For many years before this discovery, salicin, the naturally occurring form, was used to treat fevers and relieve pain. Natural aspirin has softer actions and using it is not linked to the most common side effects of using pharmaceutical aspirin like gastrointestinal problems, bleeding, etc. All rights reserved. Resist the urge to pop your pimples. In addition, there were no changes observed in glucose or lipid markers. An in vitro study found that curcumin inhibited platelet aggregation induced by arachidonate, adrenaline and collagen by modulating eicosanoids. One study found that cocoa-rich dark chocolate inhibited platelet aggregation induced by collagen but not ADP in healthy volunteers In addition, total antioxidant status increased significantly after dark chocolate consumption. If you have an allergy to aspirin, it’s possible to have a reaction to willow bark as well. I want to make you aware that A deficiency of Vitamin C could result in changes to your cholesterol, skin integrity, ability to heal wounds, elasticity of your arteries and immune system. Our website services, content, and products are for informational purposes only. He gave ground willow tree bark to 50 people suffering from rheumatic fever, recorded the results of the experiment and proved that the bark helped to lower fevers and stop pain and inflammation.Will 5G Impact Our Cell Phone Plans (or Our Health?! Hoffman remedied this problem when he discovered how to artificially synthesize salicin, and he began to commercially produce aspirin.As early as the year 400 B.C., willow tree extract was used by the Greeks for medicinal purposes. Turmeric Wine. A 2013 study compared the effects of aspirin monotherapy and combined fish oil and aspirin in type 2 diabetics. Aspirin has been used for more than 100 years as a remedy for pain, and headaches in particular. In this research, curcumin preferentially inhibited platelet aggregation induced by platelet-activating factor (PAF) and arachidonic acid (AA). We may also use omega 3 fish oil, especially if fish intake is less than 1-2 pounds of cold-water fatty fish per day.If someone has high cholesterol, we might use policosanol 20mg twice daily and possibly also some curcumin.When blood flow is poor, we would choose Dan Shen together with pycnogenol or grape seed extract.If there is low testosterone or a goal of weight loss, we might choose Coleus Forskohlii.In many cases multiple issues are occurring simultaneously and we prefer to use a combination of some of these supplements together with nutrition, lifestyle, stress-management, and mindfulness practices.PCOS: Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, Part #2: The SolutionsPCOS: Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, Part #1: The CausesAddressing Trauma & PTSD using Functional Medicine Part #2Addressing Trauma & PTSD using Functional Medicine Part #1Autoimmunity & the Gut Part #4: Predicting AutoimmunityWhat is the Connection between Autoimmunity & the Gut ? If we suspect oxidative stress on top of wanting to reduce platelet aggregation, we might recommend 100-200mg pycnogenol per day. I was told to take aspirin but am hesitant. I was involved in an automobile accident and have a concussion. It’s important to remember that using aspirin too much can The most common side effects of using topical aspirin are skin dryness and irritation. In the healthy group, the administration of fish oil significantly reduced platelet aggregation in both models. Strawberries. Just incorporating 15 minutes of exercise per day has been shown to add three years to your life. There were somewhat conflicting results on study groups that used lower doses of Pycnogenol (100-150mg), with some groups demonstrating reduced platelet aggregation and other not at this dose. Zucchini. We would add to that some 80% or greater dark chocolate since that also has antioxidant activity.If, on the other hand, someone has signs of inflammation, we might instead recommend curcumin in a highly bio-available form (Theracurmin, Meriva, or BCM-95) and Peony root (especially if there is also pain). It is an anti-inflammatory that has been taken from a natural source, redeveloped in laboratories, and put into pill form and sold to the masses.