Anesthesia is mandatory for coelioscopy.Venipuncture is generally a blind technique in reptiles. For oral rehydration, mammalian electrolyte solutions can be used but are best diluted by a further 10%–15% to produce a slightly hypotonic solution. For prolonged internal durability, polydioxanone or nylon are preferred. Consequently, CT has become the imaging modality of choice for many diseases. If the purpose of the examination is simply to exclude radiodense foreign bodies or eggs, the snake may be allowed to coil in its natural position. Esophagostomy tube, tortoise As a general guide, maintenance requirements are about 5–15 mL/kg/day, and rehydration should proceed at twice maintenance at 30–40 mL/kg/day, although in critical cases needing volume expansion, rates of 3–5 mL/kg/hr can be used for several hours. Tables (4) Only a basic discussion follows here, and consulting other sources on reptile anatomy, physiology, husbandry, anesthesia, and surgery, as well as domestic animal surgery literature, is essential before performing surgery on any reptile.For truly giant species, such as giant tortoises, the use of stronger, large animal instruments is recommended. Given the variability in size, a variety of probes are required. A plastic restraint tube can be used for physical restraint; however, this may produce some radiographic artifact. The index finger is placed on top of the head. Environmental Diseases and Traumatic Injuries of ReptilesWhich of the following best indicates respiratory distress in a blue-headed parrot ( Significant amounts of water may also be absorbed via the cloaca when chelonians (and possibly other species) bathe. Tibial intraosseous fluid administration, lizard The integument should be examined for parasites (particularly ticks and maggots), dysecdysis, trauma, and infection that may arise due to predator attacks. Certain drugs can be applied topically, given per cloaca, by inhalation (nebulization), or by direct intralesional administration. Fentanyl is also used as a recreational drug, often mixed with heroin or cocaine. Continued monitoring is essential until righting reflexes return and the animal is ambulatory. Good contact and imaging generally requires copious quantities of gel or a water bath. Last full review/revision Jun 2020 | Content last modified Jun 2020 Prolapses may include cloacal tissue, shell gland, colon, bladder, or phallus. © 2020 Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp., a subsidiary of Merck & Co., Inc., Kenilworth, NJ, USA) These instruments are not miniaturized versions of standard instruments but rather balanced instruments with fine, small tips. Blood collection, chelonian Hypoventilation caused by significant collapse of the lungs due to significant pneumothorax can reduce the expired CO 2 and oxygen saturation of the blood (spO 2). The internal extent of any rostral abrasions should be evaluated. This value increases depending on activity and metabolism. Large lizards are best restrained with the forelimbs held laterally against their coelom and the hindlimbs held laterally against the tail base. An IM combination of Squamates can also be induced by inhalation agents in an induction chamber/bag, or by mask. Commercially available In the mid-1990s, Janssen Pharmaceutica developed and introduced into clinical trials the Duragesic patch, which is a formation of an inert alcohol gel infused with select fentanyl doses, which are worn to provide constant administration of the opioid over a period of 48 to 72 hours.