The numbers in the parentheses (1, 2, 3) are clickable links to peer-reviewed scientific papers.The feedback link “Was this Article Helpful” on this page can be used to report content that is not accurate, up-to-date or questionable in any manner. Can Myasthenia Gravis Go Away On Its Own? Weakening of these muscles creates problem in swallowing, drooping eyelids, dual vision, speech problems and also trouble in walking. However, in some cases, the disease remains in the active stage and the continuous treatment is required to manage the symptoms. This self recovery process without any symptom is known as remission. Both males and females have equal chances of getting into remission from Myasthenia Gravis.Now we know that myasthenia gravis can go into remission, we should also know the reasons behind it and how it happens. Women with age lower than 40 and men with age higher than 60 are commonly affected by myasthenia gravis. Prognosis is favorable in the patient undergoing treatment and the quality of life improves.The classification of myasthenia gravis is done on the basis of the severity of the disease. The people suffering from myasthenia gravis also have difficulty in swallowing.The condition is most commonly found in adult males and females and is rarely found in children. The condition is divided … What is ocular myasthenia gravis? In rare cases, the condition of the patient improves, and the disease goes in remission stage without any treatment. If these conditions are clearly defined, there will be a great help in managing the disease. Stable, long-lasting complete remissions are the goal of thymectomy and may occur in about 50 percent of individuals who undergo this procedure. The surgical removal of the Thymus gland increases the rate of remission up to 30-70%, improves the likelihood of patients with MG and clinical improvements are also seen.Some studies have also shown that a calcium free diet and proper consumption of vitamin D have resulted in myasthenia gravis remission in many patients.All the above conditions and factors have shown myasthenia gravis remission in only few experimental treatment cases, but do not apply as a fixed treatment for all the patients of myasthenia gravis. People with ocular MG have trouble with sight due to double vision and/or drooping eyelids. The condition is related to the thymus gland and the thymus gland of the patient is enlarged or the patient may suffer from thymoma. Both men and women have same chances of remission.It is also seen that people who undergo Thymectomy (surgical removal of the thymus gland) can achieve medication free remission of MG. The disease is divided into an active stage and remission stage and the aim of the treatment is to keep the disease in remission stage.There is no cure of myasthenia gravis, however, it can be effectively managed by various medications and surgery is also required in some patients with increased severity. (1) Now we know that myasthenia gravis can go into remission, we should also know the reasons behind it and how it happens. In the active stage, the patient experiences the symptoms of the disease such as eyelid drooping, In most of the cases, the disease goes into the remission stage from the active stage as the patients respond positively to the treatment. This article may contains scientific references. Some cases of myasthenia gravis may go into remission—either temporarily or permanently— and muscle weakness may disappear completely so that medications can be discontinued. Myasthenia gravis is a long lasting neuromuscular disorder, characterized by various levels of weakness of the skeletal muscles. There is no cure of myasthenia gravis, however, it can be effectively managed by various medications and surgery is also required in some patients with increased severity.