Jennifer Beals Daughter, Justin Osteen Son Of John Osteen, Peninsula Daily News Obituaries, Articles G

Gadsden, Etowah County, Alabama 35901 . the Book. His second wife was Sarah Ruck Hathorne, and they had four children. Burroughs borrowed the money for Hannahs funeral from John Putnam. They begin [to] name my name they cannot *Thomas putnam George Burroughs, signed by Peter's brothers John and Nathaniel, were sent to the Governor and Council to improve the conditions of Wells, Maine. putnam aged 40: years and Edward putnam agged 38 years who testifieth and saith. Over the course of the following decade, the residents of Salem had come to the realization that the witch trials had been a mistake and that innocent people may have been executed. we whose names are under written being present with ann putnam at the times above mentioned: saw hir tortured and hard hir refuse to writ in the book also hard hir declare what is above writen: what she said she saw and hard from the Apperishtion of Mr. George Burroghs and from thos which acc[used him] for murthering of them 013: Bridget Bishop Executed, June 10, 1692, SWP No. George Burroughs, a Puritan minister who served in Salem, Massachusetts from 1680-83, was also one of the survivors of the attack by the Native Americans. 2, No. The act of arresting Burroughs in the distant Wells, Maine required the acting lawmen to be discreet out of fear that Burroughs might be tipped off and escape, according to Upham: It was necessary to be at once cautious and rapid in their movements, to prevent the public from getting information which, by reaching the ears of Burroughs, might put him on his guard. He was hanged on 19 August 1692 at Gallows Hill, Salem, Essex . lock & rested it upon his breast In 1674, Burroughs moved to Falmouth, Maine where he served as the pastor at the Falmouth Congregational Church. Printed for Nath. Thomas Greinslit Sepr. Ordered them to be taken away Some of them, Sarah Bibber testified that he had hurt her tho Burrows, Dr. George McLaughlin (May 7, 1928) - It is with heavy hearts we announce the death of Doc George who passed peacefully at home, surrounded by his loving family, on Saturday, 23 May, 2015. The 30 people who testified against Burroughs at his trial were: Sarah BibberEzekiel CheeverRichard CarrierThomas EvansThomas GreenlitHannah HarrisElizabeth HubbardBenjamin HutchinsonAbigail HobbsElizar KeyserMary LaceyMary Lacey JrMercy LewisAnn Putnam, JrRebecca PutnamEdward PutnamThomas PutnamPeter PrescottRobert MorrellThomas RuckSusannah SheldonMartha TylerMary WarrenElizabeth WardwellMary WalcottSamuel WebberMary WebberSarah WilsonSimon WillardWilliam Wormall. *Simon Willard Jurat in Curia wards in his own person he acknowledged to 063: Sarah Good Executed July 19, 1692, SWP No. One of the most common complaints these witnesses testified to was rumors of Burroughss super human strength. 163: Two Letters of Gov. 2, no. dreadfull tell me your name that I may know who you are: then againe he tortored me & urged me to writ in his book: which I Refused: and then presently he tould me that his name was George Burroughs and that he had had three wives: and that he had bewitched the Two first of them to death: and that he kiled Mist. At the time of Burroughs arrival, Salem was in a constant state of conflict and many of its residents were feuding. Some in town thought he might be the "dark man" spoken of in many of the accusations. On October 17, 1711, the court cleared the name of George Burroughs and over 20 other convicted witches. Stoughton didnt usually sit in on the examinations but did so in the case due to the fact that Burroughs was a minister, which added more gravity to the situation. George Floyd - Wikipedia Burroughs accepted the offer and relocated to Salem Village. John Proctor, George Burroughs, George Jacobs Sr., John Willard, and Samuel Wardwell were all hanged after being convicted of witchcraft, while Giles Corey was pressed to death with stones for refusing to "put himself on the . Hannah died in childbirth in 1681, leaving George Burroughs with a newborn and two other children. Sus: [one line too faint] May 18, 2005 . The top 10 causes of death - World Health Organization 097: Alice Parker Executed, September 22, 1692, SWP No. On December 17, 1711, the Burroughs family was awarded 50 in restitution. He had to borrow money for his wife's funeral. Eliz. Savage says his father probably died in Virginia, and he can feel no doubt that he was the son of that