When Arimidex is used as part of hormone therapy, then an even smaller dose may be needed.Of course, competitive bodybuilders may find themselves needing more than 1mg every other day. This is also when your competition diet will not have much energy packed into it.Enter your email address to subscribe to Anabolitics.com and receive notifications of new posts by email.Every lifter and bodybuilder out there should be looking to maintain an anabolic state. Taking Arimidex as part of a low testosterone plan is best when the plan also involves testosterone therapy.Arimidex is great when used as part of breast cancer treatment because it works as an anti-estrogen. It is commonly used in two scenarios; one is where the use of steroids tends to According to experts, the amounts of the two that the body can accommodate should be decided upon by blood tests. Will just be Tren 500mg and test 250mg. Generally, the dosage of Letrozole on cycle of steroid has taken should in no way exceed 1.0 mg on a daily basis. Dude no matter what aromatazation occurs, and Aromasin or Arimidex is an on-cycle blocker/suppressor, it's not an emergency agent...I'm telling you it needs to be ran and everyone here will tell you the same. It’s quite common for anabolic steroids to induce estrogenic side effects because of how testosterone interacts with the aromatase enzyme.Aromatization causes the production of estrogen. Everyone responds to medications different. It can still occur during intense cutting or competition cycles when you aren’t eating enough calories to get the energy you need and are burning through the little energy you do have with intense workouts. This leads to the more common Arimidex has a simple function to deliver powerful results. This isn’t always the best choice though and sometimes a testosterone booster is better. 05-30-2016, 03:11 AM #5. omar924. the great thing about it is that its not very toxic in moderation, and its doesnt effect blood lipids (cholestorol) that much either. Arimidex is great when used as part of breast cancer treatment because it works as an anti-estrogen. Arimidex Effects. This means that you are more at risk of suffering from osteoporosis. Taking Arimidex as part of a low testosterone plan is best when the plan also involves testosterone therapy. CroLifter Well-known member. So cutting off the supply of estrogen effectively starves cancer.Nolvadex has also been used for this for decades. If analyzed properly, this is more of an overdose considering the fact that it is more like 4 times the stated 250-200mg weekly dose. View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message View Articles Junior Member Join Date May 2016 Posts 25. That's why Estrogen Rebound can happen if you Stop taking it. When taking Arimidex without anabolic steroids then the most common side effects include weakness and fatigue. View Profile View Forum Posts Trusted Lady. Arimidex can potentially negatively affect your cholesterol levels. With this dose, there will be no need for taking any form of testosterone.However, this will mean high levels of estradiol should be reduced. So cutting off the supply of estrogen effectively starves cancer. The 1mg/day dose also increased testosterone levels by 58%. My … When cancer does subside patients, typically switch to Nolvadex to keep cancer in remission and prevent it coming back.When Arimidex is paired with an anabolic steroid, then the most common dose is 0.5-1.0mg every other day. This is taking 0.5 mg on a daily basis. The majority of anabolic steroids induce aromatase and cause an abundance of estrogen. Arimidex is so powerful that it’s shown it can reduce estrogen levels by up to 80%. It’s especially effective when used to treat post-menopausal women. 03-20-2016, 07:59 PM #2. I, therefore,e translates into 3.5 mgs on a weekly basis as the initial dosage before one fully develops into using the anti-estrogen.With Letrozole, the initial dosage should have stick to the one stated above, at most 1 mg daily. It can also help to protect against high blood pressure. On its own, it doesn’t seem to have enough power to make a significant difference, but when it’s combined with anabolic steroids, particularly testosterone based ones, it can have a significant effect on cholesterol levels.This occurs even when you are taking a therapeutic level dose as well as a performance level dose.