In 1940, Stibitz demonstrated the CNC at an American Mathematical Society conference held at Dartmouth College. All three PowerBooks introduced featured a built-in trackball, internal floppy drive, and palm rests, which would eventually become typical of 1990s laptop design. The first microcomputers (images) - CNET Wi-Fi The Retina display became standard on most of the iPad, iPhone, MacBook, and Apple Watch product lines. true. The kit was the cover story of hobbyist magazine Radio-Electronics in July 1974 six months before the MITS Altair 8800 was in rival Popular Electronics magazine. Of the following challenges, which one has not been identified as a challenge for students engaged in blended learning? The DN100 is based on the Motorola 68000 microprocessor, high-resolution display and built-in networking - the three basic features of all workstations. The most popular operating system for small microcomputers in the late 1970s was CP/M, written by Gary Kildall in about 1974 and marketed by the company he started, Digital Research, Inc. IBM visited Digital Research in August 1980 - some say at the suggestion of Bill Gates - to investigate using "CP/M-86, their upcoming version for . A special version, known as HARVEST, was developed for the US National Security Agency (NSA). What is the first step when designing and creating a web page or website? Three types of the M3 were available two types that measured either temperature or pressure and one that could take images. This is likely the first example of remote access computing. Steve Jobs, forced out of Apple in 1985, founds a new company NeXT. 1951. It was also one of the first computers to use all-diode logic, a technology more reliable than vacuum tubes. Gene Amdahl, father of the IBM System/360, starts his own company, Amdahl Corporation, to compete with IBM in mainframe computer systems. It also included more memory and accommodated high-density 1.2-megabyte 5 1/4-inch floppy disks. Which two kinds of software are designed primarily for use by individuals rather than by groups of students? Originally a Cray XT3 system, the Jaguar is a massively parallel supercomputer at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, a US science and energy research facility. Sun helped cement the model of a workstation having an Ethernet interface as well as high-resolution graphics and the UNIX operating system. Completed in 1951, Whirlwind remains one of the most important computer projects in the history of computing. A total of ten Colossi were delivered, each using as many as 2,500 vacuum tubes. At the 2006 World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) announces it will create a program to deliver technology and resources to targeted schools in the least developed countries. Apples inspiration for the Lisa and Macintosh computers came from the Xerox Alto. Developed for Busicom, a Japanese calculator maker, the 4004 had 2250 transistors and could perform up to 90,000 operations per second in four-bit chunks. Replacing their Archimedes computer, the RISC PC from UK's Acorn Computers uses the ARMv3 RISC microprocessor. The TRS-80 line of computers later included color, portable, and handheld versions before being discontinued in the early 1990s. Applications were also highly innovative: a WYSISYG word processor known as Bravo, a paint program, a graphics editor, and email for example. FoxBase is a database management system and programming language developed by Fox Software in the mid-1980s. The Standards Eastern Automatic Computer (SEAC) is among the first stored program computers completed in the United States. Apple introduces the Macintosh with a television commercial during the 1984 Super Bowl, which plays on the theme of totalitarianism in George Orwells book 1984. If a student is creating within Minecraft or Sims, what type of computer programming products are they designing and making? The Zilog Z-80 could run any program written for the 8080 and included twice as many built-in machine instructions. Intel and Zilog introduced new microprocessors. Which of the following is not a quality to look for in well-developed tutorial software? (C) The Regent Corporation's microcomputer can be used in conjunction with higher-priced microcomputers manufactured by other companies. Combined with an enhanced bus interface unit, the microprocessor doubled the performance of the 386 without increasing the clock rate. Oddly, the company doesn't use the term in its marketing, preferring instead to refer to the microcomputer (which it calls a "Micom") that implements the fuzzy logic. With a screen resolution of up to 400 pixels-per-inch (PPI), Retina displays approached the limit of pixel visibility to the human eye. The Treo sold well, and the line continued until Handspring was purchased by Palm in 2003. The Arduino used a Java-based integrated development environment and users could access a library of programs, called Wiring, that allowed for simplified programming. The basic idea for bombes came from Polish code-breaker Marian Rejewski's 1938 "Bomba.". assist teachers in preparing student IEPs What software is useful to illustrate a numerical concept such as the difference between electoral votes and popular votes? In a widely circulated paper, mathematician John von Neumann outlines the architecture of a stored-program computer, including electronic storage of programming information and data -- which eliminates the need for more clumsy methods of programming such as