Get in touch via this form Connect by text or video with a U.S. board-certified doctor now — wait time is less than 1 minute!We are asking our website visitors to consent to the use of cookies by HealthTap to continue to our website. They are powerful drugs meant to ... No interaction between grapefruit and arimidex (anastrozole). Tell your doctor or nurse if the pain does not get better.You may get a bitter or metal taste in your mouth. Read the Patient Information Leaflet if available from your Use this medication regularly to get the most benefit from it. It's an aromatase inhibitor. Flushes may last from a few seconds up to 10 minutes. Hormonal therapies are drugs that change the way hormones are made or how they work in the body.Many breast cancers rely on the hormone oestrogen to grow. I want to prevent any future problems from taking this as much as possible and am looking to start taking supplements on top of … Make sure you drink at least You may get pain, numbness or tingling in the hand and fingers. If you have been told by a doctor that you cannot digest lactose (lactose intolerant) or other sugars, talk to your doctor before taking this drug.If you need medical treatment for any reason other than cancer, always tell the doctors and nurses that you are having cancer treatment. Arimidex is a non-steroidal aromatase inhibitor which has 85% secretion through the liver and which half-life is very long, 46.8 hours. We understand that people with cancer are worried about coronavirus. All show similar clinical benefits in clinical trials. Rarely, these may be life-threatening. Instructions on how you can make a PDF version of this page using the print function on your browser. Try different foods to find out what tastes best to you. We’ve created a new account area offering personalised cancer information and supportAnastrozole (Arimidex®) is a hormonal therapy drug used to treat It is best to read this information with our general information about Your doctor will talk to you about this treatment and its possible side effects before you agree (Hormones are chemicals that our bodies make. If you feel unwell or need advice, you can call them at any time of the day or night. If this happens, tell your doctor or nurse. During a flush, your neck and face may feel warm and look red. Save these numbers in your phone or keep them somewhere safe.We cannot list every side effect for this treatment. Some foods may taste different or have no taste. They can give you advice and may prescribe creams or medicines to help. They may also advise you to take calcium and vitamin D supplements. They may also advise you to take calcium and vitamin D supplements. You can buy these from a chemist, or your doctor can prescribe them. I suppose you already had a bilateral oophorectomy? Always tell them about any side effects you have. During a clinical trial, more patients receiving anastrozole were reported to have elevated serum cholesterol compared to patients receiving tamoxifen (9% versus 3.5%, respectively). Most side effects can be managed. You may have sweats and then feel cold and clammy. We use cookies to enhance your site experience and for analytics purposes.1500 mg is the recommended calcium intake for women with low estrogen levels, including women who have gone through menopause, had a hysterectomy with ... You're 39 and on arimidex. What vitamin supplements to take when on Anastrozole Just about to start taking Anastrozole after single mastectomy, nodes clear, no radiation, no chemo, age 61. Flushes and sweats usually stop a few months after treatment finishes, but some people continue to have them.You may get pain in your muscles or joints. 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