Mrs. George Burroughs. *Stephen Sewall Cler Burroughs was arrested on charges ofwitchcraft on April 30, 1692, based on the accusation of some personal enemies from his former congregation who had sued him for debt. 27. He married Frances Sparrow (1583-1621) 1597 in Wickhambrook, Saint Edmunsbury, Suffolk, England. Society ), Wm & Mary by the Grace of God of England Scotland france & Ireland King & queen defend'rs of the faith &ca --, Wee Comand you to Warn & give Notice unto John Pierce and John lane. He protested his innocence. Tho Greenslitt: aged about forty years being deposed Testifieth yt about the first breaking out of the [letters crossed out] last Indian warre [word crossed out] being att the house of Captn Joshua Scotts at Black point. By Before the Honoured John Hallum Jurat in Curia, ( Essex Institute Collection, no. Richd.Hanniwell & John Greinslett were then present & some others yt are dead. Several witnesses testified that they often heard Burroughs bragging about an incident where he lifted a heavy gun with one finger and other incidents where he claimed to have carried heavy barrels of cider by himself, although he always declined to recreate these events. 24 ). Salem August 2'd 1692. On May 3, 1683, Burroughs visited Salem Village to meet with the village committee in order to settle his accounts. Will Gill sworne Despite being far away from the witch hysteria in Salem, Massachusetts, Burroughs name was brought up as a witch and a warrant was put out for his arrest. James Duncan Phillips Library, Peabody Essex Museum, Salem, MA. On August 11, 1676, one-year-old Mercy Lewis and her parents barely escaped an attack by the nearby Wabanaki Indians that resulted in the death of her grandparents, cousins and many other members of the community. In addition to details about the death, they can contain birth information, family origins, cause of death, and more. & others unknowne came to this depon't & Mr Burroughs had a trumpett & sounded it, & they would have had this depon't to have gone up with them to a feast at Mr parris- ses & Goody Nurse & Goody procter told her this depon't they were Deacons & would have had her eat some of their sweet bread & wine & she asking them what wine that was one of them said it was blood & better then our wine but this depon't refused to eat or drink with them & they then dreadfully afflicted her at that tyme. Though there was a widely held belief that a true witch could not recite the Lord's Prayer, Burroughs did so, astounding the crowd. 33. The girls testifying against him said that his first two wives and the wife and child of his successor at Salem Churchvisited as specters and accused Burroughs of killing them. An arrest warrant was issued for Burroughs that day in Portsmouth, NH and was ordered to be carried out by Major Elisha Hutchinson and Field Marshal Jonathan Partridge. that at the time of the taking of this deposicon Goody Nurse appeared in the roome & afflicted the Depon't Mary & Deliverance Hobbs as they attested & alsoe almost Choaked abigaile Hobbs as alsoe testified, & Mr English then run a pin into Maryes hand as she attested, ( Witchcraft Papers, no. ), Gentlemen Another man of over eighty years was pressed to death under heavy stones for refusing to submit to a trial on witchcraft charges. ), The deposistion of Ann putnam who testifieth and saith that on the 5'th of may 1692 at evening I saw the apperishtion of Mr George Burroughs who greviously tortored me and urged me to writ in his book which I refused then he tould me that his Two first wives would appeare to me presently and tell me a grat many lyes but I should not beleve them:then immediatly appeared to me the forme of Two women in winding sheats and napkins about their heads: att which I was gratly affrighted: and they turned their faces towards Mr. Burroughs and looked very red and angury and tould him that he had been a cruell man to them.and that their blood did crie for vengance against him: and also tould him that they should be cloathed with white Robes in heaven, when he should be cast into hell: and immediatly he vanished away: and as soon as he was gon the Two women turned their faces towards me and looked as pail as a white wall: and tould me that they ware mr Burroughs Two first wives and that he had murthered them: and one tould me that she was his first wife and he stabed hir under the left Arme and put a peace of sealing wax on the wound and she pulled aside the winding sheat and shewed me the place