Germination will usually take two to three weeks. With deep purple, sometimes mottled leaves, it is grown as much for its decorative appeal as for its culinary value. Only plants will be removed from the collection. warming effect, with a mild sedative action.” It is used to calm muscle spasms. Fertilizing your dark opal basil regularly can help to ensure healthy growth. specimen. Although this variety might be a little slower to grow than other basil plants, it's dark leaves, intense sweet-spicy flavor and pretty pinkish flowers, which appear mid to late summer, make it worth the effort. This is another type of purple basil that is cultivated both for its culinary uses, and its ornamental impact within the garden. Basil is said to calm the digestive tract, among other This allows for healthier regrowth and better harvest yield. Dark Opal basil info says this plant is “described as having a Red leaves and purple flowers make attractive garnishes and cut flowers. “Water in” the basil by thoroughly saturating the soil. Dark opal basil was a 1962 winner of the All-American Selection award. The purple basil plant flourished. It can grow 18 inches tall. Ocimum basilicum ‘Purpurascens’ The granddaddy of purple-leaved garden basils may well be Ocimum basilicum ‘Purpurascens’, first identified in the 1830s by George Bentham, a British botanist. Mostly purple plants, with 10% variegated or all green for a great color combo. Amend the soil with 1 to 2 inches of manure and 4 to 6 inches of compost, working them into the top 6 to 8 inches of soil.Transfer the dark opal basil plant to this soil 6 weeks after planting it in the pot, during the spring when soil is warm. Make sure Place the seed in the indentation and cover it with loose soil. Either way, read on for more details on growing Dark Opal basil and a few of its many uses. There are scores of basil varieties, many are a traditional green color, but some are an eye-catching purple. Dark opal basil prefers light, rich, well-drained soil with a pH range of 5.5 to 6.5. As this plant grows Maybe you’re already familiar with this herb, or perhaps you Dark opal basil was a 1962 winner of the All-American Selection award. Prune or pinch top leaves first to Without this, it'll be unlikely to thrive. During the hotter summer months, make sure that the soil is kept moist. Noted for its striking foliage and delicate licorice scent, Ocimum basilicum 'Dark Opal' (Sweet Basil) is an annual or biennial herb with stunning deep purple almost black leaves. Flower Color: Pink. This annual basil plant produces extremely fragrant dark purple leaves. It's best to do this in the morning to prevent overly wet conditions through the night. BAKER CREEK HEIRLOOM SEEDS AMERICA'S TOP SOURCE FOR PURE HEIRLOOM SEEDS We apologize, but until further notice, the Village, Seed store, Restaurants and phones will be closed. Dark opal basil thrives in United States Department of Agriculture hardiness zones 2 to 10, where it reaches heights up to 24 inches and widths up to 12 inches.Plant seeds in a small pot, making a 1/4-inch indentation in the soil with your thumb. •Edible Flowers: Use the flowers in any recipe that calls for basil, or to garnish drinks, salads, soups, pasta, and desserts. Sweet basil, including "Purple Ruffles" and "Dark Opal Purple" varieties, is a warm-weather plant that will not do well in daytime temperatures below 70 degrees and nighttime temperatures below 50. It can be used as a garnish or to make flavored vinegars. Direct Seed: 1/8" Deep. The University of Connecticut originally bred dark opal basil, a type of sweet basil (Ocimum basilicum), in the 1950s.