Brain zaps are sometimes accompanied by mild pain and ache, tinnitus, dizziness and general discomfort. Low levels of GABA have been linked to many conditions, including anxiety, depression, seizures, and movement disorders.Research has found that low levels of GABA can trigger seizures. They include:At this time, the reasons why medication can cause brain and head zaps are unknown. It is now the 10/01 and it is at its worst ever yet there isn't much information online regarding the severity of it.I have to disagree with the hypothesis about brain zaps being symptomatic of withdrawal as I was prescribed Buspar for menopausal anxiety and do not take any other meds at all. Although these brain shocks are often described as harmless, they may in fact be minor seizures. I hope everyone who previously posted on here is doing well. Was on and needed Venafaxine. Have omega-3 and B vitamins. I started having brain zaps as I'm trying to fall asleep. Could it be that?I had electric shocks coming only off Clozaril, after being wrongly prescribed it for 14 years. All combinations and variations of symptoms that co-occur with brain zaps are common.Just because you have other symptoms with your brain zaps, doesn’t mean there is a different or more serious cause. But if the underlying factors that cause issues with anxiety aren’t addressed, it’s just a matter of time until the body is overly stressed and symptomatic again. Identifying and successfully addressing anxiety's underlying factors is the best way to overcome problematic anxiety.1. How Victorian Dyes Evolved Into Modern Psychiatric Medicines Now, reading it could be brain seizures caused from the Zoloft withdrawals, I’m thinking I may go to the ER.I'm relieved to find out I am not alone. When I go off of it by the third day I start getting what I can only describe as a very high electrical shock in my brain that will immobilize me. My doctor also did a full neuro exam on me, finding nothing obviously wrong, no weakness, no abnormal responses. I haven’t been experiencing as many brain zaps as I had been and also helps my anxiety.If the GABA theory is right, then yes! With strict editorial sourcing guidelines, we only link to academic research institutions, reputable media sites and, when research is available, medically peer-reviewed studies. Jim Folk experienced many of them during his 12 year struggle with anxiety disorder.When the body is under stress, it uses up its energy resources, including important nutrients, faster than normal. It's rather unpleasant. [1] Theorists speculated that brain and head zaps were caused by low levels of serotonin[2] and how the medications were trying to elevate them.There are problems with this theory, however. So we cut my dosage in half and I am skipping a day or every other day beginning next week. But we’ve also overcome it and returned to normal and lasting health. has it gotten better? GABA (Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid) is the brain’s primary inhibitory neurotransmitter responsible for calming the nervous system. [17] A hypnic jerk – myoclonus - is an involuntary twitch of one or more of the body’s muscles that occur as you are transitioning from a wakeful state to a sleeping state. I know exactly how you feel and what you mean. I was afraid to drive because the distraction it caused as well as not being able to control my own body for a good 5-789 seconds sometimes. I would awake immediately after feeling disoriented in time and space and then immediately drop into a very deep sleep almost like passing out. While some patients have reported experiencing brain zaps for years, Dr. Barnett says, “I would say [for] the vast majority of people, they typically resolve” within a month. But she didn't want me driving with strong zaps. It doesn't hurt. My doctor said she hasn't heard of this before, and has been prescribing venlafaxine for a long time. Offers may be subject to change without notice. Almost 14000 people helping one anotherI was able to slowly ween myself off SSRI's by taking choline supplements in the form of choline inositol for approx 4-6 weeks prior to slowly reducing the SSRI alongside the supplements. "Long-term antidepressant use: patient perspectives of benefits and adverse effects." I would experience a weird, detached mood crash in the evening and would self-medicate with alcohol, and so my doctor prescribed me gabapentin to take in the evening instead of alcohol. Or, they are side effects of medication or withdrawing from medication. Other common names for brain zaps include: brain shivers, electrical shocks, and brain shocks. When you eliminate the cause of the problem, the problem and its symptoms disappear. So, maybe if you're secretly having a GABA problem, something like this might help?In the past, while taking numerous medications, I sometimes would be awaken from my sleep due to a huge brain shock. Here's why a stage 4 breast cancer diagnosis can be so frightening. The short-lived buzz is usually mild and occurs without a known cause.