and also tould me that she was in the house Mr parish now lives w'n it was don, and the other tould me that Mr Burrough and that wife which he hath now kiled hir in the vessell as she was coming to se hir friends because they would have one another: and they both charged me that I should tell these things to the Magestraits before Mr Burroughs face and if he did not own them they did not know but that they should appere their: thes morning also Mis Lawson and hir daughter Ann appeared to me whom I knew: and tould me that Mr Burroughs murthered them: this morning also appeared to me another woman in a winding sheat and tould me that she was goodman fullers first wife and Mr Burroughs kiled hir because there was sum differance between hir husband and him: also on the 9'th may dureing the time of his ex- amination he did most greviously torment and afflect Mary Walcott mercy lewes Eliz Hubburd and Abigail williams by pinching prick'g and choaking them Peter's second wife, Sarah Cloyce, sister of Rebecca Nurse and Mary Easty (or Eastey), relocated to Salem End, now West Framingham. Reverend George Burroughs (c1650 - 1692) - Executed for witchcraft in the infamous Salem witch trials, George Burroughs was born about 1650 in Suffolk County, England, the son of Nathaniel Burroughs (1618 - 1682) and Rebecca Style (1622 - 1684). How soon it will be our portion wee know not. 92. He served as minister of Salem Village from 1680 until he left in 1683. . Abig: Hobbs in prison affirmed that Geo: Burroughs This G. B. was indicted for witch-craft, and in the prosecution of the charge against him he was accused by five or six of the bewitched, as the author of their miseries; he was accused by eight of the confessing witches, as being an head actor at some of their hellish randevouzes, and one who had the promise of being a king in Satans kingdom, now going to be erected. Tennessee: City Death Records, 1872-1923 for Nashville, Knoxville, and Chattanooga(at Ancestry/requires payment) coverage varies by city; includes digitized images of the death certificates or registers Tennessee Death Indexes, 1908-1912 and 1914-1933from the Tennessee State Library and Archives 133: Samuel Wardwell Executed, September 22, 1692, SWP No. Burroughs, ( Witchcraft Papers 7b, Massachusetts Historical Society, Boston, MA. Burroughs became disillusioned with the community when they failed to pay his wages, and when his wife died suddenly in 1681, he resorted to borrowing money from community member John Putnam to pay for her funeral. Mary Walcott. It is not known why exactly Burroughs was accused but it may have been due to left over resentment from his time as the minister in Salem Village as well as his legal troubles with the Putnam family. Wee comand you all Excuses set apart to be & personaly app'r at the Next Court of Oyer & Terminer held at Salem on the first Tuesday in August Next There to Testify the Truth on certain Indictments to be Exhibited against George Burroughs & not depart the Court without lycense or leave of s'd Court hereof fail not On penalty of One hundred pounds money to be levied on your Goods Chattels &ca Dated in Salem July 26'th 1692. 1, Massachusetts Historical Society, Boston, MA.. ), The Examination of Geo: Burroughs 9.May.1692 Death of his wife & Lawson's Childe, ( Essex County Court Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. He took a job as minister of the Salem Village Church in 1680 and his contract was renewed the next year. of the afflicted, wo stood behind him. Burroughs had moved to Wells, Maine, and had been married another two times before the time of the trials. her, that he had made her set her hand to to come to her the negro not Comeing sayd that she could not Come some thing stopt her, then her husband being called he came up. ), The deposistion of Sarah viber who testifieth and saith that on the 9'th day of may 1692 . At some point during this time period, Burroughss second wife, Sarah, died and Burroughs remarried again. John Hathorne served on the church committee to find Burroughs' replacement. Providence, but he understood nothing of it About the Gun he said he took it before the George Burroughs would use one or more of these texts in his trial in 1692, attempting to refute the charges against him. One eye witness to the execution, Robert Calef, described the event in his book More Wonders of the Invisible World: Mr. 042: Lydia Dustin Died in Prison, March 10, 1693, SWP No. When it was finally over and Burroughs still remained in their custody, the lawmen took it as a sign that the Devil had unsuccessfully tried to free Burroughs. Witnesses. He served as a minister in Portland, Maine, for two years, surviving King Philip's War and joining other refugees in moving farther south for safety. 