It might also be effective for other kinds of depression when it’s added on to an antidepressant, but more trials are needed. Dehydration or low levels of sodium in the blood may be dangerous. All rights reserved. I have heard that lowering the lithium dosage can help with these, but I just got to 0.8 so my doctor will probably keep me where I am. Hang in there. Not everyone will experience all of these side effects, but it’s likely you’ll experience some of these common side effects if you’re prescribed lithium:If you’ve been prescribed lithium, take it carefully according to your doctor’s directions. My mood sucks, anxiety, depression and agitation are high. If you’ve been diagnosed with bipolar depression, don’t stop taking lithium or any prescription antidepressant cold turkey. It is important that you … Lithium can be toxic if you overdose on this drug. Healthline Media does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Lithium does have a strong clinical track record as an effective treatment for bipolar depression. © 2005-2020 Healthline Media a Red Ventures Company. All rights reserved. When I first take Lithium, it does make me feel more depressed, or maybe it's just not helping the depression? Good luck, I hope your doctor orders some labs and you feel better soon. While you probably consider lithium to be a serious mind altering medication, the fact of the matter is lithium can often be found in low levels in our drinking water ranging from trace amounts to 0.17 mg/L. Our general interest e-newsletter keeps you up to date on a wide variety of health topics.Lithium is used to treat mania that is part of bipolar disorder (manic-depressive illness). Good results have been found with taking extra potassium or inositol. It made it harder to breath and my stomach is always hurting and I … They should not be used for any disease/condition. 3. Lithium is also not safe if you have the heart condition Brugada syndrome.Lithium can interact with quite a long list of medications, including many other psychotropic drugs. Symptoms of If you’re experiencing any of those symptoms as a result of taking lithium, you may be having a medical emergency. Our website services, content, and products are for informational purposes only. Medications That Make You Tired. The slow-release versions (Lithobid, Eskalith) are much less likely to cause this but can cost you more (not generic). Lithium toxicity is rare, but it can occur, so always follow your doctor’s directions when taking oral lithium.© 2005-2020 Healthline Media a Red Ventures Company. If you’re taking an antidepressant and still have symptoms, talk to your doctor about whether adding lithium could help.Lithium is safe to take if you’re under a doctor’s close supervision and if you’re in a stable environment where you can take the medication consistently.Although lithium the metal is often used to make batteries, the lithium carbonate used in lithium drugs has a different ionic charge. It may be that you can decrease your dose, vanquish the side effects and still obtain enough lithium to stay well. Discuss all medications you’re taking, including over-the-counter drugs and supplements, with your doctor.Dosing for lithium varies according to your age, weight, and medical history. All rights reserved. However, it does act on the central nervous system. Just as some substances can increase frequent urination and lithium, others can help prevent it. Any change in your treatment should be done under a doctor’s close supervision and take place gradually.Lithium isn’t safe for pregnant women.