I’ve been sick for a long time and recently I’ve been rather discouraged with where I’m at with my health. Healthline Media does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. For example, in the case of someone who’s severely allergic to peanuts, the smallest taste can trigger a strong histamine response. (Hmmm …need a healthier analogy) Anyway, I’m feeling excited optimistic, and hopeful after all these years of being sick. Please respond, Thank You Very Much !! If you suspect you have too much histamine or not enough DAO enzyme there are a couple of things you can do:In general, avoiding histamine means avoiding old or aged food. Your title is Boost DAO to Fight Histamine, yet you list foods that are high in histamine to get DAO. We wouldn’t put it in our own bodies if we weren’t 100% certain it would help. Enjoy every meal again – with Umbrellux ® DAO. Avocados and spinach are on all the lists as very high in histamines, yet they are on your list for DAO producing foods. We are learning a lot more about histamine and DAO at a fast rate and this will only continue to get better. I believe that God has allowed our paths to cross and that He is going to use you help restore my body to health. Olive oil, mackerel, avocados and more are full of histamines.yes, of course Bridget! I’ve eliminated all trigger-foods and drinks with leaky gut, fodmap and low-carb knowledge. If you are interested in taking part in a Dao Enzyme supplement, you might want to check out the following information. I don’t get it ! Many of the foods that are listed as having high histamine levels are a regular part of my diet and I eat some of them in very large amounts. Try to avoid products that have any harmful chemicals in them, because these can be very harmful.You also need to consider that you are looking for a good digestive enzyme that is going to be easy to use. Dietary supplements are an affordable and effective way to ensure you and your loved ones are getting the daily recommended intake of essential vitamins, minerals and … I began taking 2-3 capsules a day just before mealtimes depending on how histamine-rich my meal was going to be. I read your “DAO Boosting Foods” list,,,And I see some items you have listed, that are on other lists by other people that are said to contain high histamine levels. The foods that treat one issue exasperates the other. Question: Do diamine oxidase (DAO) supplements for histamine intolerance really work? Many thanks MarkI mean to say the fish is Pollack that they make it fromIt would be great if you can clarify the following, I have terrible reactions to histamine and they are quite extreme, I was trying to determine if histamine is the cause or a symptom of a blocked lymphatic system because of like of bile to break down fats etc.. so I had a DAO test and it came back as 50U/ml concentration levels in the serum which is classed as good levels according to the test. HistaResist ™ reflects the latest research. and having read all the above, am quite keen to consult with you when back in UK (away with work right now). When you hear the word histamine, drugs like Benadryl probably come to mind. Like in my case I cannot tolerate wine, kimchi and the verdict is out on cultured vegetables. Now you’re probably wondering how we can boost DAO naturally, within the body. For this reason I am intentionally avoiding saturated fats. It should be law…R. need to get my DAO-levels up until my gut is healed.I was told that high doses of vitamin C is really good in boosting doa. the question is about the foods you list in which categories. This includes vinegar, alcohol, cured meats, smoked meats, fermented foods, canned foods, and leftovers. Still, more studies are needed.Scientific understanding of histamine intolerance and DAO deficiency is still in a relatively early stage.Various factors can affect the production of both DAO and histamine in different parts of your body. Warmly, RobertaI just wanted to send a quick thank you for your time and advice today. Umbrellux ® DAO supplement can boost your body’s natural enzyme production to help fight all that excess histamine. We wouldn’t put it in our own bodies if we weren’t 100% certain it would help. Look up information about prescription drugs, over-the-counter medications, herbs, vitamins and supplements. All rights reserved. This handcrafted and researched bundle includes all of the crucial pieces you need to release and flush out toxins in 30 days. You are a true inspiration!© 2020 Jill Carnahan. In Chinese, it is called ‘Dao’ means ‘to do.’ So the Dao is actually a kind of enzyme, which is a powerful antioxidant and digestive enzyme. Within the body, DAO is found principally in the kidneys, thymus, and the placenta in pregnant women.