Whether you need to lose 2 lbs or 400 lbs, you are welcome here!Press J to jump to the feed. “I thought to myself, ‘You’ve tried everything else. In I didn’t want to go out to dinner because I didn’t want to be judged when I ate. She tried several weight-loss medications, but stopped because of the side effects.With little luck managing her weight, Janine’s social life and feelings of self-worth began to suffer. I have no idea what my mindset was, but I knew that I was enjoying the feeling of control I had, and not feeling miserable after every meal.Two and a half years later, I had lost 197 pounds, just over half of my body weight. The effect of CONTRAVE on cardiovascular morbidity and mortality has not been established. I wanted to see my grandchildren. As with any antidepressant, however, YMMV.Game changer indeed. Weight loss is influenced by various factors, including diet and exercise. For additional safety information please see As a registered nurse who also teaches nursing psychology at a local college, Jeffery understood that his eating habits went beyond willpower. Enter your info below and a representative will connect with you soon.Learn more about how CONTRAVE can reduce hunger and help control cravings.Indication and Important Safety Information, including Boxed WarningCONTRAVE is a prescription weight-loss medicine that may help some adults with a body mass index (BMI) of 30 kg/m2 or greater (obese), or adults with a BMI of 27 kg/m2 or greater (overweight) with at least one weight-related medical problem such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, or type 2 diabetes, lose weight and keep the weight off.CONTRAVE is not approved to treat depression or other mental illnesses, or to help people quit smoking (smoking cessation).You are encouraged to report negative side effects of prescription drugs to the FDA. I became obese about 10-11 years old. The major benefit I noticed right away was that it greatly reduced my obsessive thoughts. These well-known drugs have been prescribed separately for many years. Please call us directly at 800-905-5576 to sign up. Weight loss is influenced by various factors, including diet and exercise. It was not prescribed as a weight loss medication, but as an addiction treatment. But his struggle with his weight almost brought that lifestyle to an end.One day when he was in his 40s, he went for his yearly physical before venturing out into the woods. It was normal in our household.” Lorelei tried different diets, personal trainers, over the counter weight-loss treatments, programs, and even hypnosis, yet nothing was sustainable. Results not typical. I had seen my worst fear realized.So, for the last three years, I've been trying different things on and off. Well that shower seemed to make everything worse because I threw up everything I had eaten in the afternoon. Contrave is being slated as a chronic diet pill; if you take it and lose weight you will have to continue to take it in order to maintain lost weight. “Before, I would do pretty well throughout the day, but when I wasn’t quite as busy or came home, I could not stop eating. Now when I look in the mirror I see confidence, I see strength, I see this beautiful imperfection.”“Now I get up and appreciate every day, not worrying about what’s wrong with me. “I still wear my J.J. Watt jersey when I’m at home watching the Houston Texans games, but it’s not as good as in-person. For the first time in a long time, I am excited about the future.I'm approaching 40, and at 424, I couldn't rely upon my own will power anymore.