Bhringaraj oil should be used with caution if taking diuretics ("water pills") such as Lasix (furosemide) as this can lead to excessive urination and a drop in blood pressure (hypotension). Inflammation: Cinnamon basil is prized for its anti-inflammatory properties, which is one of the benefits that make it a valuable traditional medicine. This copyrighted material is provided by Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database Consumer Version. Cinnamon basil is beautiful and aromatic with its red stem, bright green leaves and purple flowers. Its partially dried fruit is used to make medicine. Next, fill the tray with water and place it in your freezer. Multiple research studies have proven that the nutrition facts, essential vitamins, and health benefits of parsley make it one of the healthiest ingredients on earth. Apigenin, a flavone pigment that showed the ability to stop tumor growth and slow the growth rate of cancerous cells.In a 2012 study at the University of Missouri: Apigenin injected in mice with cancerous tumors had their rate of breast cancer cell growth reduced and the size of the tumors had shrunk.In a 2013 vitro (test-tube) study: On the effect of apigenin on the proliferation and apoptosis of human lung cancer cells, found that in less than 1 week it was able to kill over 80% of lung cancer cells.Additionally, chemotherapy and radiation treatments destroy your immune system, decreasing your overall health and strength levels.Parsley can be a very powerful tool for patients going through chemo as it’s a potent immunity booster. There was a figure called Archemorus, which according to Greek legend was a fallen hero because it’s said that he was eaten by serpents and left his spilled blood on the floor.After Archemorus died and his blood was spilled, a parsley plant started to spring up from his spilled blood. 7/13/2019 7:24:56 PM. (check all that apply)Where did you or where do you plan to purchase this product?What factors are most important to you? Visit our sister site PepperScale. Making it difficult to carry adequate oxygen to your cells and tissues, in some cases this makes you feel tired and weak.In a study involving various animals fed ethanol extract from Petroselinium crispum (parsley) between 10 to 1000 mg/kg of body weight per day for several weeks.The groups consuming on the higher end of that scale of ethanol extract found a reduced blood cell count of 3.2% and an increased white blood cell count of 14.2%. For example, it was one of the main herbs used in Ayurveda. If you need help you can always contact us. If you are not a fan of alcoholic beverages, cinnamon basil makes a great tea. Add one of these cubes to foods whenever you need the cinnamon basil flavor. Apigenin is found in fruits, grains, vegetables, and non-herbal teas.Other foods that contain Apigenin flavonoids are: onions, oranges, grapefruits, celery, One of the major health benefits of parsley is its ability to be a natural and effective diuretic. Photo by David Werst-Advertisement-One of my favorite basils is cinnamon basil. Always consult your doctor and/or medical professional before making dietary changes, as well as taking any herbs or supplements as these changes may cause future health issues.Tired blood, also known as Anemia is a condition in which affected people have a reduced health red blood cell count. The Ancient Romans used the herb as a digestive aid.After first making its way to Europe from India, cinnamon basil would reach Mexico via the Spaniards. Warmest regards, MyDietGoal TeamBe the first to hear about new Articles, Catalog Items, and Exclusive Offers! This material is provided for educational purposes only and is not intended for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Parsley’s health benefit of flushing out excess fluid from your body allows for fast weight loss results.Additionally, it’s excellent for cleansing the kidneys and liver, provides vital omega-6 fatty acids, and only contains 5.4 calories per tablespoon (15 grams) of fresh parsley.Parsley’s most potent flavonoid is apigenin, in addition to its anti-cancerous function it also has potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.Additionally, oxidative stress is one of the primary causes of ageing, inflammation, oxidation, gastric injury, cell DNA damage, and age-related development of cancer.In a study involving rats placed under severe stress, the controlled group that had parsley fed orally had significantly lower levels of stress-induced gastric injury and supported the health of the antioxidant defense system in the gut.Mediterranean regions have used parsley’s excellent nutrition and vitamin content for years to ease and relieve:Replacing lost vitamins and minerals after recovering from sicknessMany studies have proven that the flavonoids, flavones, flavanols found in parsley, such as myricetin, are shown to lower blood sugar levels.The list of flavonoids (or flavones) found in parsley:For instance, Myricetin decreases insulin resistance and helps decrease total blood sugar levels.