We are all so different though aren’t we but really hope it works for you. You're either out of action because of migraines/CH or the drugs. Pharma Professional Services advises you to always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider prior to starting any new treatment or with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.You should check with your physician/health care provider before using any of the means or methods presented on this site. You're either out of action because of migraines/CH or the drugs. It is in fact marketed under a different name as a weight gain drug!!! I too have Raynards and on meds for that so no issues there either. About Us. I have been struggling to sleep on pizotifen, like no sleep for 3 days ! Pharma Professional Services nor anyone connected with this site cannot be held responsible for your actions nor any conditions resulting thereof. xxI started pizotifen a few weeks ago for severe migraine and cluster headache... and this is a big but, I have gained weight since starting this drug and I know that's not good forgetting out of control. An alternative acute hepatitis pattern most resembles the hepatitis of Epstein–Barr virus (EBV) infection. 43 Drug repurposing is cost‐effective and has significantly contributed to narrow the gap between the increasing therapeutic needs and limited productivity in drug discovery. I made the mistake of looking at the leaflet for best time of day to take it and saw that weight gain was the most prevalent side effect and of course doziness.I have been reading lots and lots and lots of accounts of taking piz and EVERY SINGLE one of them said they had weight gain even though they ate the same, less and/or started exercising more. It's pathetic. How that is considered a suitable alternative especially with young kids to look after is beyond me. How that is considered a suitable alternative especially with young kids to look after is beyond me. The alternative was topiramate which is commonly known as Dopamax for obvious reasons. I have Lupus and RA and take a whole host of other meds like we all do. Medicine India is just a publishing medium for medicine related information and does not provide services or sales of medicines including terramycin.. Side effect of pizotifen; Alternatives to pizotifen; Is it safe to smoke cannabis when on pizotifen; Pizotifen breathlessness; Does pizotifen lower testosterone; Can pizotifen cause sleep anea; Pizotifen weight gain; What is pizotifen; Recent questions on Pizotifen. Apparently most neurologists no longer prescribe these outdated drugs. Question: hi I a taking pizotifen after having an 'aura' and having some blurred vision in left side .. eye tests are good but I now feel like I am wearing tight hat all day with intermittent pain behind the eyes, especially the right eye. I am a slender 9 stone currently. Site designed by Pharma Professional Services and developed by Hasan Computing Systems. You should not use this information on this web site or the information on links from this site to diagnose or treat a health problem or disease without consulting with a qualified healthcare provider. I can have good periods of mobility especially after the shots, but I...sulphasazaline. ?I'm at the end of my tether. Terramycin ophthalmic ointment contains both oxytetracycline and polymyxin-B which makes it a broad spectrum antibiotic with good efficacy against both Chlamydophila and Mycoplasma bacteria. Is the … Home Delivery for TERRAMYCIN in Your City. I am due to take the third this evening but I am not sure as I have had the weirdest day today.