Available at: http://www.ginasthma.com. Valentine JF. Available from FDA website. Food and Drug Administration. Levine A, Weizman Z, Broide E et al for the Israeli Pediatric Gastroenterology Association Budesonide Study Group. Thomsen O, Cortot A, Jewel D et al. Evidence-based treatment algorithm for mild to moderate Crohn’s disease. 12. Lindquist B. Budesonide CIR capsules in children and adults with Crohn’s disease: a pharmacokinetic and tolerability study. Oral budesonide is as effective as oral prednisolone in active Crohn’s disease. Budesonide prolongs time to relapse in ileal and ileocaecal Crohn’s disease: a placebo controlled one year study. Levine A, Broide E, Stein M. Evaluation of oral budesonide for treatment of mild and moderate exacerbations of Crohn’s disease in children. A comparison of budesonide with prednisolone for active Crohn’s disease. McEvoy GK, ed. e. AHFS Drug Information. Lundin P, Edsbäcker S, Seidegàrd JE. Greenberg GR, Feagan BG, Martin F et al. Lofberg R, Rutgeerts P, Malchow H et al. Treatment of Crohn’s disease with budesonide: this rose still has thorns! A comparison of budesonide and mesalamine for active Crohn’s disease. Budesonide systemic 3 mg (MYLAN 7155 MYLAN 7155) 7. Bar-Meir S, Chowers Y, Lavy A et al, for the Israeli Budesonide Study Group. Busse WW, Bateman ED, Caplan AL et al. 19. Tremaine WJ, Hanauer SB, Katz et al. Szefler SJ. 02-3659. Ferguson A, Campieri M, Doe W et al et al. Lundin P, Edsbäcker S, Larsson P. Targeted delivery of oral budesonide (Entecort33. Once-daily budesonide via Turbuhaler improves symptoms in adults with persistent asthma. Available from FDA website. Budesonide versus prednisone in the treatment of active Crohn’s disease. Greenberg GR, Feagan BG, Martin F et al et al. Budesonide 100 microgram per 1 dose; 200: dose (POM) £14.25 Part VIIIA Category C: £14.25 Budesonide and mesalazine in active Crohn’s disease: a comparison of the effects on quality of life. Budesonide CIR capsules (once or twice daily divided-dose) in active Crohn’s disease: a randomized placebo-controlled study in the United States. 31. Take a missed dose as soon as you think about it. 35. 43. Synthetic, non-halogenated corticosteroid; potent glucocorticoid and weak mineralocorticoid activity.1 2 6 31 j 11. Initial therapy for mild to moderate Crohn’s disease: mesalamine or budesonide? Approved risk evaluation and mitigation strategies (REMS). Budesonide for inflammatory bowel disease. Budesonide (Entocort) capsules show a limited drug-drug interaction potential. Thomsen O, Cortot A, Jewell D et al. Modified-release budesonide versus mesalazine in active Crohn’s disease: are there benefits in continuing treatment after 8 weeks? Initially 0.25–1 mg twice daily, adjusted according to response, doses higher than recommended max. 5. AstraZeneca, Wilmington, DE: Personal communication.29. Rockville, MD; 2010 Feb 18. Oral budesonide as maintenance therapy in Crohn’s disease--results of a 12-month study. Combined analysis of asthma safety trials of long-acting β48. Feagan BG, Sandborn WJ. We comply with the HONcode standard for trustworthy health information - The effectiveness of budesonide therapy for Crohn’s disease. Budesonide for maintenance of remission in patients with Crohn’s disease in medically induced remission: a predetermined pooled analysis of four randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled rials. http://www.fda.gov/Drugs/DrugSafety/PostmarketDrugSafetyInformationforPatientsandProviders/ucm200776.htm46. 8. Topical steroid treatment for asthma and rhinitis. 18. Rutgeerts P, Löfberg R, Malchow H et al. Oral budesonide for active Crohn’s disease.