My hips & legs ache, can barely walk when getting up. My daughter has pinworms and was prescribed 1 vermox pill which she took last night. Responses (1) IN. When should it stop? * Swelling or water retention (especially in the hands, feet, or lower legs) -- in up to 2.4% of people; * Headache -- up to 2.1%; Nausea -- up to 1.9%; It is also recommended to seek a second opinion before you stop or start to take any med, take care & be well!Still looking for answers? The amount of time it takes to cure the infection depends on how susceptible the worm is to Vermox, and how quickly your own digestive system is moving. I gave my puppy the 7 in 1 shot and worm meds at the same time now she is sick what should i do? The itching is more intense tonight for her than it ever has been this a sign that the medicine is working? Available for Android and iOS devices. If you use the medication Metronidazole, caution should also be taken. I thought I was nuts! It will not work if you stop taking it. Duration of action is 4-6 hours. I took a tabs of Vermox on the 19th, 20th, and 21st. I tried to stop Xyzal after taking it for ten years for allergies. It is now the 25th and my ass is still itching. If i worm my dog how many days till reaction? After you take pin x how long does it take to start seeing dead worms in your feces Doctors give trusted answers on uses, effects, side-effects, and cautions: Dr. Harper on how long does vermox take to have effect: Onset time is 30-45 minutes. These worms don't really look so much thread like but rather more like a grain of rice. Vermox Dosage. 1 ea. After taking vermox for pinworms what shall you expect to come out with feces. Answer this question. How long does medicine take to … We comply with the HONcode standard for trustworthy health information - Once you start taking vermox how long does it take for the worms to be gone. I really believe this steady weight gain is due to this medicine. How long should a puppy have worms after taking worm medication? If the infection has not been cured within 3 weeks, a second treatment may be necessary.Still looking for answers? Asked 21 Dec 2012 by nancypotter37 Updated 29 December 2012 Topics vermox, pruritus. We comply with the HONcode standard for trustworthy health information - How long does it take for puppies to pass worms once taken meds? So the best way to be certain about it is to have a stool test after taking the medicine. Are worm tablets safe for humans? Vermox - How long after taken this should I start feeling some releive? Regards. my liver showed "enlarged" in recent test. How long does this medication take to work? The most common Cardizem side effects included: * Swelling or water retention (especially in the hands, feet, or lower legs) -- in up to 2.4% of people; * Headache -- up to 2.1%; Nausea -- up to 1.9%; * Dizziness -- up to 1.5%; * Rash -- up to 1.3%; * Weakness -- up to 1.2%. How long after flea treatment is it safe to worm my dog? It's been 3 days and im still itching. My Dr. says he doesn't know what will happen if I stop. Select one or more newsletters to continue. Any query, please feel free to ask. Extremely tired all the time, Moody, nervous, no get up & go. Vermox how fast does it kill pinworms. It may be up to 3 days after treatment before the worm is removed from your stomach and … Have gained weight, feet & legs swell, my right hand & head shakes. Usually 3 doses at intervals of 3 weeks are advised. The itching is driving me nuts. Can someone tell me, if this is a pinworm or something else? I have developed First Degree AV block & Right Bundle Branch Block. I have been taking it close to fifteen years. Is there any way to get free of taking it? Select one or more newsletters to continue. Available for Android and iOS devices. a day (female, age 70)I don't have a lot of chest pain, but do have occasional light pain now and then while on this medication.Cardizem (diltiazem hydrochloride) is a prescription medication used to treat certain types of chest pain (angina).Cardizem to work properly, it must be taken as prescribed.