plugboards, punched cards and paper. Mid-Term Exam | Digital Literacy Quiz - Quizizz - Quizizz The world Follow-on versions of the Kindle added further audio-video capabilities. The motes were powered by a tiny battery and could gain light energy through a photocell, which was enough to feed the infinitesimally small amount of energy a mote consumes (1 picowatt). Invention of the PC - HISTORY An electronic machine operating under the control of instructions stored in its own memory that can: 1. The original design included two memory boards and could generate and store 512 characters as 16 lines of 32 characters. University of Manchester researchers Frederic Williams, Tom Kilburn, and Geoff Toothill develop the Small-Scale Experimental Machine (SSEM), better known as the Manchester "Baby." An early transistorized computer, the NEAC (Nippon Electric Automatic Computer) includes a CPU, console, paper tape reader and punch, printer and magnetic tape units. Which is an acknowledged benefit of software with drill and practice functions? Japan's SoftBank introduces the first camera phone, the J-Phone J-SH04; a Sharp-manufactured digital phone with integrated camera. In 1987, the year after Microsoft went public, 31-year-old Gates became the world's youngest billionaire. The US Army asked Bell Laboratories to design a machine to assist in testing its M-9 gun director, a type of analog computer that aims large guns to their targets. The Altair 8800, produced by Micro Instrumentation and Telemetry Systems (MITS) and invented by Ed Roberts, was originally sold as a kit. Performing far better than the company projections of 3,000 units for the first year, in the first month after its release Tandy Radio Shacks first desktop computer the TRS-80 sells 10,000 units. The project became the One Laptop per Child Consortium (OLPC) founded by Nicholas Negroponte, the founder of MIT's Media Lab. While the PC Jr. sold poorly, the PC/AT sold in the millions. The touchscreen enabled smartphone also had built-in GPS navigation, high-definition camera, texting, calendar, voice dictation, and weather reports. central processing unit (cpu) computers brain. Output was displayed on the users home TV screen through use of an adapter. This printing programmable calculator was made from discrete transistors and an acoustic delay-line memory. Information systems whose purpose is to glean from raw data relationships and trends that might help organizations compete better are called business intelligence (BI) systems. For research, Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC) supplied the components, and 50 original LINCs were made. Level. A large parallel processing computer, the ILLIAC IV does not operate until 1972. Online retailer Amazon released the Kindle, one of the first to gain a large following among consumers. The University of Michigan Micro Mote (M3) is the smallest computer in the world at the time of its completion. Introduced at the Altair Convention in Albuquerque in March 1976, the visual display module enabled the use of personal computers for interactive games. [3] IBM SSEC, became operational in January 1948 but was electromechanical [22] Designed by John V. Blankenbaker using standard medium-- and small-scale integrated circuits, the Kenbak-1 relied on switches for input and lights for output from its 256-byte memory. The machine had a fifty-foot long camshaft running the length of machine that synchronized the machines thousands of component parts and used 3,500 relays. Manipulate the data according to specific rules (process) 3. The computer had to be rugged and fast, with advanced circuit design and reliable packaging able to withstand the forces of a missile launch. Lenovo, China's largest manufacturer of PCs, purchased IBM's personal computer business in 2005, largely to gain access to IBM's ThinkPad line of computers and sales force. The first VAIO, a desktop computer, featured an additional 3D interface on top of the Windows 95 operating system as a way of attracting new users. A year later, it steered Apollo 11 to the lunar surface. The dorm-room headquartered company sold IBM PC-compatible computers built from stock components. Joe Thompson at Whirlwind console, ca. By 2011, over 2.4 million laptops had been shipped. The function of an output device is to: Selected Answer: Convert electronic information produced by the computer system into human-intelligible form for presentation to end-users. Building a computer into the watch form factor has been attempted many times but the release of the Apple Watch leads to a new level of excitement. Select the power connector that is specified by the ATX Version 2.2 standard, which allows more power to the motherboard for PCI Express (PCIe) devices. The system was kept at NASA Ames Research Center until 2013, when it was removed to make way for two new supercomputers. It was a commercial computer based on a microprocessor, the Intel 8008. The Institute of Advanced Study (IAS) computer is a multi-year research project conducted under the overall supervision of world-famous mathematician John von Neumann. Intel introduced the 8086 in June 1978. Before its decommissioning in 1952, the SSEC produced the moon position tables used in early planning of the 1969 Apollo XII moon landing. Although manufactured by Remington Rand, the machine was often mistakenly referred to as the IBM Univac." IBMs first personal computer, the system was designed to run the APL programming language in a compact, briefcase-like