I lost a lot of motivation to do anything. I worry about everything from my dogs to getting in a car accident. “I started on Apri a month ago. Symptoms vary! Definitely don’t recommend.” It also gave me horrible anxiety. It also makes me feel very tired and almost drugged... it’s hard to get out of bed in the morning. First 2yrs were great - light periods, skin cleared up etc. “My doctor switched me to Apri because the birth control pill I was using before is no longer available. Apri prevents pregnancy by both inhibiting ovulation and changing cervical mucus to make it more difficult for sperm to enter the uterus. I would get awful headaches the days leading up to my periods as well. I have broken out so bad on my forehead and sometimes on my chin. “I took Apri for 5yrs. I bled for 5 weeks straight afterward even with the pills, but it could have been due to the procedure. Then I’m stressed about calling in so I shut down and sleep all day. Crying daily - not able to control my emotions. I am terrified to go to work, I have missed so much work the past month and a half due to anxiety. User-generated content areas are not reviewed by a WebMD physician or any member of the WebMD editorial staff for accuracy, balance, objectivity, or any other reason except for compliance with our Terms and Conditions. Just tired of the acne and thinning hair ” During the first month, I was experiencing dizziness. My only issue is my weight. Physical changes - gained 30 pounds in 2yrs, skin started to get greasy. Everyone is different, but I would recommend keeping an eye out for issues!” It has now been 2 months since then - I no longer cry daily, mood is significantly improved, skin is less greasy. I can say this birth control saved me from getting pregnant. person My boobs are always extremely sore. Using Apri as a form of birth control might not be for everyone. The chest pain was unbearable after the 3 rd day in a row of cramping every time I took a breathe. I’ve only been taking it for a little over 1 month, but I’ve already had 2 migraines. It worked right away and I have had no problems or side effects switching to a higher dose pill. If you're seeing other people's stories about their struggle taking this pill please remember that everyone is different! Apri for the first 2yrs was great. I’m such a slim person I don’t even recognize my own body. I don’t even get periods cramps. Does this happen to anyone else on this pill?” Where most birth control products can cause acne or cramps, I had no problems with this one. I would cry pretty much every day for absolutely no reason. Mainly my fault because I had cravings. I had anxiety before the pill, but I’ve been on an anxiety rollercoaster the last week which started off with an hours long panic attack. It was pretty miserable, but I decided to stick it out for a couple months hoping that these symptoms would go away, and they did. Honestly the depression/mood side effects were worse on my body than any of the hormones I was on during my 3 IVF cycles. I highly recommend this product for anyone looking to find a birth control that is easy to switch to. I will lay awake at night worrying about one thing after another. I had anxiety before I started this pill but when I started to take it it escalated very quickly. I gained 11 pounds the first month. Over the last year I have noticed such a change when taking this birth control. “After 10 months of debilitating night sweats and sleep disturbances my doctor finally pinpointed it to Apri. Apparently this is a very common side effect which this medication. “I’ve been taking this medication for nearly 2 years. I’ve reduced my Spirolactone to 100mg a day (doctor’s orders) and despite the THREE medications I still experience androgen-related symptoms like acne and thinning hair. “My doctor switched me to Apri because the birth control pill I was using before is no longer available. “Took one month of Apri in preparation for IVF frozen embryo transfer and it has been horrible for my mood.