Been CH free for almost two years. I've broke my back twice and have had 15 operations for that alone. My mother has them and my oldest son was diagnosed at the age of 9. Booze does not help either. Yes my teeth, jaw and eye are in severe pain along with the someone is stabbing you in side of your head behind the eye pain. But once the pain is relieved, these behaviors subside. I know the pain is unbearable. I wish you all well. My cycle is different than some. But some can be a sign of something serious, such as problems with the blood vessels that feed your brain. The postdrome usually lasts up to 24 hours.Many things can trigger a migraine headache. This usually happens daily for up to 16 weeks at a time, and then the cluster headaches may vanish for months or even years.The pain of a cluster headache is usually a sharp stabbing pain located behind one eye extending to the temple. Some of the most common triggers include:Medications like Sumatriptan (brand name Imitrex) are the go-to medications for a migraine in progress. An “aura” refers to sensations a person experiences before they get a migraine. I've never had a migraine, but my mother had them for many years and she really suffered. Just bloody expensive. Symptoms of a prodrome typically include:The aura of a migraine is probably as well-known as a migraine itself. Headaches occur several times a day with the pain peaking within 45 minutes of onset. Sex headaches are brought on by sexual activity — especially an orgasm. For less severe migraines, over-the-counter NSAIDs, such as Triptan drugs can provide relief for both migraine sufferers and those suffering from cluster headaches. Suggest me if you know something better....thanksI take topiramate for my clusters which is primarily for epilepsy and I have been cluster free now for 2 years. Unlike a migraine, cluster headaches can also cause irrational behaviors such as banging your head against a wall to relieve pain. There are also medications to prevent migraine headaches like beta blockers or anti-seizure medications. Stay hydrated.My fiance also suffers from cluster headaches believed to have come from epilepsy,but oxygen DOES NOT work for him.He's been on hundreds of medications that didn't work,and the only thing that works for him is methadone from his pain doctor.Edit or create new comparisons in your area of expertise. Good luck to all. These drugs are frequently given in the form of injections or nasal sprays. Not even a twinge. The term cluster headache comes from the fact that these attacks occur in groups, or clusters. For almost a week after I started I had a single medium CH each morning when I woke up, after that I stopped having them completely. It's terrible and the pain just kill me. In fact, This is the early warning sign that a migraine is coming but frequently goes unnoticed by most migraineurs. Maybe it has something to with the effect on my dopamine levels. The prodrome can occur hours or days before a migraine. I mean how the heck do you survive that??? Additional perspective by Kraig Kinchen, MD But the National Headache Institute can help. Man that must be the ultimate in totally medieval gruesome pain. Many people experience a runny nose or watery eye on the same side as a headache. For me the first time the pain was so incredibly intense I thought for sure, knew for sure, I was dying from a brain tumor or something and called 911. During a cluster cycle, brief, excruciatingly severe headache attacks recur between 1-8 times per day.