facility for months on end. But for some, it's evidence that an extraterrestrial encounter occurred thousands of years ago, which produced half-human creatures that still live on Earth today.The Bible never mentions Rh-negative blood. Why Are There So Many Crazy Theories About Negative Blood Types? This could be the very reason you are much less likely to have caught flu, colds and other airborne illness. You are the one that will have your head spinning and mental meltdowns when you learn you have been created by media. Is RH-permanent or is it just through pregnancy such as diabetes? Ja mam B rh D (negative), mam wiele alergii, nie choruj, cinienie krwi mam od 110/70 do 120/80, nisz temperatur ciaa. Today I would like to write about my blood type and the many stories surrounding it. This Blood Type May Protect You Against COVID, Study Says These were the mighty men who were of old, the men of renown. Me too. The 5 to 15 percent without it are labeled "Rh- negative.". I was born with a rare condition called Adisons Disease, but just recently found out. Bible verses related to Blood from the King James Version (KJV) by Relevance. (No. I too have a fear of heights and never get really sick. Safety. Dxed with reactivated Epstein Barr Virus. What The Bible Teaches, Yes, God Has Opinions And Heres What They Are, 10 Scriptures to Read When Youre Depressed, When Was Jesus Christ Crucified? Thanks for the correction Love. The Bible tells us that, Rh-negative blood started from the Watcher angels. Comment * document.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "ae25d36161d376e83aa665e48f5028c1" );document.getElementById("f9d5e969bb").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Id like to point out that I had a sore throat and back pain last week and than tested positive for Covid-19 and was fine with in roughly 18hrs. (Documented) I am O negative. April 2, 20204. But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus his Son cleanses us from all sin. Is a sign of great intellect. For with the heart, one believes and is justified, and with the mouth, one confesses and is saved. Furthermore, scholars argue that God destroyed the Nephilim thousands of years ago. So instead, they invert a male to a female, and the future babies are born by concubine. O Rh negative - Pure blue blood of the Gods, very rare. to learn more. Im A- Neg and have had the Rhogam shot with my youngest 2 children. About 85% of Caucasians. I think we know this.. The flood narrative makes clear that the judgment waters destroyed everyone and everything on the earth, except for those in the ark (e.g. To begin with, the bible says that we are created in the image of God. In other words, God destroyed the Nephilim. EBV was found to be reactivated. Its all so crazy, but were arresting their azzes, Gitmo is filled to the brink, DC is turned into a prison, Hollywood (Hellywood) is dead, etc., and were trolling them with their own belief system by taking back the number 17, etc. Ive always had awful allergies/eczema and asthma. The unique nature of Rh-negative blood has a simple scientific explanation to most people. What does the Bible say about rh negative blood? Part Ape Part Alien. I have been reading up information now regarding about should I have the vaccine I have been invited to clinic trails but Im not brave enough also been told not to have the vaccine until I hear back from my GP. They do a lot of gender inversions, too, since the idols they worship are both genders, and because things get weird with tracking the blood and needing a mate of a different gender from whats available. Rh- is permanent. RH Negative Blood - Christian Faith Guide This makes one believe Rh negative indicates the "presence of something rare in one's blood". What are you laughing for? It just stops your body from terminating what it feels is an invasion because of the Positive Blood type of baby. Science today has no explanation as to where the Rh negative factor originates well, it originates with the Elohiym family godhead. What Does the Bible Say About Blood Group? - Rh Negative Blood. I dont really know, but the reason why the leigh lines were important is also the reason why this cult is into astronomy and the movement of the celestial bodies. washed by His blood). If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. RH null is the golden blood and the rarest. In reference to whole of the worlds population, only about 15% lack the rhesus factor. And can produce an Anti-D antibody. They are the 13 bloodlines that we hear about, and they do track their blood. I am 70 now, consider myself quite healthy, a few allergies come spring time, thats about it. It sounds so stupid, to go through all of the effort for all these years just for our energy, but its true. An individual either has, or does not have, the "Rhesus factor" on the surface of their red blood cells. However, many Bible scholars speculate that the Nephilim, mentioned in the Bible in Numbers 13:33 and Genesis 6:1-8, had RH-negative blood. Got H1n1 once (2009), and got SARSCOV2 once in March 2020 and havent felt ill since. Because Ive never heard of the negative factor coming out of Africa, but that makes perfect sense because all people were supposed to have derived from Africa. Bloodline of Jesus/Mary - Rh-NegativeNetwork But it only happens if the baby is Rh positive. Is the author of Numbers exaggerating his description of an unusually tall people group who intimidated the Israelites. To o czym mwisz nie jest prawd W mojej rodzinie jest wiele osb z rh negative i s te osoby z 0 rh (negative). January 30, 2022 8. In Genesis 6, the Bible points to the guard of fallen angels as sons of God. She was group O Rhcde/cde negative, whatever that means. Ive not had any or heard of migraines as an issue with negatives.