Just as to retain the hair pigment, mix some castor oil 5 mL to your hair conditioner and apply evenly.If you want a glossy hair look, then the omega 6 fatty acid ricinoleic acid, proteins, vitamin E and the minerals in the castor oil will do the trick. Fine to medium straight hair: Castor oil can be used as a deep treatment to protect the very ends of your hair fiber, the last 2-3 inches of hair. However, there is no scientific backing to these claims. Here are some factors to consider beforeYou should have info on your hair porosity, texture etc. How this works is based on the benefits that you’ve already seen above. However, it has been used as a Ricinoleic acid is basically responsible for the majority of positive features of this oil. For maximum benefit,  leave the treatment on for several hours or overnight. You will have provided an alternative to cutting them.For men with receding hairline, castor oil is one of the readily available treatment option you’ve probably not tried. 100% organic castor oil is safe for your hair and skin.Basing on the tips and ideas highlighted above, some of the best castor oil brands for hair growth , thickness and eyebrows/eyelash growth include;You could perform various preparation depending on your objective. Ho many time you should use this oil may depend on your personal preferences. According to the vlogger, castor oil made her hair grow. As mentioned earlier, some experts consider it perfect for the winter season. Listed below are a few hair masks using castor oil. After applying, use a shower cap or towel to avoid getting the oil on furniture or a pillow. In combination with castor oil, it can promote hair growth. To some extent though. The hair follicle is made of dead cells just like the nails. It is mostly utilized for its positive effect on hair growth but can also be used in cases of hair loss due to its high potency of;The fatty acids which compose up to 90% of the chemical composition of the oils, is In addition to the anti-inflammatory properties, ricinoleic acid also has anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties which is essential for the treatment of fungal and bacterial infections that may cause scalp conditions and hair malnourishment.Castor oil may be either yellow or black both of which are heavier oils making it perfect for the winter season. Ricinoleic acid, in addition to the two benefits, also promotes proper circulation of blood to the hair follicles and basal membrane.This hastens the rate of growth of hair making your hair longer and thicker in the long-run. The numbers in the parentheses (1,2 and 3) represent the scientific references so that you can study the topic in brief.Learn the benefits of using neem and castor oil for hair growth and say goodbye to split ends and damaged hair with our hair...Learn the benefits of using sesame oil and castor oil for hair growth. The darkening ability of castor oil on hair is linked to its ability to retain moisture. This is due to the fact that once the follicle is out in the hair growth cycle, nothing can be done to boost its thickness unless another were to grow from the anagen phase. To get the darker hair color, apply castor oil in amounts the size of a pea and mix it with your regular hair conditioner then apply to your hair.You might have known that if your hair is dry, to avoid damaging the hair, get a chemical that acts as a humectant. Wondering if you...Looking for ways to make your lashes long and strong? It would therefore be uncomfortable to wear it all day in your hair. Even though she was very nifty when it comes to various uses of oregano oil and lemons, As she complained about having problems like dandruff-prone scalp and particularly dry ends, I definitely recommended her trying out some of the things I incorporated into my hair care routine and let me know how it turned out for her.So several days ago she texted me some of her insights and I was delighted because of two things:Firstly, she has noticed general improvement in her hair quality (and quantity).Secondly, she actually continued reading my blog so she tried out some other tips I shared here and happily shared her feedback with me.As her hair type is somewhat different than mine in terms of color, texture, and length, I thought I might share her thoughts with you in hope that maybe some of you will also find this helpful.She trims her hair 4-6 times a year as her ends tend to look particularly untidy if she lets them go too long without a trim. Do...Just got the lash lift and unsure how to maintain it? We met entirely out of the context of my blog but somehow got up to talking about hair care and shared some interesting insights. Loss of hair due to extreme dryness, When used with the right counterpart oil to make a mixture such as with lavender oil, it performs really good aromatherapy which has beneficial effects on hair.