I was on Effexor XR for a few years and got off it several years ago. I had taken Effexor for at least 8 years, Zoloft prior to that and and Imipramine (sp?) It was a very difficult process, so I fully sympathize. Also had skin sensations and peeling, and noticed a strange smell on my skin. It was a very difficult process, so I fully sympathize. Since I had recently retired from teaching, thought this would be an ideal time to give it a go. Be aware that symptoms will get better, then may reappear each time you taper. The sensation can be triggered by moving your eyes and is often accompanied by disorientation, tinnitus (ringing in the ears), vertigo, and/or lightheadedness. Good luck with your process. Well, to make a long story short, the depression crept back in full and I am still trying to get my life back. What dosage you’re on, how sensitive you are to the medication, etc. Depression can be hell – we didn’t choose this, but are stuck with dealing with it! It is also … The schedule used was faster than the one given below but it did occasionally give difficulties so the reduction plan below has been adjusted to avoid these situations. The Prozac decay model was used to calculate a drug reduction programme. I’m so happy that you found this online patient support group. Using those meds really helped a lot, i only experienced slight brain zaps, a little bit of nausea, diarrhea and vertigo, nothing as severe as when i tried to go of Venlafaxine by myself. Since I had recently retired from teaching, thought this would be an ideal time to give it a go. I’m so glad to hear that you found a doctor who could work with you so effectively and could provide other meds to help you through the withdrawal process. I am going to push on through any suggestion or guidance I would be gratefully received giving the length of years my body’s had this in my system I not being deluded and realise no pain no gain . That said, my Internet research (take that for what it’s worth…Dr. Each day got a little better and by the 3rd week started to function a bit more normally. At this higher level (4 x 75 mg) the reduction may possibly be done more quickly as the reductions are much smaller in percentage terms.A separate sheet is attached which could be copied and given to a patient to give day by day guidance on the following reduction programme starting with 2 x 75 mg capsules of XL.Capsules have the disadvantage that they cannot be broken up in any way so the full dose has to be taken. Google) said that there is not necessarily strong scientific evidence that tapering is better. This is a big decision for I have lived with acute clinical depression all my adult life And as recently as 2012 I was admitted in To Physciatric Hospital . In addition, Effexor just wasn’t helping all that much anymore (I thought.) I hope you are doing better! If I were to do it again, that’s what I would do (while replacing Effexor with something else.) "Hi! My G. P wanted to up my dose i for once spoke up and said no . Various studies have shown that drugs like Effexor can be successfully tapered by reducing the dose by 25% every four to six weeks and adjust based on any side effects you are having. I finally had to accept that I’m a person who will need antidepressants for the rest of my life. If I were to do it again, that’s what I would do (while replacing Effexor with something else.) I am new to Connect, but hopefully can offer some..." I survived it, but will never in my life EVER go off ANY antidepressant cold turkey. For long-acting venlafaxine, a sample taper is a decrease of 37.5–75 mg weekly for a final dose of 37.5 mg before stopping the drug. Here are the things that helped me with the physical withdrawal symptoms:Hi there! "Considering coming off Venlafaxine after being on 75 mg for at least 17 years. The tablet will have a similar effect to the capsule on the day of taking it but it will have the effect of reducing the body drug levels slightly over the few days because it leaves the body quickly.