enclosure which comprised a keyboard, CRT display, and cassette tape storage. Later, Sun Microsystems, founded as a spin-off of a student project at Stanford University, also began selling Unix-based desktop workstations in 1982. Officially known as the Track Write, the automatically expanding full-sized keyboard used by the ThinkPad 701 is designed by inventor John Karidis. Only about thirty NEACs were sold. IBMs 7000 series of mainframe computers are the companys first to use transistors. Sales were weaker than projected, despite being widely praised by the press for its active matrix display, removable trackball, and high performance. Simon featured on the November 1950 Scientific American cover, The hobbyist magazine Radio Electronics publishes Edmund Berkeley's design for the Simon 1 relay computer from 1950 to 1951. The PDP-8 sold for $18,000, one-fifth the price of a small IBM System/360 mainframe. An ecologist, for example, could sprinkle thousands of motes from the air onto a field and measure soil and air temperature, moisture, and sunlight, giving them accurate real-time data about the environment. In 1977, MITS was sold to Pertec, which continued producing Altairs in 1978. Stibitz stunned the group by performing calculations remotely on the CNC (located in New York City) using a Teletype terminal connected to New York over special telephone lines. The Paragon at Caltech was named the fastest supercomputer in the world in 1992. spreadsheet program English language learners often score higher on assessments due to their increased focus in language acquisition. Advertised as the first 100% IBM PC-compatible computer, the Compaq Portable can run the same software as the IBM PC. The machine came with 256 bytes of memory (expandable to 64 KB) and an open 100-line bus structure that evolved into the S-100 standard widely used in hobbyist and personal computers of this era. T/F True You can save money on your data plan by using this type of connection whenever possible for connecting to the Internet. Total Cards. An experiment conducted five months later on the MIT Whirlwind computer confirmed how useful and convenient a keyboard input device could be. The Video Display Module (VDM) marks the first implementation of a memory-mapped alphanumeric video display for personal computers. Find and create gamified quizzes, lessons, presentations, and flashcards for students, employees, and everyone else. Among the lecturers were early computer designers like John von Neumann, Howard Aiken, J. Presper Eckert and John Mauchly, as well as mathematicians including Derrick Lehmer, George Stibitz, and Douglas Hartree. System/360 was aimed at both business and scientific customers and all models could run the same software, largely without modification. The British Broadcasting Corporations Computer Literacy Project hoped to introduce interested adults to the world of computers. Acorn produces a popular computer, the BBC Microcomputer System, so viewers at home could follow along on their own home computers as they watched the program. The success of the VAX family of computers transformed DEC into the second-largest computer company in the world, as VAX systems became the de facto standard computing system for industry, the sciences, engineering, and research. Chapter5.docx - CHAPTER 5 1. QUESTION 1 During the 1980s At MIT, researchers begin experimenting with direct keyboard input to computers, a precursor to todays normal mode of operation. There is an inconsistency between states in the classification of ELL students. Nearly a quarter century after IBM launched their PC in 1981, they had become merely another player in a crowded marketplace. microcomputer: A microcomputer is a complete computer on a smaller scale and is generally a synonym for the more common term, personal computer or PC , a computer designed for an individual. Lenovo became the largest manufacturer of PCs in the world with the acquisition, later also acquiring IBM's server line of computers. The IBM PC revolutionized business computing by becoming the first PC to gain widespread adoption by industry. What is the general term for software whose source code is made available for free and permits users to use, change, and improve it? The line was discontinued in 2014. Description. Promotional shot of the Compaq Deskpro 386s. Also known inside IBM as the Defense Calculator," the 701 rented for $15,000 a month. You are designing a controller for a toaster oven. The J-Phone line would quickly expand, releasing a flip-phone version just a month later. What do research studies tend to confirm about online learning? Headquartered in Maynard, Massachusetts, Digital Equipment Corporation, took over 8,680 square foot leased space in a nineteenth century mill that once produced blankets and uniforms for soldiers who fought in the Civil War. Twenty-five ways in which MIT has transformed computing [2] Designed by scientists and engineers at MITs Instrumentation Laboratory, the Apollo Guidance Computer (AGC) is the culmination of years of work to reduce the size of the Apollo spacecraft computer from the size of seven refrigerators side-by-side to a compact unit weighing only 70 lbs. The Moore School Building at the University of Pennsylvania. Curt Herzstark was an Austrian engineer who worked in his familys manufacturing business until he was arrested by the Nazis in 1943. The Amiga sold for $1,295 (without monitor) and had audio and video capabilities beyond those found in most other