What should be part of the DDx list? always pathological (glomerulonephritis, UT injury)c. always pathological (glomerulonephritis, UT injury)c. always pathological (glomerulonephritis, UT injury)c. always pathological (glomerulonephritis, UT injury)c. always pathological (glomerulonephritis, UT injury)Screening test is ELISA first, then confirmatory Western Blot.+ "Chandelier Test." What is the patient's most likely dx?Which vaccines are recommended for all children beginning at 1 year of age? (select all that apply)Put the COPD prescribing strategies in order from first-line to last-line.1. How should he be tx?Which characteristic is LEAST likely to prompt an NP to consider hospitalization for an adult who has been dx w/ pneumonia?b. Periférny vazodilatátor s antitrombotickou a reologickou aktivitouAlprostadil (PGE1) (PROSTAVASIN, ALPROSTAN, PROSTIN)Kalcium dobesilát (DANIUM, DOBESILAT-CALCIUM, DOXIVENIL)Látky znižujúce intestinálnu absorpciu cholesteroluLátky ovplyvňujúce konverziu plazmatických lipoproteínovgenerácia (SNRI - Neselektívny serotonínový reuptakeový inhibítor)(SARI - Antagonisti serotonínu, reuptakeový inhibítor)generácia (SSRI – Selektívny serotonínový reuptakeový inhibítor)NaSSA (noradrenergickké a špecifické serotonínergické antidepresíva a stimulátory jeho uptake)Fenytoín (hydantoín) (EPILAN D GEROT, SANEPIL, SODANTOIN, EPANUTIN PARENTERAL, PHENHYDAN)Karbamazepín (BISTON, NEUROTOP, TEGRETOL, TIMONIL, APO-CARBAMAZEPINE)Lamotrigín (LAMICTAL, TRIGINET, LAMOGINE, PLEXXO)Valproát (CONVULEX, DEPAKINE CHRONO, EVERIDEN, ORFIRIL)Fenytoín (EPILAN D GEROT, SANEPIL, SODANTOIN, EPANUTIN PARENTERAL, PHENHYDAN)Lieky ovplyvňujúce fyzilogické inhibičné alebo excitačné neurotransmiterové funkcieFenobarbital (GARDENAL, LUMINAL, PHENAEMAL, PHENAEMALETTEN, SANEPIL)Valproát (CONVULEX, DEPAKINE CHRONO, EVERIDEN, ORFIRIL)( - ovplyvnenie uvoľň. adults 19-64 y/o who are part of a "vulnerable population"b. adults 19-64 y/o who are part of a "vulnerable population"If you meet the criteria to receive the PCV13 vaccine, when should you receive the PPSV23 vaccine?a. It has worsened over the past 3 months. Produces a d/c. She states that her vaginal sx are making her "miserable." She takes fluticasone/salmeterol (Advair) BID, albuterol PRN, amlodipine 5mg, levothyroxine 88mcg daily, and metformin 1000mg BID. pioglitazone- Actos, rosiglitazone- Avandia). (select all that apply)Which medications are MAY NOT be safe to use in pregnancy? Can be assoc w/ findings of angina, syncope, and CHF (later in life).Diastolic in nature. (select all that apply)Which vaccines are recommended for all children beginning at birth? A1C goal = <7%. a spätného vychytávania GABA)Gabapentín (GORDIUS, NEURONTIN, GABALEPT, GABATOR)Zvyšujúce uvoľňovanie dopamínu zo zachovaných dopamínergných zakončeníPiracetam (cyklický derivát GABA) (NOOTROPIL, OIKAMID, PIRABENE, KALIKOR, LUCETAM, PIRACETAM, GERATAM)Cinarizin (STUGERON, ARLEVERT, CINNABENE, CINARIZIN) strawberry tongue). Usually begins after 25 y/o.Sx worsen over time and usually do not respond to typical analgesics.What is the least likely cause of secondary dysmenorrhea?All infertile PCOS pts should start w/ clomiphene if trying to become pregnant.A pt has been dx w/ BV. clinafloxacin. Labs today = TSH 18.4. Usually affects women 14-30 y/o. Contraindicated in HF. Expensive.Includes metformin. Tx w/ acyclovir (or similar antiviral).According to JNC-8, when should pharmacotherapy begin for a pt <60 y/o or has CM or CKD?According to JNC-8, when should pharmacotherapy begin for a pt >60 y/o?According to JNC-8, a pt who is <60 y/o or has DM or CKD should maintain a BP of =/<:According to JNC-8, a pt who is >60 y/o should maintain a BP of =/<:According to JNC-8, what is the best initial choice of medication for HTN in an AA w/ or w/o DM?According to JNC-8, what is the best initial choice of medication for non-black pt w/ or w/o DM?According to JNC-8, which anti-HTN med can drop BP >10 points?According to JNC-8, which anti-HTN med can drop BP 2-8 points?Which medication for HTN should be avoided in pts w/ a reported sulfa allergy?What is the goal BP for an 80 y/o woman w/ multiple co-morbidities, including CAD w/ stent and hyperlipidemia?A 75 y/o pt reports to your office with consistently elevated systolic BP. Which med is LEAST likely to cause this AE?A 24 y/o pt presents w/ white plaques on the buccal mucosa, palate, and tongue. Tx w/ antiviral w/in 72 hours, NSAIDs, and analgesics.Characterized by a malar, butterfly rash, fatigue, and multiple joint pain. (select all that apply)Which medications are MAY NOT be safe to use in pregnancy? A1C goal = <8%. AKA atopic dermatitis. Stiffness in the morning that typically resolves w/in 60 minutes. No hypoglycemia. Do not need XR unless sx of limp persist. Can be used in combo. Tx w/ low-potency topical steroids. How should he be handled?A 30 y/o pt w/ moderate persistent asthma has a temp of 102, bilateral wheezes, mild SOB, and purulent sputum. azithromycin 500mg on day 1, then 250mg days 2-5A 55 y/o pt was dx w/ pneumonia 7 days ago and was started on levofloxacin. Available for Android and iOS devices. Has sandpaper-like quality that can desquamate.Maculopapular "brick red" rash that starts on head and neck and spreads centrifugally to trunk and extremities.Vesicular lesions on erythematous base appearing in crops.Maculopapular rash that looks like a measles rash but appears w/ remarkable lymphadenopathy and macules on the soft palate.Painless ulcers in mouth w/ rash on palmar and solar surfaces.Painful ulcers occurring only in the mouth.