166: Death Warrants Folder and Census of Prisoners (May - July 1692), SWP No. He said (some of you may observe, that) when Sarah Vibber Jurat He was accused by nine persons for extraordinary lifting, and such feats of strength as could not be done without a diabolical assistance. He owned that none of his children, but the Eldest Anthony a[n]d Thomas B[r]a[c]ket and Mr. Munjoy his son only are named. Jurat in Curia, wee whose names are under writen being present with Ann putnam att the time above mentioned hard hir declare what is above writen what she said she saw and hard from the Apperishtion of Mr. George Burroughs : and allso beheld hir tortors:and perceived her hellish temtations by hir loud out cries I will not I will not writ tho you torment al days of my life:and being conversant with hir ever sence have seen hir tortored and complaining that Mr. Burroughs hirt hir.and tempts hir to writ in his Book To the Sheriffe of Essex, (Reverse) July 26'th 1692 I have Sumoned the within named James Greinslett according to this Within Sub pena to Give in his Evidence att the time and place within mentioned by me 078: George Jacobs, Sr. In April 1682, merely a year and a half after coming to Salem, one of Burroughss parishioners wrote to him complaining that brother is against brother and neighbors against neighbors, all quarreling and smiting one another. By the spring of the following year the village committee stopped paying Burroughs so he left town. Salem Witch Trials: Cotton Mather - University of Virginia Yet he owned there were Toads. According to the book The Salem Witch Trials: A Day-by-Day Chronicle of a Community Under Siege, a terrible thunder storm struck while the lawmen and Burroughs were on the road to Salem and the thunder, wind and falling trees frightened both the horses and the men. The Baxter Manuscripts, Volume 5 ed by James Phinney Baxter. Jone Johnson Lewis is a women's history writer who has been involved with the women's movement since the late 1960s. 2, no. Salem Witch Trials MemorialAddress: Liberty Street, Salem Mass, Proctors Ledge MemorialAddress: 7 Pope St, Salem, Mass, Site of the Salem Witch Trials ExecutionsAddress: Proctors Ledge, wooded area between Proctor Street and Pope Street, Salem, Mass. & he told me his name was borrous, Then he tooke a booke out of his pocket: & opened it.& bid me set my hand to it I tould him I would not: the lines in this book was read as blod; then he pinched me twise & went away: The next morn- ing.he apeared to me againe.and tould me he was above a wizard; for he was a conjurar and so went away but sins that he hath apeared to me every day & night very often and urged me very much to set my hand to his book: and to run a way telling me if I would do so I should be well & that I should need feare no body: & withall tor- mented me severall ways every time he Came exept that time he told me he was a conjuror: This night he asked me very much to set my hand to his book or else he sayed he would kill me; withall tortoring me very much by biting and pinching squesing my body and runing pins into me also on the: 9'th may 1692 being the time of his examination mr George Burroughs or his Apperance did most greviously afflect and torment the bodyes of Mary Walcott mercy lewes Ann putnam and Abigail williams for if he did but look upon them he would strick them down or almost choak them to death also severall times sence he has most dreadfully afflected and tormented me with variety of torments and I beleve in my heart that mr George Burroughs is a dreadfull wizzard and that he has often tormented me and also the above named parsons by his acts of wicthcraft Jurat in Curia, Eliz Hubbard.declared:the above written evedence:to be the truth: upon her oath:that she had taken.this she owned before the Jury of inquest: Aug'st 3 1692, ( Essex County Court Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. But the government requiring some account of his trial to be inserted in this book, it becomes me with all obedience to submit unto the order. George Burroughs was the only minister that was executed during the Salem Witch Trials. 