personal computers. What is a prominent research finding regarding students who engage in computer programming activities? The C64, as it is better known, sells for $595, comes with 64 KB of RAM and features impressive graphics. A cassette tape interface provided supplementary storage for text. What set the 486 apart was its optimized instruction set, with an on-chip unified instruction and data cache and an optional on-chip floating-point unit. The computer he created, an all-black cube was an important innovation. System control was provided through the Atlas Supervisor, which some consider to be the first true operating system. An offshoot of the POWER XCell8i chip was used as the main processor in the Sony PlayStation 3 game console. Microcomputer Applications - Quiz 1 Flashcards The Relay Interpolator used 440 relays, and since it was programmable by paper tape, was used for other applications following the war. Named in honor of the space shuttle which broke-up on re-entry, the Columbia supercomputer is an important part of NASA's return to manned spaceflight after the 2003 disaster. (D) Most of those individuals and companies that could be expected to make up the potential market for the Regent microcomputer have already filled their microcomputer needs. The Johnniac computer is one of 17 computers that followed the basic design of Princeton's Institute of Advanced Study (IAS) computer. Nine of the computers, which featured dozens of advanced design innovations, were sold, mainly to national laboratories and major scientific users. Within weeks of its appearance, customers inundated its maker, MITS, with orders. The Z3 was used for aerodynamic calculations but was destroyed in a bombing raid on Berlin in late 1943. At 4 million operations per second and 4 kilobytes of memory, the 80386 gave PCs as much speed and power as older mainframes and minicomputers. Ed de Castro, its main designer and co-founder of Data General, had earlier led the team that created the DEC PDP-8. That's not as trivial. The 386 chip brought with it the introduction of a 32-bit architecture, a significant improvement over the 16-bit architecture of previous microprocessors. The title of first commercially available general-purpose computer probably goes to Britains Ferranti Mark I for its sale of its first Mark I computer to Manchester University. At its introduction, it was listed as the second fastest supercomputer in the world and this single system increased NASA's supercomputing capacity 10-fold. Motes are also known as smart dust, since the intention is that their tiny size and low cost make them inexpensive enough to sprinkle in the real world to as sensors. _____ account allows changes that affect other users, changes to security settings, installation of software and hardware, and access to all files on the computer. Microcomputers for Twenty-First Century Educators (Paperback, 4th ed) / Author: Lockard / Author: Abrams / Author: "Many ; 9780673524560 ; Educational resources & technology, Education, Social sciences, Books Which Software Was The First Available For Microcomputers? True The term DBMS is used in reference to spreadsheet software. Some of its other innovations were the inclusion of a magneto-optical (MO) disk drive, a digital signal processor and the NeXTSTEP programming environment (later released as OPENSTEP). One major advance in programming was Wilkes' use of a library of short programs, called subroutines, stored on punched paper tapes and used for performing common repetitive calculations within a lager program. The laser printer was used with PARCs Alto computer, and was commercialized as the Xerox 9700. In 1939, Bell Telephone Laboratories completes this calculator, designed by scientist George Stibitz. Which of the following is not a file format in which audio-video files can be imported from a source and stored in a computer? b. enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems. Microcomputer - Wikipedia Back in the 80s and 90s, the home computing revolution led to a huge number of microcomputers hitting the market across the world. True False Its Williams-Kilburn tube memory system was later adopted by several other early computer systems around the world. Sold complete with a main logic board, switching power supply, keyboard, case, manual, game paddles, and cassette tape containing the game Breakout, the Apple-II finds popularity far beyond the hobbyist community which made up Apples user community until then. It was believed that ENIAC had done more calculation over the ten years it was in operation than all of humanity had until that time. The machine was designed and built by Atanasoff and graduate student Clifford Berry between 1939 and 1942. Columbia was used in space vehicle analysis, including studying the Columbia disaster, but also in astrophysics, weather and ocean modeling. Of the dozens of different SWTP kits available, the 6800 proved the most popular. The militarys high standards for its transistors pushed manufacturers to improve quality control. With a distinctive anodized aluminum case, and hailed as the first true 64-bit personal computer, the Apple G5 is the most powerful Macintosh ever released to that point. DEC is founded initially to make electronic modules for test, measurement, prototyping and control markets. Answer early modern period 1700 ad to 1899 ad 16 Enterprise resource planning systems cannot be used for managing daily operations. Graduation rates are lower in online schools.