Lansoprazole is a prescription drug. All lansoprazole oral dosage forms (capsules, oral suspension, and disintegrating tablets) contain delayed-release, enteric-coated granules that release drug after they leave the stomach. Lansoprazole is a proton-pump inhibitor similar to omeprazole which has both antiemetic and gastric acid reduction properties.. PPI’s act in the stomach lining, inhibiting the production of stomach acid. Dosing Information of Omeprazole for Dogs and Cats. For this first post of 2012 I want to start on a positive note by highlighting an interesting and relevant piece of research from Italy. These animals were treated with the common anti-acid drug lansoprazole at high doses – a drug that is available over the counter in the UK – along with the chemotherapy drugs that often fail due to the development of chemoresistance. * Most orders ship within one business day after approval Tumours that regress quickly from the initial rounds of chemo, sometimes shrinking away to nothing almost, suddenly seem to bounce back, growing again and shrugging off repeated rounds of the chemo that seemed to knock them out. Developed by surgeon William Coley at the end of the 19th c...In a recent article on Low Carb Diets And Cancer , we looked at some interesting results of studies on low carb diets on established tumours...I have written before about Michael Lisanti’s ‘reverse Warburg effect’ theory, and interviewed one of Lisanti’s collaborators in the UK, Dr ... There’s a big push by some in the cancer research community to look at old drugs to see if they’ve got some anti-cancer activities. Like most PPI’s, lansoprazole is generally well tolerated. Please check your email, and use the link to login in.To create your account, please enter your email and choose your password. Co-trimoxazole tablets are indicated for the treatment of the following infections when owing to sensitive organisms (see section 5.1): In the lansoprazole treated group, more than two thirds of animals showed partial or complete responses, compared to 17%of animals in the chemo-only group who showed short-lived partial responses. Lansoprazole is a proton pump inhibitor. The full paper (which is published open access) is here: Opponents of the Medical Innovation Bill (aka as the Saatchi Bill), such as Sarah Wollaston MP, have been very vocal in attacking the Bill ...A couple of years ago I found an extraordinary paper in the journal Integrative Cancer Therapies which described a number of cases in which...The first sign that my son, George , had a problem in the jaw was a funny tingling in the upper lip, on the right hand side. Firstly, this is yet another good example of good research, going from solid theoretical and laboratory data, to work in rats and mice and now in cats and dogs and now on to humans. Capsules should be swallowed with liquid. The paper by Dr Fais and colleagues goes into some detail on the presumed mechanisms for these results – mostly related to the fact that lansoprazole (and other similar proton pump inhibitor drugs like omeprazole) are targeted at acidic environments in the body, and cancers are known for producing a very acidic microenvironment. What’s more, even in the non-responders in the lansoprazole group, the owners of the animals indicated that their pets showed improved quality of life – less pain, less weight loss, greater agility etc. The typical dose administered to dogs and cats is 0.25 to 0.5 mg per pound (0.5 to 1.0 mg/kg), every 24 hours or once daily. It’s available as a delayed-release oral capsule and a delayed-release orally disintegrating tablet. For patients with difficulty swallowing; studies and clinical practice suggest that the capsules may be opened and the granules mixed with a small amount of water, apple/tomato juice or sprinkled onto a small amount of soft food (e.g. Lansoprazole is a medication classified as a Proton Pump Inhibitor (PPI) and is the generic for Prevacid. In the animals treated with lansoprazole even those animals that did not show a tumour response, the lansoprazole still managed to improve quality of life. with cancers that were resistant to standard chemotherapy. In many cases these resistant cancer cells become ‘multi-drug resistant’, which means that second and third line chemotherapy treatments also have little or no effect. Oral Route. Lansoprazole is used to treat and prevent stomach and intestinal ulcers, erosive esophagitis (damage to the esophagus from stomach acid), and other conditions involving excessive stomach acid such as Zollinger-Ellison syndrome. Don’t for one minute think that because the patients were animals that this is not relevant research. The response of these animals was compared to another set of animals that had the conventional chemo-only treatment (it was the owners of the animals who decided to stick to the conventional treatments only). Particularly noteworthy is that the dogs with osteosarcoma showed improvements related to a reduction in pain – and this is a form of pain that does not normally respond well to normal pain relief drugs. The results were very clear. Particularly noteworthy is that the dogs with osteosarcoma showed improvements related to a reduction in pain – and this is a form of pain that does not normally respond well to normal pain relief drugs.