In addition to teaming up with your doctor and asking a trusted family member or friend to help you through this period, you may find it helpful to reach out to others who are also going through Effexor withdrawal. Help is a phone call away. Effexor withdrawal should be managed under the guidance of a medical professional. If you are thinking about discontinuing Effexor, or if you have encountered withdrawal problems from the medication, it may be time to seek help. Effexor lawsuits have been on the rise because of the potential for causing birth defects in the children of women who take this antidepressant while pregnant. Nancy Schimelpfening, MS is the administrator for the non-profit depression support group Depression Sanctuary. The warning was issued for all SNRI antidepressants and was based on the results of a study. Don't wait another day. The defects seen in children linked to SNRIs include heart murmurs and other heart defects, spina bifida, club foot, pulmonary stenosis, omphalocele, lung defects, and craniosynostosis.Plaintiffs in Effexor lawsuits have claimed that the company did not do everything it could to warn patients about the risks of birth defects. Having a child with a debilitating birth defect is something that can impact the rest of your life. However, these electric shock-like sensations can cause you to become alarmed or worry and happen frequently enough to disrupt daily life or quality of life. Verywell Mind uses cookies to provide you with a great user experience. Now Pfizer has responsibility for the drug and faces all the lawsuits over the damaging side effects. Effexor withdrawal symptoms develop quickly, so if you are experiencing withdrawal symptoms from missing a dose, take it as soon as you remember. Ⓒ 2020 About, Inc. (Dotdash) — All rights reserved Effexor may also cause withdrawal symptoms if use is discontinued too suddenly.These side effects are not too serious, although they may be uncomfortable. Talk to your doctor if you have any concerns. It works to Read our Avoiding Effexor Withdrawal Symptoms with Detox. Some drug companies have come under fire for promoting antidepressants for teens and children, in spite of the known risks. Effexor Lawsuits: Status in 2020. The sensation can be triggered by moving your eyes and is often accompanied by disorientation, tinnitus (ringing in the ears), vertigo, and/or lightheadedness. That study found that for women taking an SNRI like Effexor past the 20 week of pregnancy were significantly more likely to have children born with defects or to have other issues like miscarriages.One of the potential problems Effexor can cause is a condition called persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn, or PPHN. Effexor withdrawal symptoms can be both emotionally and physically difficult. Many people have filed lawsuits against Pfizer, the drug company that manufactures and sells Effexor. Others report the sensation spreads out to other parts of the body. What is more of a concern with Effexor, and what has led to a number of lawsuits against Pfizer, are the more serious possible effects of this drug. With a successful lawsuit and settlement you may be able to get the money you need to pay expensive medical bills and to compensate for the wages you may have lost while you stayed home from work caring for a baby or child or recovering from your own health problems related to the drug.Compensation from a lawsuit can also cover your pain and suffering and even the loss of relationships triggered by the problems the drug caused.