168: A Bill Against Conjurations, Witchcraft, and Dealing with Evil and Wicked Spirits (December 1692), SWP No. Burroughs graduated from Harvard University in 1670 and, in 1673, married his first wife Hannah Fisher. Geo. He denyed that he made his wife swear, that To Capt William Worwood Greeting. Burroughs .) It has taken 10 weeks for George Michael's cause of death to emerge George Michael died as a result of heart and liver disease, a coroner has confirmed. George Floyd's Cause of Death Revealed in Independent Autopsy Capt Putman testifyed that he made his wife Because the executions took place during a heat wave, the bodies had to be buried immediately in a shallow grave at the execution site to prevent them from rotting. Aug. 3, 1692. He denyed that his house at Casko was haunted. George was born on October 23, 1932, in . *Step. As Baker suggests, although the issue was quickly settled, the arrest may have left a bad impression on the Salem villagers and may have set Burroughs up for further trouble in the community. to death, but hee would choake me that my vittals should doe me but litl good then he told mee his name was borros which had preached at the vliage the last night hee Came to mee and asked mee whether i would goe to the village to morrow to witnes against him i asked him if hee was exsamened then hee told hee was then i told him i would goe then hee told mee hee would kil mee beefoar morning then hee apeared to mee at the hous of nathanniel ingolson and told mee hee had been the death of three children at the eastward and had kiled two of his wifes the first hee smouthered and the second he choaked and killed tow of his own children, (Reverse) Susannah Shelden against G. Burroughs, ( Essex County Court Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. Co-Founder of The Walt Disney Company. Witnesses Ann Putnam, junior {testified that his 2 wives Mercy Lewis the Mallossoes. Following weeks of testimony in a closely watched case, a 12-member jury found former Minneapolis police Officer Derek Chauvin . Aug'st 3: 1692, ( Witchcraft Papers, no. & Burroughs, ( Essex County Court Archives, Salem - Witchcraft, vol. [9] 169: Superior Court of Judicature: Warrants for Jurors and Returns (December 1692 - January 1693), SWP No. Jurat in Curia, (Reverse) Sarah Viber ag't This caused many in the audience to second guess his guilt. Wm. made Oath to the latter part.of this paper Burroughss trial was held on August 5, 1692. Copyright 2023 The History Junkie | Bamboo on Trellis Framework by Mediavine. Three years later, on June 22, 2008, George once again experienced heart failure and passed away at . This article was very interesting in that my wife, Georgina Burroughs, is the 8th generation Grand Daughter of George Burroughs. 21. Ann Puttnam declared har above written evidence to Mercy Lewis: Orphaned Afflicted Girl - History of Massachusetts Blog On August 19, 1692, George Burroughs plunged to his death and was buried in a shallow grave. [Edward Putnam]?tag/putnam_edward.html) He then moved toWells, Maine, believing it would be safer fromIndianattacks. ), Province of the Mattathusets Bay in New EnglandThe deposition of Thomas Greinslitt aged about forty years Testfieth. ), Memorand'm in mr George Burroughs Tryall besides the written Evidences that was Sworne sev'll who gave theirs by word of mouth & Major Browne holding Out a heavy Gun w'th One hand. William Phips (1692-1693), SWP No. The Witchcraft Trials in Salem: A Commentary - University of Missouri George Burroughs (1650-1692) - Find a Grave Memorial Perhaps Cotton's most self-damning act within the public eye was his publication of the volume The Wonders of the Invisible World, in October, 1692, after the final executions. 7th great-grandson . marshall of the Provence of newhansher and maine, (Reverse) Warrant agt Burroughs the Marchalls Returne, ( Witchcraft Papers, no. In 2019, Alzheimer's disease and other forms of dementia ranked as the 7th leading cause of death. George Burroughs George Burroughs (1917 . Susan Sheldon {affirmed each of them that Last edited on 24 February 2023, at 21:13, Learn how and when to remove this template message, introducing citations to additional sources, "Warrant for apprehension of George Burroughs, and Officer's Return", "Reverend George Burroughs: Ringleader of the Salem Witches? George married Williamina Burrows. After Boston minister Cotton Mather reassured the crowd that his execution was the result of a court decision, Burroughs was hanged. the Bewitched being present. And her daughter Mary affirmed that Mr. George Burroughs was at the witch meetings and witch sacraments, and that she knows Mr. Burroughs to be of the company of witches. It appears from court records that Burroughss children soon began fighting over the money. 