Puffy eyes as well. So I'm currently taking 100mg clomid, 40mg nolvadex, 4ui hgh per day.The problem I have is that the vision in my left eye has gone blurry. I never used AIs, but I think stacking an AI would be too many drugs though. Clomid? The Special Rapporteur on the Independence of Judges and Lawyers has stated that a “complex fabric of rights related to access to justice” are contained in the major international human rights instruments:The legal complexity and richness of the concept of access to justice lies in the fact that it is both a right in itself and the means of restoring the exercise of rights that have been disregarded or violated. Kkkyle; Offline; Expert Boarder Its never enough! blurry vison is typical clomid side,,,,not harmful,,,may be dose related,,,will subside after treatment. Nolva and Clomid eye damage? It took two or three months for the tracers to go... Blurriness was reduced by the first month of being off of it.Absolutely right about clomid, hadn't heard that with Nolva...reduce clomid to 50mg and run pct for 5 weeksI wasn't aware of nolvadex causing vision problems this is the first time I've heard of this also. I'm going to look into it.Clomid is notorious for vision issues. I have a couple questions regarding this … Most side effects have been mild and transient and disappear promptly after treatment has stopped.-Postmarketing reports: Hypospadias, cloacal exstrophy-Postmarketing reports: Eye malformed, lens malformed/cataract-Postmarketing reports: Septal heart defect, muscular ventricular septal defect, patent ductus arteriosus, tetralogy of Fallot, coarctation of aorta-Postmarketing reports: Neuroectodermal tumor, thyroid tumor, hepatoblastoma, lymphocytic -Postmarketing reports: Neural tube defect, anencephaly, meningomyelocele), microcephaly, hydrocephalus-Postmarketing reports: Cleft lip/palate, imperforate anus, tracheoesophageal fistula, diaphragmatic hernia, omphalocele-Postmarketing reports: Abnormal bone development, skeletal malformations of skull/face/nasal passages/jaw/hand limb/foot/spine/joints-Postmarketing reports: Down's syndrome, ear abnormal, deafness-Postmarketing reports: Renal agenesis, renal dysgenesis1. It must be defined in terms of ensuring that legal and judicial outcomes are just and equitable.”Justice and equity are intrinsically linked and shaped by human rights. Blurred vision decreased or double vision or other vision problems seeing flashes of light sensitivity of eyes to light yellow eyes or skin Not only is Nolvadex the superior compound on a mg for mg basis when it comes to hormonal restoration during PCT, but it does not carry this serious Clomid side effect of optic neuropathy that can also result in permanent vision damage. Hydrolysate or Concentrate. Some people say its worse than clomid because with Clomid the eye problems dimish where Nolva causes permanent irreversable eye damage. Article 2(2) of the ICCPR, requires that State parties take the necessary steps to give effect to rights by legislating and building a system of laws and remedies that develops all human rights. Clomid tends to hold very little in the way of side effects for males, but there are a few notable Clomid side effects that will manifest themselves in the majority of users that every individual must be aware of. In some cases, they may even be obliged to do so.In essence, the effective application of Article 14 is that representation and access to legal services is necessary for equal AtoJ in both civil and criminal matters. Even worse, the use of Clomid has been linked to even more severe vision problems in certain patients such as mydriasis, flashing lights, central scotoma, photophobia, diplopia, allergic reactions, retinal vasospasms, detachment posterior vitreous, and can increase the risk of cataract development in the eyes … For these equality rights to be effective, individuals must be given the ability to obtain legal assistance when required and thus effective access to the courts and the legal process.”The ICCPR adds much to a rights-based AtoJ framework. The floater in my right eye hasn't gotten any better of worse, but I still notice it a couple times every day. Teva Pharmaceuticals USA, North Wales, PA. At your current dosage and duration of use I do not believe you have to worry that using clomid will cause you to have permanent eye floaters. It's actually worse with nolvadex.I had tracers, light-sensitivity, and blurriness. 2. Available for Android and iOS devices.We comply with the HONcode standard for trustworthy health information - The typical starting dose for a man is 25mg of Clomid, or half of a pill, each day. So I'm currently taking 100mg clomid, 40mg nolvadex, 4ui hgh per day. I realise this has been a already discussed and studies have been done to say Nolvadex can cause eye problems and even more serious permanent eye damage (Retina etc). The majority of This is perhaps the most commonly reported and very prominent Clomid side effect among males utilizing the compound, and is a side effect largely unseen in its brother compound Nolvadex, which is another reason why it is increasingly suggested that anabolic steroid users switch to Nolvadex for the purpose of hormonal restoration.