Hair loss, or alopecia, is a very rare side effect of all statin drugs. 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The pain is often at its worst when taking the first few steps in the morning, because the inflamed tissue stiffens overnight.The cause of the problem is unclear, though very often it is overuse while wearing inadequate and non-supportive footwear [File photo]Treatment involves resting the foot and avoiding high-impact activities such as running, along with wearing supportive footwear. Hair loss in a woman, at any stage in life, is a particularly distressing symptom; and once you realise it's happening, it's easy to panic and … Most of the time, these drugs only cause temporary hair loss that goes away once you’ve adjusted to or stopped taking the medicine. It's used to lower cholesterol if you've been diagnosed with high blood cholesterol.It's also taken to prevent heart disease, including heart attacks and strokes.Your doctor may prescribe atorvastatin if you have a family history of heart disease, or a long-term health condition such as type 1 or type 2 diabetes or … © 2010 - 2020 Harvard University. What can we help you find? Can adopting a healthier diet help fight prostate cancer? Enter search terms and tap the Search button. But research continues to favour steroid injection.Other treatments include botulinum toxin (e.g. Atorvastatin (Lipitor) and … metoprolol) and other medications for high blood pressure, such as the ACE inhibitors perindopril and lisinopril.Hair loss, technically described as alopecia, has been reported as a rare side-effect of all statins [File photo]The mechanisms vary and it is a confusing picture because, for example, in some women hair loss is brought on by the menopause (the reduction in oestrogen leads to an increase in the ratio of other hormones, and hair follicles are sensitive to any flux in hormone levels). When a man reaches about age 25, his prostate begins to grow. Hair loss is a common side effect of many medications. Botox) injection, radiotherapy, cryosurgery (freezing) and low-level laser therapy, but none of these is highly recommended.Email to Dr Scurr at drmartin — include your contact detailsI would advise you to choose the steroid injection (if this is not available at your surgery, then referral to an orthopaedic clinic is the next option). Get health information and advice from the experts at Harvard Medical School.Diets that feature extra-virgin olive oil help prevent heart attacks, strokes, atrial fibrillation, and death from heart disease. We are no longer accepting comments on this article.Part of the Daily Mail, The Mail on Sunday & Metro Media GroupTreat yourself to offers on make-up and accessoriesHolland and Barrett - Holland and Barrett promotionsI was prescribed statins to lower my cholesterol but, after a couple of months, my hair is starting to thin. Whereas statins work by altering the amount of cholesterol produced in the liver, ezetimibe works by inhibiting how much cholesterol is absorbed through the intestine from food.You must bear in mind that your doctor has made the judgment that this will reduce your risk of coronary heart disease and of having a heart attack or stroke.I think there is good reason to think that you will achieve a significant reduction in your cholesterol level by taking ezetimibe — and without the side-effect of alopecia.Plantar fasciitis is a common cause of foot pain and is due to a combination of degeneration and inflammation at the point where the plantar fascia — a thick band of tissue on the underside of the foot — attaches to the heel bone and extends forwards in a layer that divides into five sections, one for each toe.The cause of the problem is unclear, though very often it is overuse while wearing inadequate and non-supportive footwear. This figure hasn't changed since 1987, when statins were introduced. All rights reserved. A. Hair loss, technically described as alopecia, has been reported as a rare side-effect of all statins.