When I mentioned them to my consultant, she said the side effects of the Letrozole should have gone by now, so I can only suppose that my current problems are due to going "cold turkey" off HRT.Good luck with your treatment, if you find any breakthroughs regarding the fushes, let us all know.I've only just found my way to this website forum and found your thread. Look carefully at the leaflet in your packet of patches which should set out the increased risks of breast cancer under 5 years and over 5 years use (there is variation between types and dose). I had an oestrogen receptive cancer which was apparently the size of a marrowfat pea. Asked if I could have some more so I could wean myself off them, and she said no you don't need to do that just stop them, but I don't think that's right! I am 4 inches shorter than she was before she got it, so i was scared of getting it so much thats why i stayed on HRT for so long. Search for your nearest store in the UK by inserting your post code below Yet there are risks associated with taking HRT, which have been reported in research trials over the past 15 years. The risks were widely publicized after the Women's Health Initiative (WHI) study results were published in 2002. I managed for a few years with whatever residual oestrogen was in my body, then after behaving erratically I was put on the first of what was to be I think four different HRTs.I'm taking Clonidine at the moment, slight reduction in "hotties" but this is accompanied by chills after. The type of HRT, the length you've been taking it, and how severe your symptoms were before you took your HRT are all factors to consider. I felt sick; headache and flushes etc but taking at night means I don't suffer these anymore. I think the good outways the badI think a lot depends on your age, state of health and medical history.If you had a late menopause and never had children, you are already a high risk for breast cancer because you have had so many extra years of exposure to oestrogen.With regard to hot flushes, there are numerous products in the health shop which are more effective than HRT at stopping hot flushes, eg black cohosh. Today, I'm looking at the best way to come of HRT safely and ways to keep your symptoms under check while doing so.We are getting a lot of queries from women who have been taken off To get a better understanding as to why this is happening we need to look at what exactly HRT does.Many women are under the impression that HRT will stop the menopause in its tracks and that they will emerge on the other side symptom-free and feeling wonderful. Ideally, you will have the opportunity to put this program of support in place before you begin to wean off HRT. Her doctor said if after so many years of taking HRT she'd had none of the negative issues surrounding HRT occur it was fine for her to continues. That shut them up because anti depressants are a lot more expensive than Tiboloe which they told me cost £80/six months.In a nutshell, try the health shop products for the sweats and try getting Tibolone for the brain - no breast cancer risk whatsoever but no oestrogenic effect to keep the body younger either.As an addenda, bear in mind that some forms of HRT are extremely cruel and are made from the urine of pregnant mares who are horribly abused to get it - so steer clear of those.years, and the doc has told me I have to come off it. The number to call is 0808 800 6000 and lines are open Monday to Friday 9 to 5pm and Saturday 10 to 2pm.I'm a newbie, and since being diagnosed December 4th 2014, I have not shed a tear until today.I had my WLE and SNB 21st January 2015. I am now 77. I am hoping the flushes etc will just be temporary and will improve with time for me, you too i hope,.juneI don't have any lymph node involvement so in that respect I think I could ask about stopping the Letrozole for a while.