137: John Willard Executed August 19, 1692, SWP No. Although the jury had found no witches' marks on his body, he was nonetheless convicted of witchcraft and a conspiracy with the devil . 2. or Jona Curwin Esq s, ( Witchcraft Papers, no. He was accused of such acts as lifting weights beyond what would be humanly possible to lift. According to historian Sidney Perley, an old family story from the Buffum family states that from his house on nearby Boston street, Joshua Buffam could see Burroughss exposed hand and foot sticking out of the crevice, so just after night fall he went to cover them so they were no longer visible. May 10- Sarah Osborne dies in prison in Boston. John Brown test testifyed about a b[arre]ll [of] Cyder In the book, Mather said he preferred not to discuss the case at all but was required to include it by the government of Massachusetts Bay Colony. My husband descends from George Burroughs through the Virginia line of John Burroughs. At his execution, he quoted the Lords Prayer which a witch should not have been able to do. He resigned his post and left Salem in 1683. 8 Facts About George Washington's Death 2, no. Short of stature, muscular, dark-complexioned, he was highly attractive to women, as is shown by his winning the hand of a rich widow as his second wife when he was a mere village minister. We Subscribe Our Selves your Honours Humble Sertts.. Its not clear why Greenlit or the other witness felt compelled to testify against Burroughs long after he had already been tried and executed but it suggests that the community may have begun to doubt Burroughss guilt, particularly after the events of his execution, and Greenlit may have been pressured to testify to provide further proof of this alleged guilt. From June through September of 1692, nineteen men and women, all having been convicted of witchcraft, were carted to Gallows Hill, a barren slope near Salem Village, for hanging. Although historians have blamed her accusation on causes ranging from a conspiracy against Andover's proprietary families to reaction against threats to patriarchal . Mercy Lewis He left in 1683, moving back to Falmouth. 22. 31, 2021, *Simon Willard Jurat in Curia, Simon willard owned:to the Jury of inquest:that the she should not write to her Father Ruck without [4] He became the minister of Salem Village (now Danvers) in 1680 (where he would eventually be convicted of witchcraft and hanged). He married a third time; with this wife, Mary, he had a daughter. 114: Wilmott Reed Executed, September 22, 1692, SWP No. George Floyd's heart disease and use of fentanyl were contributing factors to his death, but they were not the direct cause, the medical examiner who performed his autopsy testified on Friday in . Another man of over eighty years was pressed to death under heavy stones for refusing to submit to a trial on witchcraft charges. Burroughs encountered the same problems as his predecessor as well as hostility from Bayleys friends and supporters, according to the book Salem Witchcraft by Charles W. Upham: Immediately upon calling to the village to reside, he encountered the hostility of those persons who, as the special friends of Mr. Bayley, allowed their prejudices to be concentrated upon his innocent successor. Const'b in [in] Salem. On Monday afternoon, an independent autopsy ordered by George's family found . Other witnesses testified that Burroughs was secretive and had tried to censor what his previous wives told others about his behavior. John Dunton, 1692.Baker, Emerson W. A Storm of Witchcraft: The Salem Trials and the American Experience. Dr. Andrew Baker, who performed Mr. Floyd's autopsy, said police officers'. also: s'd that: Mr Borroughs: told her that: he made lights: in Mr Keyzers: Chimny, Jurat in Curia by Mr Keysor](/tag/keyser_elizer.html) Sworne also by Eliz: Wardwell as to the last night, ( Manuscripts and Archives Division, Salem Selections, New York Public Library, New York, NY. Pennsylvania Death Certificates, 1906-1968 (indexed) (at Ancestry/requires payment); includes scanned copies of the death certificates Pennsylvania Death Records Indexes, 1906-1972 (index only; free) PDF files; you must search each year separately; for some years surnames are listed by Soundex code; from the Pennsylvania State .