It also starts working faster and remains effective even if used with alcohol.This article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. The information contained herein is not a substitute for and should never be relied upon for professional medical advice. Side effects of Skelaxin and baclofen that are similar include dizziness, drowsiness, headache, nausea, and vomiting. The information contained herein is not a substitute for and should never be relied upon for professional medical advice. Facial flushing is a common side effect of both Stendra and Viagra. Like with headaches, over-the-counter pain relief medications such as Tylenol (acetaminophen) are safe to use and often effective at treating this issue.Stendra can also cause several less common side effects. Metaxalone Side Effects by Likelihood and Severity COMMON side effects. This medicine may make you dizzy, drowsy, or less alert than you are normally. If you’re prone to flushing, you may notice that your cheeks, nose, neck and chest become slightly redder for several hours after you take Stendra.Just like other Stendra side effects, facial flushing fades away on its own as the total level of avanafil in your body declines. back, leg, or stomach pains. As a second-generation ED medication, Stendra is less likely to cause side effects than older drugs like Viagra, Cialis and Levitra. Do not take more of it, do not take it more often, and do not take it for a longer time than your doctor ordered. You may report side effects to the FDA at 1-800-FDA-1088.Portions of this document last updated: Sept. 01, 2020Copyright © 2020 IBM Watson Health. Metaxalone (marketed by King Pharmaceuticals under the brand name Skelaxin) is a muscle relaxant used to relax muscles and relieve pain caused by strains, sprains, and other musculoskeletal conditions.Its exact mechanism of action is not known, but it may be due to general central nervous system depression.It is considered [by whom?] It affects 3.2 percent of men who use Stendra at the lowest 50mg dose, with 4.3 percent and 4 percent of men who use Stendra at doses of 100 and 200mg also affected.In comparison, between 10 percent and 19 percent of men who use Viagra report flushing as a side effect, depending on the dosage used.Like headaches, flushing from Stendra is caused by blood vessel dilation. However, it occurs in 4.3 percent of men who use the highest prescribed dose of Stendra, versus 18 percent of men who use the highest prescribed dose of Viagra. In comparison, Viagra was approved by the FDA in 1998, followed in 2003 by both Cialis and Levitra.This means that Stendra is more than a decade newer than the original, first generation of ED treatments. Discuss with your healthcare professional the use of your medicine with food, alcohol, or tobacco.The presence of other medical problems may affect the use of this medicine. Our Skelaxin Side Effects Drug Center provides a comprehensive view of available drug information on the potential side effects when taking this medication. Stendra (avanafil) is a PDE5 inhibitor medication used to treat erectile dysfunction (ED). These may be symptoms of a serious condition called serotonin syndrome. Your doctor will provide an appropriate dosage based on your symptoms and other factors (such as your age and general health).Stendra can interact with some medications, particularly nitrates used to treat hypertension and other cardiovascular conditions. The following information includes only the average doses of this medicine. For example, vision-related side effects appear to be significantly less common with Stendra than with older ED drugs, such as Viagra.Despite this, it’s still possible for Stendra to cause some potentially serious side effects. This product is available in the following dosage forms:In deciding to use a medicine, the risks of taking the medicine must be weighed against the good it will do. Used together, these medications can lead to a sudden, significant drop in blood pressure that can result in fainting, heart attack and stroke.If you are prescribed nitrates, do not use Stendra. This makes it far newer than ED drugs like Viagra, which have been in use by men since the 1990s to help treat ED problems.Because of its newer formula, Avanafil, the active ingredient in Stendra, has fewer side effects than the active ingredients in older ED medications like Viagra, Below, we’ve explained what Stendra is and how it’s used to treat erectile dysfunction.