Step #3 states: Toss tofu with corn starch and leftover rice from Monday with 1 tbs. Quick release and mix in the cooked rice and mix in. (marinate for atleast 15 minutes).In a skillet, heat oil over medium high heat. This is a staple of Thai cooking. but with so many mistakes it was still pretty good! Vegan Gluten-free Recipe. Yes i love this one with tofu, tempeh or whatever.I had been looking for a vegan Thai fried rice recipe for a while and tried several, this has been the best for sure.I just made it. cooking oil. the bok choy flavor was especially delicious. that might work for the flavor. Deep-fried tofu and broccoli sounds like an amazing addition to the dish. Loved it and have leftovers for lunches. I have made it so many times & it is better than any Thai restaurant.And we just did with regular basil…and was scrumptious!Just cooked this, I used to do the chicken version but since becoming vegan this is just as good.My son is allergic to both soy and coming, so we can’t do soy sauce or coconut aminos. If you make something from the blog, please do tag me Prep the tempeh and marinate. Cover and cook for 2 to 3 minutes or until the sauce thickens slightly. Add more soy sauce if needed and mix in. The rice and tofu shouldn't get mixed together until step #7, which is also when you apparently add the eggs back in but it forgets to mention that. Vegan Food Blog with Healthy and Flavorful Vegan RecipesVegan Thai Basil Fried Rice. I remember really liking it when I wasn’t vegan. I decided to add lemon, lemon zest, and fresh basil to the basmati rice and it turned out delicious. I did not combine the tofu and rice in step 3 - I just tossed both with oil separately. Vegan fish sauce adapted from Yum! Or some tamarind paste.Hi Richa – love your recipes. Serves 2If using Tempeh, steam the tempeh for 11 to 12 minutes. Not impressed with the bok choy but the rice was good. I think you will love this recipe as well! BUT Cant wait to try out your other recipes too.Can you think of something I can use instead of soy sauce to keep the Thai influence? Vegan Richa is monetized in part through the use of affiliate links. I hope today is better.Thank you Sue. This easy fried rice is a favorite to order from Thai places and also to make at home. ShefalikaYou can cook the garlic onion and veggies on saute for 2 minutes, then add the tempeh along with the marinade and manual for 1 minute. Thanks to the reviewer below who clarified not to add the rice to the stir fry until step 6 or 7. And, despite all that, the taste was great.... a little too peppery for the kiddos (they guzzled milk) but still a winner. I tried it and it turned out wonderfully (way above my expectations). Do you think salt & vinegar would work instead?you can do a different sauce fries rice. It was really easy and it tasted so good.hi! Serve hot! You'll also love how easy it is to make this bok choy side So, with rice stuck to the tofu, it never got to be a nice golden color. Join 1Million followers and friendsAll content on this blog is owned by Vegan Richa LLC. Some product links on some posts are affiliate links. Use up your veggies and add some tempeh, tofu or chickpeas for the protein and done.Garlic and chilies are cooked on high heat, then veggies, then basil and marinated tempeh. Taste and adjust salt and spice. Add tempeh or tofu to marinate. again Thai  Veggie Fried Rice with easy ingredients, marinated tempeh and basil. Add some wakame for a fish-y flavor. * Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet.Variation: You can brown the tempeh or tofu at Step 3 with the bell pepper. I'll just have to cook it the right way next time.This was so tasty! Finished with some basil leaves, this fried rice becomes fragrant and something super special. You can also possibly put some soaked uncooked rice with the tempeh, but the overall flavor and texture will be a bit different from fried rie kind of dish.Awesome! Add onions, zucchini, carrots and other veggies. Excited for leftovers. i have a peanut sauce fried rice recipe on the blog.Was looking for a vegan basil fried rice recipe and came across your blog. like peanut sauce ? I’m so happy that you like the recipe. Thanks for this GF + vegan recipe!Thai basil fried rice is available in some Thai restaurants. Vegan Glutenfree Nutfree Recipe. Cook until golden on the edges and proceed to the next step to add the sauce.Yeast-free Sweet Potato Vegan Gluten free Flatbread » Also, I wasn't told how to serve the bok choy, so my husband ended up chopping it up into strips and smacking it onto our rice/tofu mix. My first time cooking with tofu -- turned out quite nicely! The lemon made the rice pop with flavor and paired nicely with the fresh basil. Vegan Thai Basil fried rice with veggies, marinated Tempeh and thai basil. It is  full of flavor from the sauces and basil. Adjust the spices to your own tastes for a really great use for leftover