Her Q&A column, "Golden Gate Gardener," appears in the San Francisco Chronicle, and her website, pampeirce.com, links to the columns online as well as to her blog. Basil is native to tropical regions from central Africa to Southeast Asia. It can be grown in a large container, sheltered during frosts.In spring, prune back dead wood to leafy growth. That of African blue basil may have a bit more camphor than other basils, but not enough to dominate its flavor. Suggested uses. Photo: Pam Peirce It is the only basil I know that will produce enough leaves for pesto in foggier neighborhoods, where it grows as tall as 2 feet. 2 cups fresh African blue basil leaves and flowers, coarsely chopped and lightly packed ; 1/2 cup raw, unsalted almonds ; 1/3 cup water ; 1/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil ; 2 cloves garlic, coarsely chopped ; 1-2 teaspoons dried lavender buds No, they didn't think it was an aquatic plant; they were suffering from fresh basil deficiency and hoped the glass would concentrate enough heat to let the basil grow in our foggy San Francisco neighborhood. I have had no aphid attacks outdoors. It is a decorative plant, which, if allowed to bloom, is covered with long flower stems of purple buds that open to lavender flowers. Harvest: You can start by eating the first pinchings, then continue to pinch off tips that include several sets of leaves as the plant continues to grow, never taking more than half of the plant at a time. The fragrant oval bluish-green leaves with distinctive purple veins which emerge deep purple in spring are usually harvested from early summer to early fall. Photo: Pam Peirce Basil Seeds for Planting - Herb Garden Seed Kit - Thai, Purple, Lime, Lemon, Spicy Globe and Sweet Italian Basil Seeds - Individual Seed Packets for Indoor, Container or Outdoor Gardening. $11.99 shipping. African Blue Basil is a very decorative plant and would fit right in with the craze of edible landscaping; you can eat it – plus it is beautiful! Cut off moldy leaves and knock aphids off of plants with a forceful spray of water. Edible Qualities African Blue Basil is an annual herb that is commonly grown for its edible qualities, although it does have ornamental merits as well. Preventing blooms will help put more of the plant's energy into making leaves, but you can let the flower heads get several inches long and still eat them. Posted in Bee to Flower relationship, Bee Video, Bee-loving flowers, Bumblebees, Crab spider, Macro bee video, tagged African Blue Basil, Backyard gardening, Bee Beard Log Hive, bee-loving flowers, Bees and St. John's Wort, bees on Oregon Coast, bombus Vosnesenkii, Bombus vosnesenskii, Carved log hive, crab spider, dahlia, echium, echium pininana, Grand Kids Log … The plants are tender perennials that will decline in winter and be killed by frost. Can add some purple colour to dishes when used fresh. It is a tender plant, and is used in cuisines worldwide. Blend well, stirring unblended bits back into the mixture and reblending as needed. Box 158, Cottage Grove, OR 97424; (800) 626- 0866; -- Richters Herbs, Goodwood, Ontario L0C 1A0, Canada; (905) 640-6677; -- Companion Plants, 7247 N. Coolville Ridge Rd., Athens, OH 45701; (740) 592-4643; Pam Peirce's classic regional book, "Golden Gate Gardening," has been helping California gardeners grow food since 1993. At the end of the season, remove all dead foliage and clean up debris from around plants. I share my neighbors' frustration with basil's pouting refusal to grow in our cool summer weather. It will do well in a container, but to avoid stunting the plant, use one that is 10 to 12 inches across the top. These blooms are very good at attracting bees and other pollinators. Sprinkle each plate with 1 1/2 teaspoons of dry roasted pine nuts and a teaspoon or so of African blue basil flowers or chopped leaves. Snails did nibble a bit, but the plant seems much less attractive to them than regular basil, and its quick growth rate also helps it escape serious damage. Cultivation. Its attractive leaves start out as purple but then turn dark green with purple veins. African blue basil is not only ornamental, it also attracts honeybees and beneficial insects, and its flowers and leaves are edible.African blue basil is not only ornamental, it also attracts honeybees and beneficial insects, and its flowers and leaves are edible. African Blue basil is an aromatic and decorative herb created from Dark Opal basil (Ocimum basilicum) and camphor basil (Ocimum kilimandscharicum). Remove dead flowers and cut stems right above leaves.