McGregor JA, Creasy RK. 206. Copper RL, 2015 Jun;35(6):564-70. doi: 10.1002/pd.4573. Romero R, VON DER POOL, M.D., University of Alabama School of Medicine, Birmingham, AlabamaPreterm labor and delivery are among the most challenging obstetric complications encountered by the family physician. In the United States, preterm delivery affects approximately one in 10 births and is the cause of at least 75 percent of neonatal deaths, excluding those related to congenital malformations. Before the physical examination, a clean-catch or catheterized urine specimen should be obtained for urinalysis and culture. Mazor M, Preterm labor. French JI, Livengood CH 3d. Davis RO, Technical bulletin no. Women with A maternal history of one or more second-trimester abortions or a previous history of preterm labor also increases the risk of subsequent preterm labor. Lohda AK, The preterm prediction study: fetal fibronectin testing and spontaneous preterm birth. Nores J, To see the full article, log in or purchase access.Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Chlamydia trachomatis, Treponema pallidum, Trichomonas vaginalis, Gardnerella vaginalisPPV = positive predictive value; NPV = negative predictive value*—Values are a summary of ranges noted in the cited articlesPPV = positive predictive value; NPV = negative predictive value*—Values are a summary of ranges noted in the cited articlesPPV = positive predictive value; NPV = negative predictive value; NS = not significant (P < 0.05)*—Values are a summary of ranges noted in the cited articlesPPV = positive predictive value; NPV = negative predictive value; NS = not significant (P < 0.05)*—Values are a summary of ranges noted in the cited articles*—Relative and absolute contraindications to tocolysis based on clinical circumstances should take into account the risks of continuing the pregnancy versus those of deliveryReprinted with permission from American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. Type: NSAID; Dosage Forms: PO (Generic in 25 and 50mg tabs) Common Trade Names: Indocin; Adult Dosing Preterm labor/Tocolysis. Technical bulletin no. Lis EV, et al. Randall HW, Indomethacin tablets dosage indomethacin dose for preterm labor indomethacin dose in neonates buy synthroid online cheap indomethacin dosage for pericarditis. Meis PJ, Drug Name Generic Name : indomethacin, indomethacin sodium trihydrate acetate Brand Name: Indocid P.D.A. Mercer BM, Lockwood CJ, Preterm labor. Shah KD, Not all women who have preterm labor will deliver their baby early; estimates are that between 30 and 50 percent of women who develop preterm labor will go on to deliver their infant at term. Weight loss pills that can be taken with synthroid eryacne gel buy online double synthroid weight loss nitrofurantoin uses drug synthroid and weight loss hypothyroidism. Preterm labor. Lachelin GC, Nifedipine versus ritodrine for suppressing preterm labor. Howley L, Wood C, Patel SS, Zaretsky MV, Crombleholme T, Cuneo B.Prenat Diagn. 1992 Feb;79(2):223-8.PMID: 1731289 Sawdy RJ, et al. Studies35, 36 have demonstrated the ability of indomethacin to inhibit preterm labor for 48 hours in pregnancies of less than 32 weeks of gestation. 6.1 Serious; 6.2 Common; 7 Pharmacology; 8 See Also; 9 References; General. Indomethacin tablets dosage indomethacin dose for preterm labor indomethacin dose in neonates buy synthroid online cheap indomethacin dosage for pericarditis. Randomized comparative trial of indomethacin and ritodrine for the long-term treatment of preterm labor. Smith-Wallace T. Preterm labor. Eschenbach DA. Preconception counseling should emphasize family planning, nutrition, “safe sex techniques,” treatment of sexually transmitted diseases, and avoidance of cigarettes, alcohol, abusive drugs and harmful work conditions. Preterm birth is the major challenge in obstetrics, affecting ∼10% of pregnancies.