I know exactly how discouraging the process can be, but think of all the acne you experience during your usual cycle of shedding/regenerating skin. I upgraded to Avibon (a.k.a. This phase is sometimes colloquially known as the Tretinoin Purge.The dreaded Tretinoin Purge is a part of most, if not all, Tretinoin routines. Excessive washing and scrubbing can cause irritation. It can’t erase deep wrinkles, but it can help improve the appearance of surface wrinkles, fine lines, and darks spots. Although skin irritation can occur, some doctors sometimes allow benzoyl peroxide to be used with tretinoin to treat acne. Consider starting with a low to moderate strength of tretinoin. That’s 4 months before I saw a dramatic difference. .025 cream tret, 150mg spiro, and yaz! Tretinoin is used to treat acne and reduce the appearance of fine lines and darks spots. They both promote rapid exfoliation and stimulation of collagen and elastin, which leads to smoother-looking skin. A few years later I upgraded to the blue prescription Tretinoin (Retin A) at .05% for my adult acne. Information is for End User's use only and may not be sold, redistributed or otherwise used for commercial purposes.Mayo Clinic does not endorse companies or products. I was maybe 26. Tretinoin is a prescription medication, meaning you’ll need your doctor’s approval before using it. Start with a lower concentration. Mix up your … A313) after visiting France. If you’re still having troubles or purging at the 6 month mark, discuss it with your GP or derm (you can absolutely use a GP instead, i do) about maybe incorporating other treatments such as topical antibiotics or oral medications. Patches may even flake off in sheets!The Tretinoin Purge can be likened to your skin keeping house and taking out trash from the inside. Any use of this site constitutes your agreement to the Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy linked below. Try to trust the process. At the start of any Tretinoin (generic Retin-A) treatment routine, your prescribing doctor or dermatologist will warn you about how things are likely to get worse before they get better. You should avoid washing the skin treated with tretinoin for at least 1 hour after applying it. In the first few weeks of treatment, it’s normal to have mild to moderate redness, dryness, peeling, and itchiness. With Alpha, you can consult with a doctor or nurse practitioner, be examined, and receive your treatment quickly and conveniently from your own home. While using tretinoin, avoid or minimize exposure to:Avoid skin contact with things that can interact with the drug, such as:You may notice tretinoin starting to work within 2 to 3 weeks, but it can take 6 weeks or more to experience the full benefit. It’s been used to treat mild to moderate With regular use, tretinoin may help clear existing acne and reduce the number and severity of acne outbreaks.Talk to you doctor or dermatologist about the specifics of your skin condition. This will give your skin a chance to get adjusted and for the Tretinoin to start working its magic. Tretinoin, a commonly prescribed topical retinoid for the treatment of acne that has been used for more than 30 years, is recognized as an effective treatment that normalizes follicular desquamation of the epithelium. People who have been using or are using other retinoids or products that contain sulfur (such as Salicylic Acid) should inform a doctor about all products they are using and should generally allow for some time between changing treatment plans.Before starting treatment with Tretinoin, it is advised that you thoroughly and completely discuss current medications and your medical history with a trained professional.If you’re struggling with acne, wrinkles, dark spots, or saggy skin, there are prescription skin care options available to you. Don’t celebrate too soon, however, because within that first or second week, you’ll also start to see dry skin flake off of your face, or wherever else you are applying Tretinoin. In another study , patients given a combination of tretinoin cream and clindamycin 1% gel saw a reduction in facial acne lesions from 13.70 ± 4.80 to 1.30 ± 2.95, again after 12 … Tretinoin is also known as retinoic acid. They will help you identify a moisturizer that is right for you. Other things to mention when you talk with your doctor are:If your doctor or dermatologist thinks that tretinoin is right for you, make sure you know how it should be used, how long it will take to know if it’s working, and signs that you should stop using it.Before you apply tretinoin, make sure your face is clean. So, while I remember the purge anecdotally, mostly I remember being warned that my skin would peel. Tretinoin comes in 0.025%, 0.05%, and 0.1%. During the first 6 months of use, avoid overexposing the treated areas to sunlight, wind, or cold weather. All rights reserved. Be patient and moisturize!Beep boop! Moisturizers can help with skin dehydration, but in some cases, they can impact the effectiveness of the Tretinoin.By the third or fourth month, you might start seeing improvements — hang in there!