It may be effective because it helps relieve nausea, which often accompanies a migraine.This essential oil is distilled from the lavender flower or herb and is used medicinally to treat pain and boost mood. People with migraines may have lower levels of magnesium than those who don't have migraines, which is why it may be effective. We don't know exactly why B2 helps, but it could be because some people who are deficient in it are more prone to migraine. So your best bet may be to look for a “USP Verified” label. If you’re taking antibiotics, specifically This plant, which looks like a daisy, has a long history in treating -- you guessed it -- None of the studies showed that feverfew caused any serious side effects.If you want to try it, start at a low dose of about 50 milligrams a day. More than 60% of them had a 50% drop in the number of days they had a migraine.CoQ10 doesn’t have many major side effects, though you could get an You may have popped some melatonin to get a good night’s rest after a Some research shows that those with chronic migraines have very low levels of melatonin.Melatonin generally works well with your body, but it can cause daytime sleepiness. If you have migraines, you know these throbbing, pulsing That’s why some people with migraines like to go “all natural” to find relief.Remember, “all natural�� doesn’t necessarily mean safe. It is also formulated with a calcium carbonate to give you a 154 mg dose of calcium per serving. Also known as riboflavin, this vitamin and it's one of eight B vitamins that help convert food into fuel; it also helps metabolize fats and protein. How it helps prevent migraines is not known, but a small trial published in This mineral, which is found in the body and in many foods, especially high-fiber ones, works by activating enzymes in the body and is crucial to nerve transmission and other important functions. It's thought to reduce inflammation in blood vessels in the head, which is believed to be one of the features of migraine pain. The best evidence comes from a 1996 study in This hormone is naturally secreted by the pineal gland that signals the brain that it's time for sleep. You have to take it for at least 3 months to know whether it works for you.Too much magnesium from supplements can bring side effects including:Magnesium supplements can also interfere with some Better known as vitamin B2, this may make migraines less frequent and less severe for some people. Some patients find it easier to take one pill that combines three elements than three separate pills. Studies have shown, however, that in some people lavender oil can actually trigger migraines. Foods like liver, Some studies do show it may help prevent migraines.In one small study, people with migraines were given coenzyme Q10 each day. Nature’s Life is a pure and simple vitamin B2 supplement offering 250 mg of riboflavin per serving in a convenient tablet form. A small trial published in the Some supplements are sold in combination such as a Dolovent, which includes magnesium, vitamin B2, and coenzyme Q10. Now, many are active participants in their care and often tell me they want a natural approach.I explain that vitamins and supplements may decrease the number of attacks or reduce the side effects of prescription drugs, but they aren't cure-alls and can take time to become effective, as long as three months for some patients. The combination may also cost less than three supplements separately. We don't know exactly why B2 helps, but it could be because some people who are deficient in it are more prone to migraine. "National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health.WebMD does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. In a small study in the This nutrient is found in some foods and helps the body absorb calcium, which is needed to maintain strong bones. They thought the best way to deal with it was to grit their teeth and muscle through it. Many patients want a natural approach to treating migraine. Researchers are investigating a link between vitamin D deficiency and migraine; Otherwise it isn't yet clear how vitamin D helps in migraines.