These events have generally been reversible following discontinuation of SSRI therapy and/or medical intervention. does mention depression as an uncommon side effect of N plate ..I have to say whilst taking it I felt ok but after stopping it realise I feel better than when I was on it Major Potential Hazard, Moderate plausibility. My counts dropped any way. The analysis will include a statistical comparison of the platelet function in patients on SSRIs with those on a non-SSRI antidepressant medication (bupropion). Dosage adjustments are generally not deemed necessary in patients with impaired renal function, although the clinical significance of possible metabolite accumulation is unknown. Applies to: Glaucoma (Narrow Angle)Some SSRI antidepressants such as fluoxetine, paroxetine and sertraline may have an effect on pupil size causing dilation. If this is you, talk to your physician … Avage, Renova, Tri-Luma). The study takes about 1 hour. Applies to: Long QT Syndrome, Ventricular ArrhythmiaSome SSRI antidepressants such as fluoxetine and citalopram have shown to cause QT interval prolongation and ventricular arrhythmias including Torsade de Pointes. The analysis will include a statistical comparison of the platelet function in patients on SSRIs with those on a non-SSRI antidepressant medication (bupropion). It's no wonder sufferers get anxiety and depression. COVID-19 is an emerging, rapidly evolving situation. ITP is a strange condition which seems to affect us all differently. He really needs to be on an antidepressant medication as the mental part of this is as bad as the disease. Many people with ITP have used antidepressants successfully without a platelet drop. They have not caused a problem. I also recently found, which my hematologist had no clue about, that platelets carry a large amount of serotonin (Dialogues of Clinical Neuroscience March 2007). Chronic ITP'ers will most likely have to take several drugs over the years to treat different things. Learning disabilities: It's thought that some antidepressants may have a secondary benefit of helping with some learning disabilities. Applies to: HyponatremiaTreatment with SSRI antidepressants can cause hyponatremia. Applies to: Depression, PsychosisAdult and pediatric patients with depression and other psychiatric disorders may experience worsening of their symptoms and may have the emergence of suicidal thoughts and behavior. The clearance of norfluoxetine, the active metabolite, is not dependent on renal function. The antidepressant I tried first was Sertraline (Zoloft) and it worked quite well on my mood for a couple of months but this improvement was eventually negated by the fact that a month or so in I started to develop severe nodular-cystic acne. Bedwetting: Though tricyclic antidepressants tend to be used less often than some of the newer formulations, for those who are struggling with bedwetting, Tofranil (imipramine) may help with both problems. Major depression is the fourth leading cause of disease globally, according to the World Health Organization. It is well known that SSRIs inhibit platelet aggregation by up to 50% depending on the SSRI-mine is one of the ones with a stronger effect-I can find the citation again if needed. I don't know what to do. 1-4. Does anyone know a antidepressant med that will not cause a drop in platelet count? Select one or more newsletters to continue. All but one metabolites are inactive, and they are excreted by the kidney. We're all different. Platelets are small blood cells that help stop bleeding after injury to a blood vessel by forming a clot, or plug, in the vessel. SSRI-related hyponatremia may be more common in elderly female patients and those who are volume-depleted or receiving concomitant diuretic therapy. Krivy J, Wiener J "Sertraline and platelet counts in idiopathic thrombocytopenia purpura." The hematologist seemed to agree with this. Ann Pharmacother 30 (1996): 1232-4 View all 18 references Patients should be monitored appropriately and observed closely for worsening of their symptoms, suicidality or changes in their behavior, especially during the first few months of treatment, and at times of dose changes.