Anyone one using these, are they helpful, what are the side effects ?...Content on HealthUnlocked does not replace the relationship between you and doctors or other healthcare professionals nor the advice you receive from them.Never delay seeking advice or dialling emergency services because of something that you have read on HealthUnlocked. 3. [] The phenomenon is named for Maurice Raynaud, who, as a medical student, defined the first case in 1862 as "episodic, symmetric, acral vasospasm characterized by pallor, cyanosis, suffusion, and a sense of fullness or tautness, which may be painful." His first-line drug for Raynaud's and the ischemic finger is amlodipine, at a starting dose of 5 mg that is titrated to 20 mg/day. I just got a notice from my drug insurance provider that for next year they will no longer covers the cost of Nifedipine, and suggest Amlodipine Besylate instead. It was years ago, and I experienced hypotension and dizziness with it. Good luck to you.From a UK journal for GP's - family doctors - on how to manage rx for Ray's. The insurance company does not know specifically why I take Nifedipine, and probably just assumes it is for high blood pressure.My question is does anyone have any experience with Amlodipine for treatment of Raynaud's? By continuing to view the drug information, you agree to abide by suchConsidering taking medication to treat raynaud's phenomenon? The display and use of drug information on this site is subject to express terms of use. It causes pallor followed by cyanosis and/or redness, often with pain and, at … I take these things for both my Raynaud's and PAH. Follow the links to read common uses, side effects, dosage details and read user reviews for the drugs listed below.Things to remember when you fill your prescription.WebMD does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Vasc Health Risk Manag.2010;6:167–177. he has prescribed me Amlodipine at 2.5mg for the raynauds.

When I saw the Rheumatologist with my Raynaud's she asked the Dr to increase the dose to help it.

I was diagnosed with Raynaud's (cold hands) about 5 years ago, and my doctor put me on Nifedipine ER which has helped significantly. I just got a notice from my drug insurance provider that for next year they will no longer covers the cost of Nifedipine, and suggest Amlodipine Besylate instead.

I don't know how you might respond to another Ca-channel blocker, since you already know you have side effects from the nifedipine. 2.

Udenafil and amlodipine improved the RP frequency on average by 0.5 (s.d. 1.4) per day (P = 0.04), respectively (Fig.

Opilon tablets are indicated in the short term control of the symptoms of primary Raynaud's phenomenon)

Amlodipine is an oral medication that doctors prescribe to treat high blood pressure, coronary artery disease, and angina. They don't...18 years old and was diagnosed with Primary Raynaud's last year, I constantly feel cold,...I was started on Amlodipine 5mg in March this year. Primary Raynaud syndrome is much more common then secondary Raynaud syndrome.

My Rhumatologist recommended Opilon (Moxisylyte is an alpha-adrenergic blocking agent.

Follow the links to read common uses, side effects, dosage details and read user reviews for the drugs listed below. Explore Mayo Clinic studies testing new treatments, interventions and tests as a means to prevent, detect, treat or manage this disease.. Lifestyle and home remedies. This typically results in a 35%-40% reduction in patient-rated symptom severity scores, which he characterized as "a modest benefit." A variety of steps can decrease Raynaud's attacks and help you feel better.