Being allergic? Every six months or whenever I would get a cold and wipe my nose excessively, I would get one. The culprit is the varicella-zoster virus. Only Abreva can get rid of a cold sore in as few as 2 ½ days* when used at the first sign. **Abreva contains the only OTC ingredient approved by the FDA to shorten getting rid of time and duration of symptoms. Zostavax, the shingles vaccine, can reduce the incidence of shingles by half. Don’t let cold sores get in the way of life. “$25 for a minimal amount and it took just as long to heal as if I had not used anything. There is no cure for genital herpes. It is currently approved by the Foods and Drugs Administration (FDA) for the treatment of cold sores caused by the herpes simplex virus-1. I used it and it spread the cold sore terribly. Women should wait at least three months after receiving the vaccine before trying to get pregnant.You are encouraged to report negative side effects of prescription drugs to the FDA. I started feeling the first signs and we have a big performance coming up, so I finally gave in and bought generic brand abreva. GSK assumes no responsibility for the site. When i woke up next morning blister was already scabbed and was about 1/4-1/8 size of normal blister I get, only small amount of tingling remains, very happy and will TOTALLY use again and recommend....” They were painful and embarrassing and just overall gross. How Valacyclovir (Valtrex) Works. ** ACT ON IT WITH ABREVA. Likewise, shingles could also cause problems for your unborn child. Valtrex and Abreva are antiviral drugs used to treat cold sores (herpes labialis). If you use it at first sign, and rub it in until the product disappears every time you use it, it will stop the virus from growing and spreading. I see a lot of negative comments about Abreva, I decided to try it because I really need this blister gone QUICK this time. Here's a guide through the...Shingles falls within a well-known family of viruses that cause itching, burning, blisters, and pain. It's not the product that makes your cold sore worse unless you have an allergic reaction to the chemical make up of the product but that would result in hives. It bursts open, and you cannot take 2 weeks off for a simple cold sore especially when preparing for performances. Once Valtrex enters the HSV-infected cells, Valtrex begins to block the effects of DNA polymerase, an important enzyme which is needed by the herpes viruses to copy their genetic material and spread to other cells. “Abreva has worked for me every time. No more than $8/tube today.” It must be used IMMEDIATELY upon the first tingle, HOWEVER, and several times per day, and more often if it gets washed off in the shower, or after eating. “Abreva takes some of the pain away and helps in healing but then I notice that I will get another outbreak worse than the first one a few weeks later. Valtrex (valacyclovir hydrochloride) is FDA approved for the treatment of herpes simplex (cold sores and genital herpes) and varicella zoster virus (chickenpox and shingles) 1. Ever since? Symptoms of genital herpes include painful blisters and often fever, body aches, and swollen lymph nodes for first time infection. Very expensive and I can’t even go out in public like this!” Key: apply upon FIRST notice of tingling. “58-yr-old male w/near 50 yrs experience w/cold sores! New blisters actually popped up after I started using it! Zovirax is used to treat shingles, chickenpox, and genital herpes. After showering, washing your face, need to re-apply. **Abreva works quickly by penetrating deep into the skin to the source of the spreading virus.At the core of the cold sore, Abreva blocks the virus and provides a barrier to protect healthy skin cells.When used at the first tingle, Abreva can get rid of a cold sore in just 2½ days. See how Abreva cream works to shorten the getting rid of time of a cold sore. For those who don't know, playing any brass instrument with a cold sore is the worst thing ever. WebMD shows you pictures of genital herpes symptoms and treatments -- and how to avoid getting the...There are some common misconceptions about this viral illness and the uncomfortable rash it can cause. Tried other concoctions. Valtrex (valacyclovir) vs. Abreva (docosanol): What's the difference?Bowel regularity means a bowel movement every day. The following information is NOT intended to endorse any particular medication. Like with other outbreaks of HSV, valacyclovir will speed up the speed at which cold sores heal, but it can still … Now I have two outbreak spots which is very rare for how I get them. I finally decided to give abreva a try. I have been applying 3-4 times a day. You cannot solely rely on medication to aid in your outbreak - you must also watch your diet, your stress levels and any triggers - such as heat, wind, sweating - anything that can irritate the virus infected cells must be avoided or the medications are just a weak band aid.” Valtrex (Vala ... Abreva does very little, not worth the money. “If you already have blisters or lesions, go to the doctor... do not buy Abreva. In my opinion Abreva isn't strong enough to deal with the cold sore on its own; but it is definitely beneficial when you use it along with medication.”