So does Lisinopril. All doctors say I take to low a dose to have effect. If it drops or goes away, then you’ll know it was the Ramipril. So doc, with my kidney issues in mind and the ringing ears which 2 meds would be my best bet with the lowest ototoxic. Both of these drug classes are usually very safe, they have been on the market for a long time, and your doctor or pharmacist can answer other questions specifically for your condition! According to your report, Temisartan is on the medium risk category and has very low tinnitus cases (60) and a Grand total of 1,441. once to get off of it cause I am losing all my hair and that's not fun for a woman. I read some horror stories on the internet about tumors and all kinds of things that make me very anxiousThere are a number of things that can cause pulsatile tinnitus. They block sympathetic stimulation of the heart.Still looking for answers? I am a 47 years old female, and three months ago I was diagnosed with high blood pressure, I am now taking concor cor 5, crestor 10, aspirin, and seroxat.Did your doctor prescribe all four drugs–Bisoprolol (Concor), Rosuvastatin (Crestor), Acetylsalicylic Acid (Aspirin) and Paroxetine (Seroxat) all at exactly the same time? Cardiologist here in Australia prescribed Candesartan Cilexeril which gave me bad anxiety and nightmares so I stopped. It will cause tinnitus/make tinnitus worse for some people and not for others. These side effects can be temporary in some people while you are on the drug.Metoprolol is much more ototoxic than Ramipril and causes the above side effects plus even more.I wouldn’t believe your doctors when they tell you that you are on too low a dose to have any ototoxic side effects. Propranolol and timolol are nonselective beta-blockers, which results in more side effects. I had all the side effects listed on the drug's accompanying leaflet. I did make a turn at the doc and told him about drugs and Tinitus. Thank youCarvedilol can indeed cause tinnitus, so your tinnitus could be from taking this drug. In the meanwhile, I dream of one day putting my head on the pillow and falling asleep peacefully as I used to.I am still off the propanol, hopefully, I 'll never have to be on such drug again. Do you have any advice?I think your tinnitus was the result of the drugs you are taking and the added stress of your exams.Atenolol can certainly cause tinnitus and does so in numbers of people so it is probably a good drug for you to stay away from in the future.Valsartan also causes tinnitus in numbers of people, Hydrochlorothiazide not so much.if you want to continue taking a beta blocker that is in the same class as Atenolol, you might want to try taking Celiprolol or Levobunolol or Nadolol or Oxprenolol as these are not as likely to cause tinnitus as other beta-blockers do. you posted with this problem but if you figure it out please. So can taking garlic every day. So, in your case, you got tinnitus which may or may not prove to be permanent. Is there a category of drugs which would work for me, helping both blood pressure without lowering heart rate or making my tinnitus worse?Lisinopril and Verapamil are two different classes of drugs and both can cause tinnitus in some people. The nurse was very careful not to apply to much water pressure. Thanks and best of luck to you.About six months ago I developed tinnitus having taken beta blockers for two months. If I go outside or to the store It’s not bad at all. Been to ENT nothing but small amount of high pitched sound loss. At least you wouldn’t have gotten tinnitus.Diltiazem (Cardizem) can cause tinnitus in some people–but I think it is a relatively low risk, so it may be worth risking it and see. I had no idea that my medications could be causing it. I had tingling in one of my feet for awhile, but that seems to have gone away. I have had tinnitus for 15 years and am concerned about taking any drugs for an extended time that could permanently intensify my tinnitus.I understand your concerns. For example, if you cut the dose in half and your tinnitus went away, and yet the drug still did the job, you could get the best of both worlds. Stopped Crestor, tinnitus remained, and now seems worse.I have no other symptoms and am otherwise well; but despite stopping all BP meds + Crestor — a week after stopping all, my new world of tinnitus remains. Few weeks ago I woke up with a ringing in my right ear… Is it possible taht after all this years Atenolol triggered mt tinnitus? "For there will be famines, pestilences, and [severe] earthquakes in various places"  [Matthew 24:7], "distress of nations, the sea and the waves roaring"—tsunamis, hurricanes—Luke 21:25, but this is good news if you have put your trust in the Lord Jesus Christ, for "when these things begin to happen, lift up your heads [and rejoice] because your redemption draws near" [Luke 21:28]. Maybe it’s a new drug? So glad I found your site and found I am not the only one. I’m on Hydrochlorothiazide 25mg daily at the moment and thinking I should switch to something that is hopefully less Ototoxic. So focus on the loves of your life and by so doing ignore your tinnitus (as much as is humanly possible) and let it begin to fade away.My book, “Take Control of Your Tinnitus” chapters 16 and 17 in particular show you how to do this.