As with depression, the starting Zoloft dose is 50 mg / day. Prozac and Zoloft are drugs used to treat depression and other conditions. I have been really upset that my daughter has placed her child on this drug. How is the Zoloft going? My grandson is on th guanfacine & a cpl mo ago they added a quickly graduated dosage regimen.almost immediately he became angrier& angrier& then started acting out. However, when highly sensitive kids are exposed to people who encourage their deep feelings and natural tendencies, these kids absolutely shine. Typically, the initial dose is set at 50 mg / day. Have you checked into her diet and ran some blood work to see if can be treated in a more holistic manner??? Sometimes, as teens, they can get tangled up in trying to fix other people’s problems that they neglect their own basic needs, which heightens the anxiety even more. My daughter has been misdiagnosed for six years and recently started Zoloft at 50 mg. After a week started to go back to her angry self. What is Zoloft? The weight gain was so dramatic I came within an inch of developing type 2 diabetes. I'm hoping this passes in time. However, the dose will not go above 200 mg / day. * Do you need to withdraw during busy days to someplace where you can have privacy and relief? They can sense a lot of what’s going on around them. But he has some post traumatic stress from those years. The doctor told me I would be doing him a dis-service if I didn't ok this. I agree with you 100 percent ! Am I crazy? The researchers write, "The schedule that we used, which emphasized upward dose adjustment in the absence of response and adverse events, suggests that the average end-point dose of sertraline [ie, Zoloft] in this study is the highest dose consistent with good outcome and tolerability. I can't express the extreme turmoil in our home and the suffering for all four of us. This so saddens me.. but thank God he has recovered. I wrote my coming of age story to help kids and teens feel more understood. It is inherited. He is also doing CBT.Just started my 10year old son on Zoloft after much thought and felt he needed relief from his anxiety and obsessive thoughts. Further research will be needed to test the safety of the regimen under study. I was doing great until recently and started with the pains in my chest. (unfortunately). She seems to have some of the other sensitivity traits, extreme shyness, but not sensitivity to others' feelings. However, if this is insufficient, your doctor will increase the dose in 50 mg increments at the beginning of each cycle. Teens with more difficult backgrounds might benefit by reading my coming-of-age memoir, Help Is On Its Way. But we don't know as much from this study. Zoloft is a prescription medicine used to treat a certain type of depression called Major Depressive Disorder (MDD). The Pandemic Changes Your Brain Even if You Don't Have It The doctor wanted to wait longer but I used her to 100 mg. We could tell early on that she was much more anxious than our other children. I assume these children are challenging to the point of making family life unbearable.Is it only when they reach adulthood and really create mayhem do we then call it depression,and not anxiety? I wish you all much continued success. She's been at 150mg a few days. The Zoloft dose that you take will depend on what you are being treated for. The doc said if still a problem in a month, then he'd increase. Children under the age of 6 should not take this medication. I'm going to go back to his original dose.Can I ask how your dither is now and the mg she is taking. It was absolutly heartbreaking. Hey! If you are confused whether dogs suffer from anxiety or not, then you will be surprised to know that, yes the canines also suffer from this disease and Zoloft can be very beneficial in providing relief to your dog. During this period of time I was atheistic. OCD Tendencies-Heck yes!!! Within two days of taking his Zoloft, he was happy, not nervous, and functioning in school once again. I was very anxious because of the family's unstable circumstances. Aa. In fact, taking them within 14 days of each other can result in serious, sometimes fatal consequences.