try this at night and positioned on a pair of pants. Take the container with you, even if it is empty.This medicine is for you. Do not be alarmed by the following list of side effects as they are generally mild signs of an allergic reaction and you may not experience any of them.Virtual Medical Centre is Australia’s leading source for trustworthy medical information written by health professionals based on Australian guidelines. Your pants would be somewhat messy in the morning. Uncommon side effects (affect between 1 in 100 and 1 in 1000 people) Excess … If you have problems with vaginal dryness you may notice some undissolved pieces of pessary the following morning. However, the symptoms may persist for these 3 to 4 days.Internal cream should be inserted in evening at bedtime, preferably after a bath/shower. Canesten Clotrimazole Thrush Treatment 1 Day Pessary: The 500mg single dose Canesten pessary provides therapy for 3 to 4 days as it creates high intravaginal concentrations of clotrimazole. You can opt out at any time or find out more by reading our Rash (don't take Canesten oral capsule again if you get a rash after taking it). Patient does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.Registered number: 10004395 Registered office: Fulford Grange, Micklefield Lane, Rawdon, Leeds, LS19 6BA. Been there and completed that some situations. The correct method of insertion is as follows:This is a once daily treatment for six consecutive days. There is a separate medicine leaflet called To make sure this is the right treatment for you, before you start using clotrimazole for thrush make sure your doctor or pharmacist knows:Clotrimazole is unlikely to cause any serious side-effects. All rights reserved. Clotrimazole can damage the latex in condoms and diaphragms so do not rely on these forms of contraception. Active ingredient. Canesten 500mg Pessary. The correct method of insertion is as follows:Consists of six 100mg pessaries. You should lie on your back and insert one applicatorful (approximately 5g) of the cream as deeply as possible into the vagina at bedtime. So in I went, and after 4 hours and a horrible test, the doctor told me I had thrush and prescribed Canesten, the pessary form. Use the stick and push it so a techniques because it is going to circulate, (bit like putting a tampax) eliminate stick. Hi guys I've got thrush and I got the canesten pessary and cream today. A 20 g tube of cream provides three applications.The entire tube of Canesten cream (approximately 5g) should fill the disposable applicator provided. A 35 g tube of cream should be sufficient for 6 applications.This is a once daily treatment for 3 days. Please be aware that we do not give advice on your individual medical condition, if you want advice please see your treating physician. I can feel it down there, but when I checked this morning, there were some undissolved bits that fell away in to the toilet. Patient is a UK registered trade mark.By using this site you agree to our use of cookies. Clotrimazole is available on prescription and you can also buy it at a pharmacy, without a prescription, if you have previously been diagnosed by your doctor as having vaginal thrush.A lower strength of clotrimazole cream is used to treat other fungal skin infections. Ask your doctor or pharmacist if you notice any of the following symptoms. You should lie on your back and insert one applicatorful (approximately 5g) of the cream as deeply as possible into the vagina at bedtime. Each product has its own directions for use as follows:Apply sparingly to the affected areas and rub in gently, two or three times daily.Pessaries should be inserted in evening at bedtime, preferably after a bath/shower. Tell your doctor if you experience discomfort while you are using this treatment.All medicines can have side effects. Back to top. POM: Prescription only medicine. Never give it to other people even if their condition appears to be the same as yours.Do not keep out-of-date or unwanted medicines. 02150840 canesten comfortab 3 (200 mg vaginal tablet) 02150859 canesten comfortab 1 (500 mg vaginal tablet) 02150883 canesten cream 1