If they did not receive their tattoo at a licensed facility, the 12-month rule still applies. Depending on the various factors that affect healing (e.g., age, treatment area, overall health), the process typically takes 6-8 weeks. 500K+ acr… Save this list of pet-friendly evacuation shelters and safety tips from Coumadin, Warfilone, Jantoven (warfarin) and Heparin, are prescription blood thinners- you should not donate since your blood will not clot normally. My fresh tattoo did come up, but once she confirmed that the tattoo shop I visited was regulated, she took me back and my donation went off without a hitch.Tattoos are a great form of self and artistic-expression and donating blood is a great way to give back to your community and help save lives. Keep reading to learn about the eligibility criteria, where to find a donation center, and more.Giving blood after recently getting a tattoo can be dangerous. In fact, blood donation centers will welcome you and your beautiful ink with open arms. A good rule of thumb is that you may not be able to give blood if your tattoo is less than a year old. This is not true. Hepatitis B, hepatitis C, and HIV can be spread through blood contaminated by a piercing.There’s a catch to this rule, too. Many people don’t know that you can still donate blood after you get a tattoo if the tattoo was applied by a state-regulated entity using sterile needles and ink that is not reused. A small piece on the outside of my right ankle that represents my relationship with my anxiety disorder, the love that I have for my late grandfather and a daily reminder to never quit. After getting inked, I went to a blood donation center to give for the first time. Please see our advice for giving blood with a heart condition. Lucky for me and my fellow tattoo enthusiasts, there is little keeping us from doing both.Schedule a blood donation appointment to help save lives by visiting Samantha Taylor, Operations and Training Specialist, American Red Cross500K+ people in Oregon have been forced to evacuate. Please follow our advice about giving blood after a tattoo or getting your body pierced. These standards can’t be guaranteed in states with unregulated tattoo shops.You often can’t donate blood for a full year after getting a piercing, too. A good rule of thumb is that you may not be able to give blood if your tattoo is less than a year old.This goes for piercings and all other non-medical injections on your body, too.Introducing ink, metal, or any other foreign material into your body affects your immune system and may expose you to harmful viruses. It’s difficult to work for an organization like the American Red Cross and not want to roll up your sleeves and help save lives. I checked in, filled out my Once in the room, my phlebotomist went through my health survey with me. Organizations like the Many blood banks and donation services, such as the Red Cross and The American Red Cross website also has pages to help you find blood drives, as well as provide you with the resources to Before you donate blood, follow these tips to prepare your body:Getting a tattoo or a piercing doesn’t make you ineligible to donate blood if you wait a year or follow the proper precautions to get a safe and sterile tattoo at a regulated facility.See your doctor if you think you have any other conditions that may make you ineligible to donate blood. They can answer any questions you may have and advise you on your next steps.© 2005-2020 Healthline Media a Red Ventures Company. However, based on conversations with previous artists, donating blood isn’t a topic that often comes up during appointments or consultations.A few hours later I left the tattoo shop with some fresh ink, it’s literally the bees knees, and a smile on my face.Fast forward five days and I made my way to my blood donation appointment.The appointment started just like any other. He showed me the design, prepped and placed the stencils, and then got started.I planned to ask Troy questions about tattoos and donating blood but became too distracted by the pain to chat.