This small possible additional risk in women who take the Pill has to be balanced against the fact that the Pill is a very effective contraceptive and it helps prevent cancer of the womb or ovary. Changes in sex drive are common with women experiencing both an increase and decrease in sex drive. For some women who cannot take the combined pill, the mini pill is available which contains progesterone only. However when I do think about it, the pill and me gaining weight isn't an accurate correlation. If you have any concerns about taking this medicine, ask your doctor or pharmacist. There are currently 28 brands of pills in the UK, which can be divided in two types: the combined pill and the mini-pill (or progestogen-only pill). If you experience sharp pains in your chest, your chest feels heavy or you become short of breath, there is a chance you may have a blood clot in your coronary arteries that could potentially lead to a heart attack. You must seek medical attention if any of them occur, as they could be signs of life threatening complications. If you experience a migraine for the first time or get more severe migraines that especially affect your sight, you need to contact the doctor immediately. However, if you miss more than two withdrawal bleeds contact your doctor. It's a myth that your body needs a break, if you're happy and there are no health or medical issues there is no need to come off it and you can happily use it through to the menopause." The mini pills that we offer include Cerazette, Cerelle and Noriday. Pill and during the 10 years after stopping it (orange bars). brands include: Microgynon, Cilest, Brevinor.The biphasic 21 day pills which contains differing amounts of hormones throughout the cycle: Binovum and LogynonEvery day pills: There are 21 active pills and seven dummy pills in a pack. If you are overweight, medical guidance advises that the mini pill is safer for you as a BMI of 35 of over can cause an increased risk of stroke, blood clots and heart attacks.For this reason the combined pills are not suitable and the mini pill is the recommended contraceptive pill. Other side effects could include coughing up blood, pain in your legs, jaundice, rash, swollen arms or legs and numbness in limbs. We earn a commission for products purchased through some links in this article. "It's all about getting the hormone balance right, as some oestrogen dominant pills can cause nausea, dizziness, PMS, bloating, breast pain, weight gain and increased vaginal secretion. All of this information helps them to see which type of pill or other methods of contraception are likely to be suitable for you. This is normal and doesn’t necessarily mean that you are pregnant if you have taken the pill correctly. Rebecca Findlay from the Family Planning Association says: "It's up to you how long you stay on the pill for; some women are on it for 25 years, some women prefer to have a change once in a while. £1.99 Loestrin: A low-dose Pill for older pre-menopausal women. The pill can cause temporary side effects at first, such as headaches, nausea, breast tenderness and mood swings (if these don't go after a few months, you need to switch pills), and other possible side effects include: increased blood pressure, spotting in the first few months, it's been linked to blood clots and breast cancer, and it doesn't protect from STIs. What Brevinor-1 is used for Brevinor-1 is a birth control pill commonly known as a “Combined Certain pills are also said to help with some unwanted symptoms:Acne and facial hair growth: Combined pills such as Dianette containing co-cyprindiol, a combination of an oestrogen plus cyproterone, can help counter the over-production of testosterone.PMT, bloating, tender breasts: Dr Leonard recommends "an ultra-low dose oestrogen pill, such as Mercilon, but watch out for breakthrough bleeding. • Weight gain • Swollen hands, ankles or feet • Reduced sex drive • Thrush (fungal infection), including in the vagina • Feeling tired • Feeling weak or unwell Rare side effects (affects fewer than 1 in 1,000 patients) • Abnormal cells in the cervix (identified by a smear test) • Increased appetite • Difficulty losing weight You may need to read it again. Brevinor is a combined pill, meaning it contains both oestrogen and progesterone. Alternative methods of long-term contraception include the IUD or IUS (known as the coil), the implant , … "You can take combined pills in three different ways:The monophasic 21 pack contains the same hormone dose every day, before your seven day break.