For many people, their initial weight gain will hit a plateau and fortunately this weight is generally easily lost when the medication is discontinued.While not everyone may report weight gain on this medication, most people will gain some weight during treatment. A reduction in PRL levels always precedes any detectable change in tumor size, and PRL nonresponders are also tumor size nonresponders. It is frustrating to always want food and to always be tired on this medication. But it wasn't just fat I had gained. This includes things like: dosage you’re taking, your dietary intake, exercise habits, stress level, how long you’ve been on the drug, as well as whether you are taking other medications.Most people end up taking Remeron within the dose range of 15 mg to 45 mg on a daily basis. I was around 175lbs when I first started taking this in 2015. In one month I lost 19 pounds and it’s still coming off. This is why it is still recommended to take the It is also important to hold yourself accountable for any habits you’ve developed that may also be increasing your weight. I am also taking celexa and Ambien for sleep. You shouldn’t be sleeping THAT much (though it will make you sleep like the dead…. I suffer from chronic severe depression, anxiety and insomnia. Most studies indicate that you will be likely to gain weight on both short-term and long-term treatment with Remeron. This could cause weight gain and would explain why people gain weight on Remeron so quickly. As a result, I’ve ended up in the ER with extreme Panic attacks a few times.The ER simply gave me Valium and sent me home and asked why my doctors don’t prescribe Valium to prevent ER visits. Ridiculous!! I went on a strict diet and did high impact aerobics 7 days a week to lose weight.But it didn’t work…the weight wouldn’t shift. I’ve been on a medical trial using Ketamine. Remeron takes your sugar and turns it into fat. It is considered a highly effective antidepressant, and some have posited that Remeron is superior in efficacy compared to other antidepressants. It can increase dopamine, improve glucose tolerance, and it is commonly used to treat disorders arising from excessively high blood levels of the hormone prolactin.Prolactin is one of the few hormones that actively increases as we age. Approximately 40–50% of patients with macroadenomas will have at least a 50% reduction in tumor size, with about 25% of patients having a 25–50% reduction in tumor size, 10–15% having less than a 25% reduction, and 15–20% having no evidence of any reduction in tumor size. I am all belly fat and look puffy. It is easy to blame Remeron for your weight gain, but do you know whether the other drugs your taking could also cause weight gain? I am worried that I won’t lose the weight even when I have come off it, which seems to have happened to Ash. It also creates new fatty deposits generally around your mid section. At higher doses, norepinephrine levels tend to increase and counteract this effect – in some cases leading to no further weight gain.Some people will end up gaining 10 lbs. LOL.Bless your heart. Fast forward to now, I’ve gained 40+ pounds that I cannot get off no matter the diet or exercise.I’m so conflicted, I NEED sleep but I also can’t continue to gain weight.I totally understand. Mirtazapine fixed EVERYTHING. While it is known that a significant number of people gain weight as a result of appetite increase, there are other potential causal possibilities.If you are gaining weight on Remeron, it is important to realize that a variety of other individualized factors should be considered. That was due to eating more, and since eating was my goal (I had been too depressed to eat), that was fine then. Finally, if the drug isn’t working well and you are experiencing an array of unwanted side effects, it’s probably a sign that you should pursue other options.If you have experience taking Remeron or are currently taking it, feel free to share how much weight you gained. and I’m now pre-diabetic from the weight gain from the drug. so I weaned myself off THAT (which was much easier as I'd only been on it a few months). I am worried I will not lose the weight and am considering weaning off the drug even though it’s an amazing antidepressant. At times certain dose-dependent effects may be controlled by a lowering of the dosage. The a good half of it was water. !It makes it MUCH worse & also can destroy your health in other ways. I’m a stroke patient and they have to be careful what they put me on. Some patients may experience extremely rapid decreases in tumor size, with significant changes in visual fields being noted within 24–72 h and significant changes being noted on scan within 2 weeks. He prescribed me Remeron, and after I asked if there would be any weight gain he said no. The recommended initial dosage is 2.5 mg twice a day (at mealtimes) for a week. I think I have gained at least 30 – 45 pounds on it and I’ve been on it for almost 4 years at different dosages.I’m down to 7.5mg but some biochemists speculate that at a lower dosage, you gain more on Remeron. I shall not be liable or responsible for any loss or damage allegedly arising from any information or suggestions within this website. I cycle most – say 100 to 120 miles per week. It doesn’t feel healthy. I feel like my metabolism has stopped completely. I’m for sure going to try something like cymbalta because I’ve never been so heavy and am getting depressed because my body doesn’t look the way it used to.However, the medication is wonderful and it did help me gain weight quickly which I needed to when I was 16.